drooping whiskers ffxv comrades

With your Knight's Lance imbued with Penetrator you can definitely take on this quest. Warp-Strike and aerial attack to break their horns to get the Helixhorns; you should hopefully be getting 1-2 per run like with the Sharp Scythes previously. We won't be using the Kite Shield(s) for very much longer, so it doesn't really matter what mats you use. The video shows you how to find him. Value: 2,000 gil. Also, if you were lucky enough to encounter a Cactuar and you already have at least 2 Cactuar Needles in your Treasure Inventory, you don't need to do the mining. Defeat them, have them leave town, do a quest (e.g. In the mean time, you'll probably wind up with a lot of Behemoth Hexhorns (its common drop). If you get Kenny Crow as an AI, you'll find this one much easier to do. Pay the 3,000 Gil and mine 7 times. However, since you can get so much stronger after doing Crafting Goal #3, feel free to post-pone the battle to make it easier. Head to Cid's Remodeling Station to craft. If you didn't see him though, don't worry, as he can appear anytime. Keep hitting the Maniple's leg with your Shuriken until you see a red Inventory Full on the Electrolytic Condenser. Comrades 1.2). You can also purposely wear your old gear (e.g. Then a Defense with Troopers and Flans, which is easy, ending with 2 MA-Veles and 1 MA-X Maniple (break their legs as usual). It took 48 hours for me to see him in one playthrough (Comrades 1.2), while I was grinding Ghost in the Machine. Let's now go back to farming kW from Roboresurrection to power up the D Path and until we get to Urgent: The Ghastly Griffon (D1). Also, you should highly consider getting the Equalizer Buff before going into this battle, but it's not a must. If you started by playing a newer Comrades version (1.2 or Standalone) and did the 5-7 Hours of Ghost grinding instead, just buy the 100,000 kW. You should be doing 9999 damage (or close) per hit as shown in the video. You'll usually see between 1-3 Fragile Rocks on the field. There is a way to get the Nest Manager to show up, but it can only be done online. This is totally fine, and the fight will still be winnable. If you have exactly 0 Gil, the game will not let you mine, so sell something cheap to get between 1-2999 Gil. So Hold SQUARE to block and initiate a Chain Warp. Your character will "throw" their weapon and the screen will turn a blue hue. Although Libertus buffs you, his buffs are random. If you do not have a Shop character with Cindy 20% Discount Boost, you will want around 450,000 Gil instead. If you need more kW, repeat this quest instead of Roboresurrection, assuming you didn't get 3 Sharp Scythes and the 1 or 2 Treant Sap the first time around. Note: If you have access to the Quest Defense: Dave-j Vu (Level 85) in the Galdin Quay Quest Tab, you should try hunting for the Vitanova there instead. You should already have access to this Urgent if you powered up the C Path to Meldacio. It's possible to get Ifrit stuck on the stairs (or steps) leading from the main platform you start on down to the lower level. I'll remind you when I want you to go do it. I'll remind you when to come back and finish this goal after you get more Gil, since you should be broke right now. When you need the 2nd Cactuar Needle for Crafting Goal #3, come back and do the Mining again. Since we still don't have the mats to actually craft or level it, just leave it unequipped and in your inventory at Level 1 for now. After the 5-7 hours of grinding, you will want to have gained about 400,000 kW and about 200,000 Gil. Then quickly tap O (switching to your index finger may work best) to mine it. You can now raise Chocobos at the stables here, dismantle gear at Cid's Remodeling Station (after listening to Cid and Weskham quarrel), and basically use this as a second base instead of Lestallum. You'll probably be around Level 6. When fighting the Bandsersnatches, start by breaking their legs to have them fall over and be Vulnerable. For efficiency reasons, there's no need waste kW unlocking any Power Stations or Power Lines outside the paths shown on the map. When the quest starts, ignore the two MA-Veles bosses at first. I was here at around the 13.5 hour mark and at Level 31. This is a Level 70 quest that's blocking a Royal Sigil. Note: This bug only works in older versions (e.g. You should now start following the E Paths to knock out a few more Urgents and Royal Sigils you'll be needing later to continue the storyline. However, you must get both Fire and Shot resistance to 100% for the final storyline battle, and having Lightning and Dark at 100% will prove to be useful in other battles. The second phase of the fight will be the hardest. Therefore, make your first battle a "practice" run to get acquainted with Ifrit's attack patterns, lose, and then play for real in the second battle. An Arachne near the store may be bugged and impossible to kill in Ver 1.0, so just skip it. Crafting Goal #5 will request you have plenty of Laser Sensors (though only 53 are "required"), so it's imperative you kill two birds with one stone, and do both your kw/Gil farming and your Laser Sensor farming, all at the same time in Ghost, to make the most optimal use of your time. If you saw Cindy and made a Shop character with her Discount Boost, you can stop doing the Item Drop Bug in Ghost at 350,000 Gil. If it still didn't pop, try talking to Jeanne (Send Power) again in Lestallum/Hidden Harbor and it should hopefully pop when you're brought on the electrical grid, earning you the Trophy: Let There Be Light. On bosses, you should always be using the 1-Bar Technique High Jump (L1 + UP) when you have a bar available. This is what my character looked like at this point in the game for reference, after about 4-5 hours in: You're now strong enough to get the mats for your ultimate weapon, the Corsesca, which you will remodel later into a Dragon Whisker. If you pick one up and Cid shows up back at camp, this may help your chances in getting his Crafting Boost (Level 3). If you haven't seen this scene come up, it's OK, just keep gaining kW and you will soon. Source. Your avatar may end up in an "infinite loop" of getting back up and falling back down. Next, you'll be using 1 Cactuar Needle and your remaining Chrome Bits to level your new Level 1 Javelin you bought earlier to a Level 51 Knight's Lance. Note: Before starting this quest, go back to Meldacio Hunter HQ. In order to do this, you'll need to get another Cactuar Needle from Meldacio (Mining), and then hunt for the other mats needed for the Corsesca in the upcoming Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch. Refer to the Missables and One-Time Only Opportunities section for more details. Find in guide. Go to the lowest level of Lestallum and toward the Shuttle Truck where you change Outposts. If you started by playing 1.0 and did the Item Drop Bug in Ghost (farming a lot of Gil), buy the 500,000 kW (222,000 Gil or 177,600 Gil [20%]). Important Note: When using the Cornflower or any other Shuriken, make sure you are relatively close to the enemy. We will need to get a total of 25 Meteorites for Crafting Goal #4. It works whether you're grounded or aerial and whether you use Aerial Ace or a different sigil (you'll probably be happy about the second point when you get to the 1.2 final boss). At that point, you should wind up with 99 Electrolytic Condensers and 30-50 Laser Sensors. I simply did a little of the dismantling math in advance (37 Chrome Bits per Weapon = 74 STR), so you get the most bang for your buck. If you have the Aerial Ace Sigil, just aerial attack his back. Note: Try to break the Jabberwock's head/horns before you kill them to get either a Large Dreadvern Scale (Common) or the Dragon Horn (Rare). If you still haven't seen him, I feel your pain. :), Head to the lighthouse up ahead the hill and attempt to ride the elevator, but there won't be enough power! When crafting, you can Imbue an Ability from a mat onto a Weapon. You'll be able to actually buy kW here (using Gil!) Now, make a backup save onto your USB Storage and/or Upload to PS+! Type: Treasure. You will be farming this quest for kW until you get to Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (D3). You can help Final Fantasy XV Wiki by expanding it. You may be wondering why we're stopping specifically at Level 51/50 for a couple of the Weapons and not going to their maximum Level 60. Fill up the remaining levels (if any) with the same mats or any other +STR/VIT mats like Sabertusk Claw, Hard Scale, or anything else really -- it doesn't make a huge difference. Then get yourself around it and situated to target the second leg/foot and break it. Also, during these 2 hours of grinding, you will still want to keep an eye if Cid and Cindy show up and create your "Craft" and "Shop" characters (not required, but saves time). Once you've gotten the mats, revisit Crafting Goal #3 and get your Level 99 Dragon Whisker at last. See Crafting Goal #3 for the specific crafting steps if needed. In order to advance the storyline and continue with the Walkthrough, you'll now need to acquire a Level 99 Chocobo. Talk to Jeanne (Send Power), who is sitting down at a desk and talking to a walkie-talkie on the other side of the Shop. All of your attacks with the Dancing Dagger buff should be doing 5000-9999 damage per hit. Don't worry, the Escort and Defense are easy. Note: Sometimes, this man is bugged and won't be visible despite the icon on the mini-map; you can re-start the game to hopefully get him to appear. Also, when it's nighttime, it's a little harder to see when mining as you'll be using your flashlight with reduced visibility. (Trophy: Beacon of Hope), Crafting Goal #1: Remodeling a Javelin into a Level 30 Weapon (Trophy: One with Your Blade), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to major outposts. A guide i wrote to those who want to minimize the grind but still have a decent character capable of soloing Comrades. Cornflower (Petrified Disc) in Hunt: Smog on the Water (0:58 Video). It adds cooperative multiplayer to the game and allows players to create a customizable avatar and take on quests with up to three other players online. However, if you are playing Version 1.0, and you know right now that you'll be playing the Standalone (Post Game content) later, you may want to try picking up the Cornflower now while you still have "unlimited" access to Laser Sensors and then filling it up with them. These new ones will be replacing your old Level 50 Weapons. (Note: My character had crafted the DW to Level 120 instead of Level 119 because at the time I was not planning on covering the Standalone/Post-Game content.). You need 52 to do 3 of your weapons, and the rest of the sensors for just the Corsesca/Dragon Whisker. It's not required, but it is a "nice to have" (for bragging purposes). If you're near him when he's throwing Fireballs, feel free to go and get a few hits in on him. Repeat this quest until you've gotten the 2 Colorful Griffon Claws, and then you can go back to Roboresurrection to farm kW, powering the way forward, until unlocking the next Urgent: Double Deadeyes (D2). The Petrified Disc automatically remodels into a Cornflower at Level 30. You should have gotten 3 Meteorites from dismantling your old Level 51 Knight's Lance, Imperial X-Blades, and Clarity Shield. Roboresurrection Chain Warping (0:35 Video). Up further ahead, Check the < ? There are five types of mining rocks on the field: Fragile, Crystal-Laden, Metal-Laden, Shell-Laden, and Fossil-Laden. Defeat the two Mutant Jabberwocks (the second will come in late into the battle) along with the Yellowtooths. Since all of your weapons were previously leveled using Chrome Bits (instead of Laser Sensors) in Crafting Goal #3, we will need some minor adjustments. Very disappointingly weak, but capable I suppose You'll want to switch between using his Durandal and Dragoon Lance depending on the enemy's weakness. It makes the game a little more fun/easier to play because you can simply stay in the air, switch from your Dragon Whisker to it, and get back all your HP/MP after attacking a few times (usually). After you've gotten the Needle, refer back to the previous section and complete the shopping. Please trust me on this one. Switch to your Javelin using the D-PAD. Your newer Level 50 Clarity Shield will be at Level 50/60. There are three Black Flans that spawn very early in that Quest and you can get it much quicker there. Before you start this battle, make sure you have both Fire Resistance and Shot Resistance at 100% in order to not take damage from Ifrit's Fireballs, which apparently count as both fire and ballistic damage. Also, you can Imbue any abilities for these; it doesn't matter. We'll be dismantling these three weapons later at the end of the game to get some very important items called Meteorites, Strength Shards, and Strength Gemstones and Level 51/50 is all that is needed for each. Then reference the Urgent Catchups section below and do the Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch in order to get the mats to craft your Corsesca. Note: I stuck with the Aerial Ace Sigil, since I'm just used to it and it lets you kill the final boss faster. Although "only" a Level 4 quest, this is a tough quest with AI, as if you let too many Spiracorns pass thru the tunnel, the quest will be abandoned. In Version 1.0, there are only three rare chefs: Cid, Cindy, and the Nest Manager OK, perhaps you simply can't accept it's RNG and want to try something -- anything -- to get him to appear offline. The Jabberwocks usually drop 6 ingredients like Fresh Heart and Big Beast Bone, which should be enough to guarantee you getting Cid's Level 3 Crafting Boost (if Cid shows up). To kill the Behemoth quickly and efficiently, begin by breaking at least two of its four legs. Back up your FFXV Comrades save data onto USB/PS+ (~100MB) and then delete it from your system storage. Excavations from a Fragile Rock tend to yield: Sharp Bone, Barbed Poison Needle, Centipede Jaw, Large Beastbone, and of course a Cactuar Needle. If you are playing the Standalone, you will not be doing Crafting Goal #4, so you should only skim through this section and instead work on dismantling the parts you need for Crafting Goal #5. You will be farming this quest in total for about 5-7 hours in order to get both kW and Gil. If you wish to do the Post Game content and get all the other resistances required, you are expected to do Crafting Goal #5. The final Power Line requires a whopping 50,000 kW, so if you're just short, just head to Old Lestallum and buy more kW. Unfortunately, even in 1.0, the game is storing rollover EXP past the current Level cap (99). The game may not tell you the second leg broke, but you'll get an item knowing when it happened. The Kite Shields give you an easy 100 HP each (they stack). We start at Lestallum (which we have just finished powering up), and there are four color-coded paths I've labeled with different letters (A, B, C, D) that we'll take to get to the four Outposts. It's a good trade-off for this fight, as you have a ton of STR already (and will literally be at around 2,000 STR still with it on). Just keep aiming at the head/horns. When you start reaching 99 on the Electrolytic Condensers, periodically sell some, but try to make sure you end up with around 99 Electrolytic Condensers in your inventory when you're finally done farming. Version: 1.00 | Updated: 07/19/2019 Highest Rated Guide. The simplest and easiest to play. Buy 99 Rusted Bits (11,880 Gil or 9504 Gil [20%]) from the Treasures Shop woman in the middle (trivia: this was actually an old woman in 1.0, but is now a younger woman in 1.2). With your Level 99 Dragon Whisker and Penetrator X and Penetrator stacked, you'll end the fight in just a minute or two. The Wasps sometimes drop Sharp Scythes, which you'll need 3 of later. They'll be a little higher level and a tad more difficult, but still beatable. FFXV 1.26), please see the Alternate Crafting Goal #4 at the end of this section as your crafting steps differ from 1.0 players who used Laser Sensors. Many people assume the next best thing to a Penetrator X is an Air Supremacy X or similar top-end "X" ability. I've been able to do this in Phase 2 by waiting in the stairwell and having Ifrit teleport there. You'll need to complete it 4 times, once with each bro. Simply go all the way to the other side of town near the barricade (red circle on the mini-map). The Imperial Blades remodel automatically to the Imperial X-Blades, max easily to Level 60, give you +300 HP, have a decent Lifedrain II ability, are super cheap, and actually end up with 10+ more VIT than the more expensive Imperial Axe, making them the better 4th Weapon in your GEAR. Drooping Whiskers. Just keep repeating this strategy and you'll win easily. At the depot, barter 5 Dynamo for a Dancing Daggers. Start a brand new Comrades Save File (preferably on Comrades 1.0.0). Bette. Note: Powering the E1 Path southwest will eventually take you to The Pious's Sigil: Multicast. There are plenty of ingredients near the Behemoth King, so just prioritize picking one up if you die. If you don't already have the Urgent in your available quests, reference the Optimized Roadmap earlier in the walkthrough and power up a few Power Lines to get to it. In the tutorial battle that follows, you can actually skip every single enemy and just rush to the [ ! ] With the C Path completed, it's time for a checkup. There are eight Outposts in FFXV Comrades; six are explorable with shops and NPCs and two lead to danger where you'll fight a boss (Galdin Quay and Insomnia).Note: Hammerhead appears as an Outpost on the electrical grid along the path to Insomnia but is inaccessible to your Avatar; you can access . Note: You will need 1 or 2 Treant Sap for Crafting Goals #2 and #3. Drooping Whiskers Jormungand: Hard Whiskers Mesmenir 70 Hairy Horn Dualhorn 190 Hardened Hood After you've remodeled the Corsesca into the Harpoon or Dragon Whisker, you can have it replace your Knight's Lance. You can repeat Double Deadeyes a couple more times to try for the Behemoth Tears until you get the kW needed to reach the Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (D3). Though you'll most likely wind up with Murky Soup (Prevents instant death) if Monica shows up. The two Treants shouldn't pose a problem, but the final Mutant Treant boss will be tougher with his leap attacks (though no sweat for you). With the Gil, buy 3 Kite Shields from the Weapons Shop and equip them along with your Javelin, replacing the Katana and Daggers the game originally gave you as starter weapons (feel free to sell those two as you can always buy more). You'll then fight a Coerul followed by two more. You should hopefully have been able to buy around 40-50 Chrome Bits with your current Gil. > Glaive standing in the middle here for 1,000 Gil. I do not recommend using your existing save and just making a new character, though that might be worth trying. Unfortunately, this trick does not work offline with the AI. Also, if you still have The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light equipped, unequip it (OPTIONS > GEAR > L3) as we're about to get a lot more STR/VIT from crafting. Australia's premier agricultural market place. So always keep an eye out for "Vulnerable" enemies and get near to Crackshot them! The video shows you how it's done: Ideally you want to get a few regular hits in between each Warp-Strike, instead of spamming Warp-Strikes non-stop, but it's 80% as effective and easier. It's OK if you don't have enough kW to get to the Royal Sigil behind the Urgent. In Lestallum, on the mini-map, you will eventually see a new < ? Next up are a pair of Ronins, then finally a Behemoth King at the end, which is the only part where you might actually lose in this quest. Next, from the Treasures tab of the Imperial Shop, buy as many Chrome Bits (290 Gil) as you can with all your remaining Gil (make sure your remaining Gil is between 1-2999). This outpost will be your main base of operations, where you'll undertake Quests and Send Power (kW) to light up the world. For reference, in 5 hours, you will have done 50 Battles (10 Battles every 1 Hour) and should have earned: Note: If you're playing a newer Comrades version (e.g. The Trading Post Opening (Devon Elkton) isn't recommended because it only offers middling quality weapons you'll likely never bother bartering for (and they can all be obtained elsewhere via remodeling lower tier weapons or weapon drops). Icon to head to Cape Caem. You won't be able to do the quests until you've completed the game, so we won't consider them for the purposes of this Walkthrough. There will be a new fisherman here named Navyth who will let you buy kW for Gil. Also, there's two more Birthplaces, but they won't become available until you complete two optional Level 99 Quests. The Magic Pot will give you 100kWx99 (9,900 kw!). Then just do a few regular attacks on him until he teleports. The Level 24 Coeurls in this quest drop them as their bonus/break item. Go to the Weapon Shop, and sell your three (or two if you leveled one of them) Level 1 Kite Shields you're no longer wearing and with the Gil, buy 1 Javelin (a new one). So: Ghost in the Machine (53-93 Laser Sensors), Double Deadeyes (1 Behemoth Tears), The Injurious Jabberwock (11 Dragon Horns), and Hunt: Quadrupedal Crag (9 Giant Hoofs). This quest features a few weapon drops, but the one worth mentioning is the Befouled Blades (Lohengrins) dropped by the Behemoth King as its rare bonus/break drop (horns). See, it's all nothing but a whole lot of Monica, I'm afraid. That's all the resistance you need to beat the game. Rinse and repeat. Note: Since you're low on Gil and need to do some shopping, only get 1 Cactuar Needle for now. Ideally, you want to try and get him in a Vulnerable state by totally walloping him. If you're having any hint of trouble with him, refer back to Crafting Goals #2 and #3 and power up your gear. Before killing the Mutant Iron Giant boss, try to break its sword-arm appendage first for an Iron Giant Armor (not required, but nice to have for Crafting Goal #1), then head into town: Lestallum. Also, in the Standalone, note that the trophy names will be different than what is listed here, but their description/unlock condition are the same. There isn't much to this battle; just keep aerial attacking and cure if you need to. This gives you the following: That was a lot to take in, but you'll basically be fighting in the air from now on, doing 1-2 attacks, followed by a midair step via any direction on the left analog stick, and repeating until you run out of MP. Switch to your Shuriken and start doing aerial attacks (using the Aerial Ace Sigil's midair steps) targeting the leg you just broke. Remember to Cure (L2 + TRIANGLE) often, and especially when you or the AI are under 50% HP. Always stay near the throne area. Go talk to Jeanne (Send Power) and access the electrical grid. Try and keep yourself buffed with Jitterburg. Equip your new Knight's Lance replacing your old Level 30 Heavy Lance. There is no Urgent for this E path; it's the 38,000 kW Power Line you probably noticed early on as you were powering the B Path (near Lestallum). If you have the Rampage Sigil, repeatedly do aerial Warp-Strikes (R1 + TRIANGLE) to do 6-hit combos followed by a combination of 2-3 regular attacks around/behind him. I killed Jormungand in Crestholme Channels and got this. Note: You'll be doing this quest for kW for about 4-5 times, up until you have access to the next quest, Urgent: Roboressurection (B1). You'll definitely be happy to have the Clarity Shield's Confuseproof ability, as the Havocfangs would have confused you here otherwise. Wait where you are for a few seconds, and two Niduses will spawn from the ground. Then go in and defeat the enemies. This will be your new best crafting mat for this point in the game. You should have gotten some Dynamos from Roboresurrection (breaking the two MA-Veles bosses). Even though this is a Level 10 quest, you can handle it at Level 2. :) Two waves of enemies. It is dropped by Magic Pots as their bonus (break) drop. You probably haven't done this yet as you were busy grinding Ghost for Gil and didn't have the kW to get the 38,000 kW Royal Sigil or a couple of the others. Let's first start by dismantling and scrapping all our old weapons we still have in our inventory. Buying kW from Navyth in Old Lestallum (0:48 Video). I recommend starting with Gladiolus since he is the easiest/strongest to play this quest with. Kill the 3 Niduses -- these spawn enemies. On average, I tend to get the Petrified Disc within an hour of farming for one (since you have two early chances to get it). And now hopefully you'll forgive me for making you go through dismantling/crafting hell to get up 2.6K+ STR. Then you'll want to go ahead and finish out the three Urgents below to get three more Royal Sigils unlocked. You shouldn't need to spend more than ~10 minutes in a battle to hit 99 Laser Sensors. The MA-X Maniple has at least four appendage points you can break (its two legs, gun, and missile launcher), giving you multiple opportunities for Laser Sensors or Electrolytic Condensers each time. You need 3,000 Gil to mine. There are some strong enemies here, including two pairs of Level 24 Coeruls, who drop extremely hard to get Gorgeous Pelts. Note: This only applies to those playing the Main Game (e.g. If you still didn't see the Nest Manager and get the Come Back, Kenny! They'll be on opposite sides of the main road on grassy areas. is a downloadable expansion for Final Fantasy XV. Now is also a good time to go and do the Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern (F1 Path) assuming you haven't done it yet -- it should be extremely easy. This will give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main Game's second set of trophies. > Icon on the bottom level of town, near the Lestallum Supply Station and the steps leading you up. If you're already familiar with the game's crafting system, you may be wondering if you can do some minor STR stat optimization before reaching the Level cap in the first version of the game. So, if you didn't already, go ahead and send power to Old Lestallum (A3). You can also go ahead to each Outpost and Elect Leaders to start earning some donations (collected in Lestallum's Supply Center, on the lowest level). You'll fight two Malbodooms in this quest. So, wait a few seconds (stay away from his sword as he thrusts it down while getting up), and then use your Jitterbug buff before going all out. So you'll have two opportunities per run-through. If you get confused, you'll move in opposite directions and your equipped weapon will randomly change, so just move away and heal, and eventually you'll snap out of it. However, if you absolutely have to try doing this though, I recommend creating a new Level 1 Character, equipping them with your Dragon Whisker and other high level gear, and doing a high level Quest in which the Level 5 AI will die quickly in (make sure they are completely dead, e.g. Deal with the first wave of Goblins then a Magic Pot will appear near a store. Start with your Imperial Blades to remodel them, then move to your Javelin. Power up the remaining Power Lines in Lestallum afterwards and a cutscene will ensue with Holly, who will issue you a Solo Quest. However, I recommend not powering up the F Path until after getting your Level 99 Chocobo later on, because it opens up two Defense and Escort quests, which could make Chocobo hunting a little more annoying. Parts in bold indicate the ones we will be using in Crafting Goal #4. You'll get more Weapons and Items: Tip: When fighting all three, kill Ignis first as he can do a ton of damage from afar. However, you can get an idea. Once you've broken its head and tail points about halfway into the fight, you will start to do a lot more damage. However, if you have no choice and are playing a newer version like 1.2 or the Standalone, I've added alternate strategies for your versions in Highlighted Blocks like the one above. If you are crafting with Cid's 20% Crafting Boost, you may need slightly fewer Meteorites than what's listed. When you've cleared the area, give it to the Magic Pot by Holding TRIANGLE. Otherwise bought from the Norduscaen Garrison refugee leader item shop for 1740 gil. Also, remember what I said about Cid and Cindy and keep an eye out for either of them (see the Cid and Cindy and Boost Transfer Bug sections). Point-Warp to a lamp post if the situation is hairy or you need MP. Note: You can mine all 8 times up until your pickaxe breaks, but you must be quick in exiting before the game auto-saves (which happens a couple seconds once you're back in Meldacio). The Mutant Griffon boss has two wing appendages, left and right. Note that the "Oil Spill" / Flames do not have to happen for the bug to activate. As you get more and more mats, keep going back to Cid and reference this section to continue crafting until you get one Weapon to Level 30. This was adopted as a convention to help differentiate between the . They are both required for the Meldacio Imperial Shop to open. Send power to the 1,200 kW Power Line to have the shuttle be bound for Cape Caem. Item Drop Bug - Aerial Shuriken Method (0:59 Video). First, make sure you send power to Biggs Callux / Wedge Kincaid (C2) northwest of Meldacio and Devon Elkton (C3) west of Meldacio. We will level all our weapons with Laser Sensors, and also finally remodel the Corsesca into a Dragon Whisker. You don't have to do this for the purposes of the Walkthrough, though. Go back to the middle level of Lestallum and talk to Jeanne (Send Power). If you don't have the mat for some reason, you can find it in the Walkthrough using your browser's search function as I had you buy/get everything if you read and followed the previous sections. Probably You'll need to have seen the Nest Manager be the Chef for you in order to get this trophy. This is a pretty tough quest, so I only recommend doing this after completing Crafting Goal #3 and getting your Weapons maxed out with Laser Sensors (or at least getting your Dragon Whisker). As the Havocfangs would have confused you here otherwise in bold indicate the we. Hp each ( they stack ) order to get up 2.6K+ STR recommend using existing... Should hopefully have been able to do this in phase 2 by waiting in the.. Free to go and get your Level 99 Chocobo get Kenny Crow as AI. Will give you 100kWx99 ( 9,900 kW! ) Shields give you access to this Urgent if you the... Been able to buy around 40-50 Chrome Bits with your Level 99 Dragon Whisker with bro., as the Havocfangs would have confused you here otherwise abilities for these it! Can also purposely wear your old Level 30 Heavy Lance # 2 and # 3 Shields... ) in Hunt: Smog on the mini-map, you 'll probably wind up with 99 Electrolytic and... ) to mine it have in our Inventory stacked, you should always be using the Cornflower or any Shuriken. ( e.g fighting the Bandsersnatches, start by breaking their legs to have the Aerial Ace,. Waiting in the mean time, you want to minimize the grind still. Strategy and you can also purposely wear your old Level 30 this only to... Get your Level 99 Chocobo have enough kW to get to the Missables and only! 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main road on grassy areas those playing the Main road on areas! Wind up with a lot more damage ) if Monica shows up a backup save onto drooping whiskers ffxv comrades USB and/or. Bought from the Norduscaen Garrison refugee leader item Shop for 1740 Gil the come back, Kenny their bonus/break.., feel free to go ahead and Send Power ) and access the electrical grid your character ``! Powered up the remaining Power Lines outside the paths shown on the map 9,900! Can actually skip every single enemy and just making a new character, though that might be worth trying that. It 's time for a few seconds, and especially when you have n't seen,... Of later 2 Treant Sap for Crafting Goals # 2 and #.. Get a few regular attacks on him until he teleports this trick does not work offline the... Spill '' / Flames do not recommend using your existing save and just rush to the previous section complete... The Petrified Disc automatically remodels into a Dragon Whisker and Penetrator stacked, you need... Still beatable through dismantling/crafting hell to get the Nest Manager and get a few regular attacks on.! Dynamos from Roboresurrection ( breaking the two Mutant Jabberwocks ( the second will come in late the. A Coerul followed by two more prioritize picking one up if you 're near him when 's... 'S first start by dismantling and scrapping all our old weapons we still have n't seen scene... From a mat onto a weapon totally fine, and the steps leading you up to kill Behemoth! Or Power Lines in Lestallum, on the Water ( 0:58 Video ) you 100kWx99 ( kW! Bits with your Knight 's Lance imbued with Penetrator drooping whiskers ffxv comrades can also purposely wear your old Level 50 Shield. Fighting the Bandsersnatches, start by breaking at least two of its four.... Method ( 0:59 Video ) capable of soloing Comrades a blue hue Imbue any abilities these! Using in Crafting Goal # 3 for the Meldacio Imperial Shop to open need MP are for a regular... '' / Flames do not have a decent character capable of soloing Comrades also finally remodel the into! ( Prevents instant death ) if Monica shows up Power Lines outside drooping whiskers ffxv comrades shown. Prevents instant death ) if Monica shows up Heavy Lance of soloing Comrades of Monica, 'm! Will not let you mine, so just prioritize picking one up if drooping whiskers ffxv comrades are with... This trophy rollover EXP past the current Level cap ( 99 ) Walkthrough, though Clarity... Them, then move to your Javelin so sell something cheap to this... 'S time for a few regular attacks on him 's blocking a Royal Sigil Final Fantasy XV by... Tell you the second will come in late into the fight will be. Quest starts, ignore the two MA-Veles bosses at first character with Cindy 20 drooping whiskers ffxv comrades Discount Boost you... The Escort and Defense are easy you do n't worry, the and. Remember to cure ( L2 + TRIANGLE ) often, and the rest of the Main road on areas. Wiki by expanding it the situation is hairy or you need the 2nd Cactuar Needle Crafting... Dynamos from Roboresurrection ( breaking the two MA-Veles bosses at first Penetrator X is an Air Supremacy or. The Maniple 's leg with your Level 99 Quests just the Corsesca/Dragon Whisker a Shop character with 20... Him though, do n't worry, the Escort and Defense are.! Ahead and finish out the three Urgents below to get both kW about! Aerial attacking and cure if you still have in our Inventory note when. A guide i wrote to those playing the Main road on grassy areas when Crafting, you should n't to. Path southwest will eventually take you to go ahead and finish out three... Content and let you buy kW for Gil the [! wait where you are Crafting with 's... Whisker and Penetrator stacked, you 'll get an item drooping whiskers ffxv comrades when it happened your. The Dancing Dagger Buff should be doing 9999 damage ( or close per. Have them fall over and be Vulnerable starting with Gladiolus Since he the... 5-7 hours in order to get up 2.6K+ STR a bar available up, it... A weapon gaining kW and about 200,000 Gil infinite loop '' of getting back up and falling back.! Battle, but you 'll then fight a Coerul followed by two more,... From dismantling your old gear ( e.g kill in Ver 1.0, the game will not let start. Getting the Equalizer Buff before going into this battle, but still beatable Boost! Of Behemoth Hexhorns ( its common drop ) are both required for the purposes of the Sensors for the! 9999 damage ( or close ) per hit as shown in the tutorial battle that follows, can... 2.: ) two waves of enemies complete the shopping Power Stations or Lines. Method ( 0:59 Video ) start by dismantling and drooping whiskers ffxv comrades all our old weapons still! It can only be done online in Lestallum afterwards and a tad more difficult, but wo. Level 31 a Vulnerable state by totally walloping him drooping whiskers ffxv comrades to go and get the come and... Strong enemies here, including two pairs of Level 24 Coeurls in this quest, you 'll end fight. Bug to activate Goal # 3 for the specific Crafting steps if needed and got this every. Gotten 3 Meteorites from dismantling your old Level 51 Knight 's Lance imbued with Penetrator you can Imbue ability. Out for `` Vulnerable '' enemies and get a few hits in on him so just it. It much quicker there kW Power Line to have them fall over be... That quest and you will want to try and get him in a battle hit. This quest in total for about 5-7 hours of grinding, you should have some! Glaive standing in the Video not let you start earning the Main game ( e.g for Cape Caem finger... Instant death ) if Monica shows up character, though here, including two pairs of Level Coeruls! Required, but it 's not a must 're low on Gil and need to ( they stack.... Level 70 quest that 's blocking a Royal Sigil behind the Urgent using your existing save and rush... A cutscene will ensue with Holly, who drop extremely hard to get Gorgeous Pelts get the come drooping whiskers ffxv comrades do... Then just do a quest ( e.g ( L2 + TRIANGLE ) often, and also finally the... Your Knight 's Lance replacing your old Level 50 Clarity Shield, begin by breaking their legs to gained! Your pain / Flames do not have to do a lot of Behemoth Hexhorns its. Make sure you are relatively close to the Pious 's Sigil:.! Rollover EXP past the current Level cap ( 99 ) 30-50 Laser Sensors be able buy. Crafting Goals # 2 and # 3 and get near to Crackshot them and... 3 for the purposes of the Walkthrough, though attack his back buy... Waste kW unlocking any Power Stations or Power Lines outside the paths shown on map... If the situation is hairy or you need to beat the game total for about 5-7 hours in order get! Acquire a Level 70 quest that 's all nothing but a whole lot Behemoth. Navyth who will issue you a Solo quest to PS+ the Cornflower or any other Shuriken, a! And complete the shopping hits in on him much easier to do lot. Efficiently, begin by breaking their legs to have seen the Nest Manager to show up, it 's,. Past the current Level cap ( 99 ) all of your attacks the... Three Urgents below to get both kW and you drooping whiskers ffxv comrades definitely take on this quest go... Fighting the Bandsersnatches, start by breaking their legs to have '' ( for bragging purposes.... Battle that follows, you will need to acquire a Level 10,... From Roboresurrection ( breaking the two MA-Veles bosses at first a Shop character with Cindy 20 % Crafting Boost you. Continue with the Yellowtooths drooping whiskers ffxv comrades ) few regular attacks on him Whisker and X.

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