I am not real sure I have the leg pads in the right place. Im so happy to hear about babies that were helped by Fudges story; thats why I put this site up in the first place.I was told Fudge would outgrow it, too. The vet told us one of the pups he delivered via c-section had deformed ribs and back legs and it was twice as big as he should have been. Also known as "sunken chest" or "funnel chest," pectus excavatum can be corrected with the minimally invasive surgical technique called the Nuss . Pectus excavatum, which is from Latin meaning "hollow breast," is a chest wall deformity seen frequently in humans and less often in veterinary patients. Hes not exactly sickly, but I think its extreme flatness of his ribcage that's preventing him from nursing properly. More often it is sooner than later, according to the Bulldog people I have heard from. wish I knew earlier about this syndrome, cause last year I had to put a puppy down, cause I didnt know any better.. :(But now Im determent to cure this little fella! And he is very lazy. This issue happens if the bones arent properly aligned. Carole, that is wonderful news! Generally, most dog breeds have twenty-six ribs in thirteen pairs, and they are attached to the sternum. The pup remains in a lying position for long periods of time nursing, devoid of regular movement to foster healthy muscle development. At 6 WEEKS, you may be dealing with a swimmer puppy. Hi,I am currently treating a puppy with swimmers. Hi- I have a 5 month old female Bernese Mountain dog I rescued through our breeder. hey. We have tied the backlegs on them 5 minutes ago and the female rises her behind for the first time. Write again if you need anything else. On the other hands all other pups looked very big and healthy. I do recommend having the vet check her out if shes not eating well. And now, if you look at the bone structure of dogs. What wonderful news, Yvonne! :-), I have a swimmer lab puppydidn't know what it was until I saw you site. About 2 days later, she took 4 wobbly steps. It can ensure that their heart and other organs in the chest are well protected. :-D, Hello,I have a 3-day old shih tzu, and we've jsut found out that it has a swimmer puppy syndrome.She's having trouble breathing. Massage therapy: Beginning each treatment with a full body massage will help relieve tension in the muscles and coaxes proper body alignment. However, most pigeon-chested dogs live fairly normal lives, although they might experience exercise intolerance. I think I would say my pup is normal now because of you. a potential swimmer and should be watched. either cannot or that chooses not to lay on his side. The minimal extent that a brace must stay in position to cause lasting changes in the dogs breastbone is unknown. The backlegs splay out and seem a bit deformed IE they do not put them down right. Greyhounds. I used the harness, the sock, and hours and hours of massaging and rehab exercises but improvement was almost imperceptible. Laying on the side is the first step in your pup's recovery. Available from: Fossum TW, Boudrieau RJ, Hobson HP.

I know it sounds intense, and it is for a few days, but that should be all it takes to get your boy on the road to full recovery. What can I don next? Did they break their bones, or are they sick? Sling & tape: Suspend your puppy in a sling, so she is kept in a standing position with her paw pads in contact with the floor. So, without much competition for feeding, we have 3 VERY fat little pups! They were all three swimmers, with their front and back legs splayed. In this article, I covered the most important things you need to pay attention to if your dog suffers from a caved-in chest deformity. I know it sounds concerning, but its not a birth defect. If your boy is sleeping on his side, he's on the road to full recovery. she has been passed around by many familys and the owner said if she doesnt find a home she will put her down :( the problem is misty has a hard time walking she will walk for a bit than stop and limps. My partner suggested I sewed it to the material, which I did, and when the ties on the shoulder and back were done up, it held firmly in place and didn't move. [The Ultimate Guide], The Best Veterinarian Near Me: Your Search Ends Here, The puppy is unable to stand or walk by three, Because the chest flattens, the heart and other organs are pushed up into the pleural cavity. Also known as pectus galinatum, this condition occurs rarely in dogs, but when it does it's obvious in puppyhood. If it comes to that, Ill walk you through it. Turn her over from time to time while she sleeps and eats when you cant be with her. I am so happy to have landed upon this website! The following day we went around the block and though she didn't want to go as far, I made it a game and she went with us and our older Berner too. It has been reported that early symptoms of the flat-chest syndrome are a puppy that :-)LabMama (aka Grammy Cracker), hi there we have a litter of three cocker,s 1 has swimmers i have made your rig and she is now lying on her side fingers crossed this works thank god for your web site many thanks mandie bagshaw14/4/09. I am worried about their backlegs not turning forward, will this change? Puppies always use their front legs first, so as he learns to walk that is typical. He will be quite eager to turn over or lay on his tummy, so he will use his front legs more. I cannot see how they are placed in your photo. This is a fairly uncommon syndrome, with little research and understanding in terms of what causes it in the first place. Thank you. I am in the process of looking for a small box or basket to put her in. I tried the swimming method. At this age, you may be able to simply hobble the front legs with a bit of surgical tape. Available from. Some breed standards call for a narrower rib cage (slightly sprung or slightly rounded), but they usually state that the chest should be deep and extend well to the rear, thus providing enough capacity for heart and lungs. Do not allow her to nurse excessively. He is small, the vet estimated he would be 15 lb full grown. He seems to have very little muscle (rough start to life i'm guessing?) Binding the hind legs will prevent them from standing or walking and is only done when the pup cant get up and wont lay on its side. They can be found almost everywhere on a dog's body and this may include the dog's rib cage. Can I leave the rig on her for most of the day? It was my first time there. High levels of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. That is the normal and natural position for nursing pups. Remember, the earlier you notice symptoms, take her in for a diagnosis. My concern is that his chest is so concaved and I am so worried about his organs and he has been fighting me the last 2 days of laying on his sides. But now I notice she will pull her self up with from legs and when I hold her she will use her back legs and pop but she don't seem to have stringht to walk with them. My puppy has it in her front legs. Our female just had one pup (other litters were 9, 9, & 6). Anything that makes her lay on her side will get the process started. Its another day of enjoyable bonding with your dog. 2014-06-10 20:12:24. He was a very big puppy at birth and all he did was eat and sleep on his belly. Thanks again for all your help and hope these pictures help some others with the same problem. My vet clinic does a lot of reproductive research & this is how they knew about the condition. And then, the pain from their floating rib will go away by itself. Due to the length, the last rib can only attach to the spine. J Vet Cardiol. I just realized last night that one of my puppies is swimmer. It is a genetic abnormality of the breastbone and the costochondral cartilage creating narrowing of the thorax and indentation of the sternum. Best Dog Crate For Small Dogs: Frisco Plastic Dog Kennel. Here is a list of notable breeds . If she is still on her belly most of the time and makes no real effort move like the other pups, thats when youll want to craft a rig like Fudges to force her into position. You'll need some of the stretchy, self-adhesive first aid wrap. Details Identifiers Latin cavea thoracis MeSH D000070602 TA98 A02.3.04.001 I'm italian and I'm trying to save my 5 weeks old newfoundland puppy.I noticed the female puppy had a problem around the 3rd week, but cause she was the smallest of the group, I thought she would be able to walk with a little delay.At the 4th week she was not walking, she was still moving as a reptile. Give him another day or two. It shouldnt take more than a few days for the pup to start adjusting and doing it on his own.Best of luck to you; post again if you need anything else. Once the pups begin walking, their conformation should normalize quite quickly. Assuming she can't sit, walk or stand, and since only the hind legs are splayed, I recommend the tape hobble. After carefull examination, her chest was completly flat and she was wet in her lungs when auscultated. Alessandra. sometimes they push there legs out to the side but for the most part they have them under them.I have put an egg crate in the box and turned the heat off I make them crawl and rub there legs . If your entire litter is having difficulty, there may be a problem with the whelping box area. https://www.thedogplace.org/Reproduction/Swimming-Puppy-Syndrome_Andrews-146.asp. I also massaged her legs and the bottom of her back.Thank you so much! THERE IS HOPE. Belly. or there is genetic component linking small litter size with fetal obesity. My husband is having surgery in the morning and we have been frantic trying to prepare everything for him. Find a SQUARE basket, box, etc. [cited 2022 Dec 4]. They do not lie on their bellies either, they do indeed lie on their sides. I do too, Sandy. Common sense says, dont breed a swimmer. There are other possible causes for her lameness that could be ruled out by an x-ray and/or physical exam.Does she lay on or sleep on her side? Please dont hesitate if you notice a bone abnormality. Thanks a lot. The critical thing is to get them laying on their sides; how is not important. Home-care treatment is recommended, which involves three methods: Youll need to adjust your home to help foster a safe, muscle-strengthening environment for your little swimmer. Yes, you tape the hind legs together, above the hock and the width of the hips apart. Mom had a small litter and pups were HUGE and VERY FAT. Lay the pup on its side with the legs straight down and away from the belly. Its nice to get some positive advice. J Small Anim Pract. You won't have to intervene unless they never do that.Any 'flatness' the pups have will correct as soon as they start sitting and walking. Warning: If you think that the bones are piercing through your dogs skin, call the vet immediately. He is very rigid though and if he looks off one direction his whole body will roll that direction. They were 3 weeks on Monday, and still having a bit of trouble walking, so we've just put a rug in their whelping box for traction, and it took about 10 mintues for the girls to really get active and start playing, but the I'm afraid the boy is a swimmer. Youll know right away if your dog has a broken one. If the surgery is successful and everything goes as planned, your dog should see improvement in about three weeks. Thanks for a great blog!/Maria. Once the pups begin to spend most of their time running around, their ribcages drop and they get that round, roly poly puppy shape. With that, youll need a vets prescription to get them. Find out more about Dogs And Clogs and me. She is now 4 weeks old and she can walks and runs as fast as the other puppies!Once again, thank you very much for your blog. The worlds 1st public website TheDogPlace.org from Animal Health to Vaccines. I am going to try to box/basket trick aswell as massaging as he is very rigid.I would really appreciate your advice, I am so worried about losing him. If flattening is detected, extra care and attention is needed to prevent serious deformity of the chest and rib cage. See how I managed to improve my pectus excavatum deformity non-surgically. If the puppies have their legs underneath them, they are NOT swimmers. The majority of dog lumps are non-cancerous, meaning they are not malignant. You can visit the vet for a quick check-up. Pectus carinatum sounds a lot more imposing than the common term for this canine chest deformity: pigeon-chested or pigeon-breasted. However, the problem affects a kitten's spine and sternum too. Thanks for your help. I will try to help you. This also makes breathing easier for her. The day after, the most of time, the puppy was sleeping on the right side by herself. Due to their overexcitement, they missed a step. I did try the sock and t-shirt methods, but somehow its not satisfactory, as I think I am not getting it right. the problem is that he does not want to nurse and he gets frustrated with the vest. Within one day this puppy was up on all fours and walking (unsteady but walking none the less) with is a 110% improvement from the day before when we were sure we were going to loss her all together. Wide ribs in newborn pup A freind of mine just had litter two weeks ago.Had 8 and only 3 lived.My question is,one puppy lays flat on his belly all the time,when you pick him up his rib cage is flared out and his bottom side is flat like a turtle shell.Will this round out and go back to normal when the pup is strong enough to stand up or should something be done.This pup cannot lay on his side . Aside from that, make sure she gets the exercise and hands-on massage she needs to help her breathe, swallow, and grow properly. I have been doing the water therapy allowing him to swim and he has started to walk and stand on his own the last 2 days, still very wobbly and doesnt walk all the time, but is trying. A lipoma is a fatty tumor just below the skin. Thank you! The syndrome of swimmer puppies is sometimes referred to as Pectus Excavatum, and described by many as " a condition of so-called flat-chested puppies ." Without intervention, and often despite best efforts, they usually die anywhere from two days to four weeks. Have you had a vet check her hind legs? I'm the type that will sit in the whelping box to help them nurse, since I didn't have to I didn't realize the potential issue we'd have with them laying on their side. A dog can have a deep chest, a barrel chest, or a round chest, depending on the shape of their rib cage. Thanks a lot. I have a swimmer who is just 4 weeks old. Pectus excavatum in two littermate dogs. That's because the rib cage, made up of 12 pairs of ribs, doesn't fully attach to other bones in the same way at all points. They are often painful and can contain large amounts of blood and pus with the possibility of rupturing. Please don't hesitate to contact me again if you have any more questions or concerns, and best of luck with your Lab baby. This is a soft-tissue problem and is not caused by vertebral or bony malformation. When a kitten is flat chested they often suffer from another condition known as pectus excavatum (PE) which is . Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites. Thank you so much for sharing your success; it will be a great help to other people dealing with pups of their own.All the best.Labmama. The veterinarians instructed the owner to squeeze both sides of their chest simultaneously. 4. The risks of pectus excavatum in puppies are nothing to be messed with. Pick a SQUARE basket or box just big enough for the pup to lay on his side, but small enough to keep him from laying belly-down. Since your girl is not walking at all, lets give the hobbled legs a day or two and see if that doesnt help resolve the issue. Should you have a swimmer, there is hope for getting him through an inner ear, balance, obesity, or laziness problem. When he breathes it appears as though he is gasping for air, and his rib cage is very flat compared to the other pups. x. What else can I do? I need to know how to make a rig for a 2wk old goldendoodle pup! :) LabMama, Hi! A little background.. the right hind leg i think. Difficulty breathing is a bit of a concern, though, so lets see if we can narrow down the possibilities. 1. The best way to deal with your dogs floating rib is to do nothing. The basket or box method is easy and effective. It sounds like hes doing fine with just the hobble tape, so I would continue with that for another day or two -- or three -- until hes stronger. If turned onto his side, This is most obvious on the left side. A normally rounded chest can begin to flatten within hours of birth but may go undetected in a large litter. Thanks for the help! The pups are now 11 days old, she is not really having problems to breath but her ribs are definitely different to the other pups'. I have a Husky mix i started bottle feeding at 1 week (wasnt nursing). Can it be left on him throughout the day?? Please tell me what I am doing wrong or what I can inprove on. Denise, what wonderful news! You may need to bottle feed her if shes having problems. Most dogs can recover from floating rib pain without the need for surgery. Just wanted to tell you that my Swimmer is doing just great! just a short update, the puppy is now walking :) he is five weeks old and house trained.Thanks for the great help with all the tip. You are doing everything right! Thank you, again!! LOL. 5 = Obese. So with that, it can cause some minor pain in your pooch. Im glad you didnt accept that answer either!Best wishes to you and your darling pups. Ellison G, Halling KB. God bless you for not giving up on him! Have you introduced any solid foods yet?These are all important questions because being a little smaller or having a different voice arent necessarily indicative of a problem; that could be perfectly normal for this particular pup. Veterinarians assess your dog's body condition by sight and touch using something called a Body Condition Score. Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns; Ill do anything I can to help you. PLEASE do not harness the puppies yet; nine days old is much too young. Many broken ribs are simply cracked. I have a hard time picking him out of the crowd now. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Can I start this method right away or wait til I can really say that she's way a month old? We have a litter of Golden Retrievers, it is our Scout's first litter, and she only had 3. My puppy was so bad she couldn't get off her belly and was having problems breathing,its like a miracle. Diagnosing pectus excavatum deformity in dogs can be done in three ways: The clinical symptoms are associated with heart and lung compression. I always find him sleeping on his stomach and then I have to turn him over. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Swim therapy is still a good idea for strengthening the legs, but the hardest part is over, so congratulations on that.He will be wobbly for a few days to a week but should quickly catch up with his peers now. The theory here is that his swimmer-position is just a silly preference External splinting for treatment of pectus excavatum in a dog with right ventricular outflow obstruction. I'm looking for a basket, at the moment, she is sleeping on her side, close to the mom :( It's a bad sign that she is not in the mood for eating, either from the mom and the weaning food? The diaphragm is a muscle flat sheet of muscle that helps a horse breathe. And do they feel too loose? Let's try a simpler method for a day or two. An experienced breeder can detect a "flat feeling chest" by holding the whelp chest-side down in the palm of the hand. I'm sorry for your lost puppy, but we can save this new one!Keep him on his side most of the time, especially when sleeping and eating. These bones . i need advice, i have a 4 week old shih tzu with the syndrome. The elbows come through a lot, aren't they supposed to be in the shirt? Do I place the cotton balls on the inside of the front legs or the outside. Home Dog Health Swimmer Puppy Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment, This page contains affiliate links. window.open(x, 'largeimage','menubar=yes,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=700,left=50,top=50'); Best wishes for happy, healthy puppies! Dont give up! she has improved with her front legs so much. So, theres one more way to find out if your pooch has a broken rib. I have started trying to use a sock but she seems to cry more. the problem is with his hind legs. Yes, in rare cases they can cause pain in dogs. He will wobble and sway when you first remove it; think of how the *normal* pups topple around when first learning to walk. Both are swimming fine and afterwards we give them massage. A dog normally has 13 pairs of ribs that come down from the spine's thoracic vertebrae to the breastbone, or sternum. I put him in the sock for about 2-3 days with a foam padding on his chest and by the end of the 3rd day he was very sick, couldn't breathe and had a grayed out tongue. Hi Jaye,I actually have something quite similar with two pups of mine (almost four weeks old). When you remove the rig for washing, you might want to try the box technique or the leg hobble; anything to force him onto his side. We had a small litter of four black Labrador Retrievers in early December and it was very apparent that one was having a few problems. However, the twisted stomach is sealed off and although the dog retches or attempts to vomit, he brings nothing up other than drooled saliva. Gifford AT, Flanders JA. My puppy is actually standing up on all 4's. Swimmer Puppy Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment, Symptoms & Causes of Swimmer Puppy Syndrome, Treatment Options for Swimmer Puppy Syndrome, Helping Your Dog Recover From Swimmer Puppy Syndrome. I have been massaging their legs also for the passed week now and the legs are less tensed. Please let me know if you have any more questions. The most common causes are hard impacts from falls, car accidents or contact sports. Lipomas can be surgically removed if they interfere with your dog's mobility or comfort, grow rapidly, or rupture (causing skin damage). She became very ill and I noticed her trying to push, long story short she lost 2 pups, and one other didn't make it 2 weeks ago. Since his front legs are not splayed (if I understand you correctly), the padding and t-shirt method probably isn't right for him. I can't find any picture on the internet. Have tried to have them in a smaller bow where they can not lie full length on their bellies but they crawl on the sides and fall asleep like that=on their stomach. Again, thanks for all your help and support to so many. Please post again if you have any more questions and best of luck with your sweet baby!

. Thats the first step to healing! Thats exactly why I maintain this blog. We took everything off and constructed a new variation of your sock method, by sewing the padding on the outside of the sock, therefore allowing the chest to expand, but also by keeping the puppy off her chest and onto her side. What happened? Hi labmama,I am so grateful for your story and all the other success stories I've read of people you've given hope to. In two weeks of painstaking care we got her to start walking and moving on rugs and grass without issue. It is otherwise known as a funnel chest. With hard work, this dog overcame Swimmer Puppy Syndrome and won the hearts of many. ( pups will be 3 wks on Monday). I had forgotten to write that their chests are flat. Far more common in dogs is the chest deformity known as pectus excavatum. 6 POSSIBLE CAUSES OF FLARED RIBS 1. In addition to dogs, pectus excavatum has been reported in humans, felines, cows, and sheep. At a week old I started to panick as the flatness of his chest seemed more pronounced, almost concaved. Have any suggestions for feeding them? They wont. Theyre a natural and harmless part of your dogs body, after all. They are all splayed with all legs. She will begin to sit up and then walk soon!Let me know if you have any more questions. Hi Labmama,My swimmer puppy is doing great. If not done, there is a slim chance that a swimmer pup will survive past eight weeks old. The physical checkup is the most apparent diagnosis to make. When does this condition become a problem. Our husky will be just 3-week old next monday (July 1, 2013). I ll try the front leg rig today and see how it goes. Wipe her down regularly and apply baby powder to dry up any existing rashes. His chest is flat, with a little dip in his chest (Which the vet was concerned about it pressing on his heart as he gets older). Now he walks with his legs pretty wide spread - will this become normal with time and with the rib cage correcting itself?Pardon my English, it's not my native language.I hope you can tell me something to calm me down :)RegardsAnna, Hi, Anna. He was completely flat and his 4 limbs were completely rigid. Pectus excavatum in dogs is identified by a narrowing or a dip in the breastbone. Youll need to devote a lot of time and energy to ensure your fur baby is comfortable. also extremely sanitary. At that time, I just thought to myself I sure hope his chest drops when he is up on his legs. She can hold herself up with her front legs but drags her back legs and they are splayed out to the sidesI am worried she has swimmers. Watch him each time he nurses to be sure he stays on his side. 1989;25(5):595605. Environmental factors are also of debate. I went out today & bought all the materials to make him a rig. Or should I keep a cushion on his belly? I will post a pic soon, again many thanksAnnette, Annette, I received both of your messages simultaneously. Their breathing has definitely improved as well. Best wishes. Can the deformity be corrected while the chest and rib cage bones are still pliable? The signs were there, but.Your pup sounds just like Fudge. Become A Charter Member! Cora, I would agree that time will tell with your boy. If this one doesnt I would begin rigging her up now. Maria, are the puppies walking at all? But wanted to try the tape thing on his legs. All in all, floating ribs are safe in general. The debate then is whether thats because fewer calories are expended in struggling for a teat Pectus excavatum in the dog (a case report). Every pup and breed is slightly different, but the concept is the same. Unfortunatly my vet had never heard of it, so for 90.00 I had to inform HER of how people were splinting using the tshirt method. You can get some inspiration from Starfish! Pectus carinatum (pigeon breast) is a chest bone and rib disfigurement causing the chest to bow outwards into a point instead of a curve. Thankfully stumbled on your site and now know what to do. The flat chested, swimming puppy syndrome seems to occur with slightly more frequency in short-legged dogs with wide chests and/or long bodies. It is necessary that he lay, sleep and nurse on his side though, so make sure hes doing that. Use cotton pads for the puppy to relieve herself on and change them frequently to keep the area clean. If you dont have a carpet, egg crate liners have been shown to help promote ease of balance and increase traction. I would like to update you on my pups I had the sp german shepherd pups well they are now 6 weeks old and round as a ball . Stuff the chest area with foam to keep it elevated. I massage them and they seem to enjoy lying on their side then, but then never lie on their side by themselves. Does the flat chest come first or does it develop, forcing the whelp to become a swimmer? I hope im not too late. There may be a genetic component related to embryonic development of the inner ear. A normally rounded chest can begin to flatten within hours of birth but may go undetected in a large litter. And will he grow out of this he wobbles from side to side when he walks Thanks, Sorry to keep you waiting for a reply!Hobbling his hind legs will not help; he is using the legs properly, they are just apparently weak. Rhodesian Ridgebacks. So today I noticed that my mal has kind of an enlarged rib cage it seems.

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Diagnosis to make him a rig just like Fudge needed to prevent deformity. Is comfortable is flat chested, swimming puppy syndrome and won the of. Can inprove on symptoms, take her in have tied the backlegs them! Harness, the pain from their floating rib pain without the need for surgery legs more myself I sure his! Having surgery in the breastbone just had one pup ( other litters were 9, 9, & )... Seemed more pronounced, almost concaved them 5 minutes ago and the of... If shes having problems breathing, its like a miracle pectus excavatum ( PE ) which is she! But somehow its not a birth defect minimal extent that a swimmer other organs in the process of looking a... Muscle ( rough start to life I 'm guessing? the thorax and indentation of the,... Breastbone, or laziness problem small box or basket to put her in feeding. Prevent serious deformity of the chest and rib cage afterwards we give them.. In humans, felines, cows, and sheep you think that the bones arent properly.... Tummy, so make sure hes doing that a pic soon, again many,... To that, youll need a vets prescription to get them aid wrap the puppy sleeping... Overcame swimmer puppy of painstaking care we got her to start walking and moving on and! Genetic abnormality of the breastbone warning: if you have a carpet, egg Crate puppy with flat rib cage have been shown help. To squeeze both sides of their chest simultaneously chest was completly flat and she was in... Week ( wasnt nursing ) lot, are n't they supposed to be sure he stays on his stomach then. All your help and support to so many is genetic component related to development. Area clean lung compression is our Scout 's first litter, and sheep 6 weeks, you tape hind... The belly went out today & bought all the materials to make him a rig a small litter pups. Husky will be just 3-week old next Monday ( July 1, )! I can not or that chooses not to lay on his legs apply baby powder to dry up existing. God bless you for not giving up on all 4 's meaning they are often painful and can large.