how to make a pan flute

Pan Flute. 2. You can change the pitch by changing the length of the straw. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago We need some calculation, obviously. If you use an handsaw make sure it can cut the material or you will be ruining it. With some duct tape, maybe a colored one, cover the edge to avoid any air fugue. Putting a quality Pan Flute together is a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle you always want to be able to reach for, and find, a piece that is just the right size and shape to fit. This requires having a good supply of bamboo pipes, of all assorted sizes and bore diameters, ranging from the very largest that you will be using, right down to the very narrowest, and every conceivable size and diameter in between. You definitely dont want to come up short, so its always better to have a supply of bamboo in excess of your needs than to be wanting in any way, or having to make do with a pipe that really isnt everything that youre looking for. Besides having a wide selection of pipes of every possible diameter available, the basic qualities desired in a bamboo pipe for making Pan Flutes are straightness, roundness or cylindricality, and hardness and denseness. A bamboo pipe doesnt have to be perfectly straight in fact, few are but it cannot be too crooked; slight bowing is permissible, with adjacent pipes selected to be congruent in the direction of their bowing. But what if we want a note higher than a C6? You may not take images or content from this site without written permission. The (not-so-)boring part. From what you see on the left above to what you see at right above only takes a couple days of relaxed labor to produce. I used a tuner to check the pitch of this test pipe and that gave me an idea of where to start. Actually, an open tube requires a correction factor that depends on frequency and inner diameter, but the difference should be barely noticeable. How to make a pan flute How to make smoking pipes from wood Pan Pipes 60K views Instrumentos Alternativos How To Make A Homemade PVC Flute It's cable reimagined No DVR space limits. If. All we need to do is take the frequency of the pipe, double it two times and calculate the value of L. For example, the D4 has a frequency of 293.7 Hz, so the D6 has a frequency of 1174.7 Hz. I recommended starting with a small pan flute no bigger than two octaves (13 - 15 pipes.) those without accidentals (low C, D, E, F, G, A, B, high C) and set them in order from longer to shorter. After you have bought a bunch of bamboo poles of different sizes, the next step is to rough cut them into lengths that are somewhat longer than the length you will finally be using once the pipe is precision cut down to size. The cardinal rule here is to always cut substantially longer than the final length youll wind up using because its always easy to cut bamboo off, but not so easy to put it back on. Generally speaking, the best bamboo for Pan Flute pipes comes from the middle of the bamboo stalk, or culm there, the walls are usually not too thick and not too thin, but just about right, and the bore diameter is the most steady and constant throughout. And in the middle of the stalk, there are usually none of the annoying grooves or indentations in the cross-sectional profile of the bamboo that are caused by the branches, which usually branch off only at the top nodes of the culm. From this we can determine all other frequencies using the second formula (second pic, obviously). Do you want some more directions? Now we have to start measure things. (Weve previously made our own cardboard tube kazoos and rainsticks such a fun way to explore sound and make music!) My panpipe is wooden and no doubts it is not elastic one :) To play a semitone I change only the angle from which I blow (and maybe also cover the hole a little bit by a bottom lip). By bending the pipes, you are exploiting the slightly elastic nature of the material (be careful not to stretch too much and cause the resultant tension to shatter a brittle pipe! In the twelfth and final step of Pan Flute making, we get to the real finishing touches that are to be put on the instrument, to protect and beautify it. Before this step, the Pan Flute is perfectly playable in every way, so if playing an instrument that is not fully finished doesnt particularly matter to you, then go ahead and play your heart out. But these two final finishing processes, of oiling and painting the pipes, will not only beautify your instrument, but will also protect it and extend its life., Oiling the pipes usually comes first, and can be done periodically to protect the pipes from the moisture of the players breath, and subsequent tendencies for mold and rot to set in. Oiling is done as part of the final stage of Pan Flute making, and then subsequently as part of a cleaning or overhaul process. In this cleaning and overhaul process, the interiors or bores of the pipes are first cleaned of mold and mildew, as well as solidified residue or accretions from the players breath, with a long, thin dowel stick to which a strip of wet cloth has been attached. My teacher, Damian Luca, recommends using just ordinary water for this procedure, in contrast to others, who prefer a stronger cleaning solvent like wood alcohol, which he says tends to overly dry out and damage the bamboo. After the pipes are initially cleaned in this manner, they are then oiled. In the initial making of a Pan Flute, however, we may proceed directly to the oiling process without doing an initial cleaning., Many different types of oil can be used to oil the pipes of a Pan Flute. Zamfirs personal favorite is Almond oil; Damian Luca says that any vegetable oil from the supermarket will do. Oils that I have used include Castor oil, Grapeseed oil, Linseed oil and Olive oil. You can even get elaborate in making your own composite oil blend, or even in making a semi-solid bore wax that includes other protective materials like Myrrh or Propolis resin as well as Beeswax into the mix. The whole purpose of oiling is to protect the wood from moisture and rot. You can prop up the Pan Flute into an upright position, either by taping it to the wall or inserting its bottom end into a wide mouthed jar that has been weighted down with sand, gravel or coins, so that it sands upright in a stable position. Then, using a measuring cup with a beak on it, and maybe a funnel as well, pour the oil into each pipe, from the bottom pipe to the top, until the oil level rests right below the rim. Then, let the instrument sit overnight in this position, soaking up the oil. In the morning, pour the oil out and turn the Pan Flute upside down, rims downward, over several layers of newspaper to soak up the excess oil that slowly drains out over the next several hours. If this seems too messy and wasteful of oil to you, then an alternative method is to apply the oil with a thin, long stemmed paint brush, even using two applications if so desired. . Blow air into the pan flute. The Panflute is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Bard weapon. 4. 1 year ago I'm here for this! Check out my book. First I worked out the 4 * 466.2, getting 1864.8 then did 13830 / 1864.8, getting 7.416 inches, which is close to the 7.23 inches in your tube length calculator but not close enough. 3. on Step 1. I made my pan flute from 1/2" diameter PVC water supply pipe. You should be able to find all of these items from the hardware store. First, if we make a single hole, its size doesn't matter. The process of fitting the slats so that the pipes interface well with each other is one that can be done in either a quick and perfunctory fashion, or in a more precise fashion whatever level of painstaking precision, or relative lack thereof, you choose to select, there needs to be a relatively high level of consistency and uniformity in the slatting depths of the pipes from top to bottom. You shouldnt have one pair of interfacing slats be cut very deeply with the ones immediately above or below it being cut very shallowly, for example. The slatting depth between pipes, which is measured by the closest that the inner bores of adjacent pipes come to each other at their narrowest point, is merely one dimension of pipe slatting and fitting. The slats need to be angled inwards ever so slightly towards the players side so that the surfaces of adjoining slats fit together perfectly on the Pan Flute Mold. Also, when viewed from the tops to the bottoms of adjacent pipes, the pipes and their slats need to be fairly uniform in width from top to bottom. Twisting or skewing of the slats from top to bottom should also be eliminated. It seems to me that there's no error at all. With a Dremel tool you can speed up the process, unless you prefer doing it by hand, but be aware that you will change the sandpaper bit many, many times. Well, for this step Now we have a set of 13 tubes. at the bottom end. If walls are significantly thinner than this, they must be similarly thin throughout the gamut of the instrument and the same goes for thicker walls as well. Also remember that if a pipes walls are too thick, they can be thinned down extensively, but doing so takes off the hard, sonorous, resilient outer layer of the bamboo and leaves mainly the inner softer and pithier layers, which are not so acoustically desirable. A pipes inner bore diameter provides the primary guideline for determining exactly how long you will cut the piece please refer to the table of pipe sizes and dimensions on the page of that name. Definitely, the best pipes are those that are perfect just as Nature made them. Generally, I make my rough pieces of bamboo about one internode in length, cutting about one to 1.5 inches below each node. An exception to this general rule must be made for the longer pipes in the lower octave of a Bass Pan Flute, of course. , Step Three: Baking or Kiln Drying the Pipes As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Many thanks for the reply and further explanation :) Now I can get to calculating and building Once complete, I plan to upload a pic of finished panpipes ;), It did indeed :) Does the correction formula shown somewhere in comments section come into play, or is it a case of minor variations ? Regarding the formula, you can just click on it and it will open full-size. and a Panflute You'll need to have in general: A drill. So, the image of this step is from my previous instrument, a six-holed pennywhistle made of aluminium, wood (juniper), and electrician tape. This is the perfect activity to accompany a lesson on the science of sound, our five senses, or music. In this STEM / STEAM activity, kids will make a homemade pan flute using straws! We cannot start making something if we don't have anything to start with. Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! (You can also make noise blowing right into the straw. This way I could tune them by adjusting the amount of plasticine in each tube.I found this way very practical because plasticine does not let the air pass trough and assumes the shape you desire, so it's very easy to use to close and tune the tubes of a pan flute. How can I find the length in centimetres and not get this: length = 345 (my local speed of sound)/ 4*440 = .196. Step 2: Experimenting With Tunes and Tubes. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Knot the end when you are done. As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. The length of the tube influence the pitch: longer tubes produce lower notes, shorter tubes produce higher notes. After the pipes have been oiled, and the excess oil has been thoroughly removed, the next step is to finish or paint the pipes. The purpose of painting or finishing the pipes is mainly aesthetic in nature, but it can have acoustical benefits as well. A wide variety of different finishes may be used, such as acrylic lacquer, oil finishes, polyurethane, or various kinds of varnishes, including acoustical violin varnish. I highly recommend the latter, as it not only beautifies and preserves the bamboo, but also improves the overall sound and acoustics of the pipes. Or, you may simply wax or oil the outsides of the pipes, as you have done with their interiors, or apply no paint or finish at all, preferring to go natural. A glossy finish is most recommended for the bottom frame or boot of the Pan Flute, even if the pipes themselves are left in an unfinished, natural state; one of the things I have done with the frame or boot has been to apply a very thin layer of clear epoxy glue to it, using a very thin piece of plywood as a kind of palette knife applicator for doing this. The frame or boot may also be stained to get it to be the right color, and even brown or black shoe polish can be used for this purpose. If you have good basic woodworking and craftsmanship skills, you will be able to come up with a good creative and aesthetically pleasing solution. But, if you want to create a proper scale, youd want to create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements: Do = 17.5 cm Each tube will produce a note a semitone higher than the previous one and a semitone lower than the next one. I Marked them with a Sharpie. Stylistically and aesthetically, there are several possible variations in the designing of Pan Flute frames. Although Basswood is the traditional material for making Pan Flute frames, a flexible tree branch, of Willow or some other soft, pliable wood, can also be used for the front and back strips for those who want a very natural feel and look. Or, the front and back strips can be eliminated altogether, just reinforcing the instrument with successive laminations of thin Basswood, hardwood veneer or thin plywood on the instruments bottom surface. If the right pieces of bamboo or sculpted wood should be unavailable for the end pieces, then molding them out of epoxy putty and rasping or sanding them off smooth later is also a possibility. The styling variations are virtually endless, and the aesthetic possibilities of using exotic woods and other materials can also provide great artistic and creative possibilities. Just remember that structural considerations of strength and reinforcement should be satisfied before you start to consider aesthetics. This method only works when you can also open the ends, because the note produced is noticeably different if the end is open or closed. They were perfect for younger children to make and use, and the kids got lots of fine motor practice decorating their pan flutes with yarn. We made our pan pipes to simply explore how the different lengths of each straw affect the sound you can create with it. The initial sealing off of the bottom of a pipe so that no air can escape, and so the pipe may produce a clear sound when it is blown into can happen as early as the ninth step, which is that of framing the pipes. This can happen when epoxy and fiberglass are laid onto the bottom of the instrument, or even when the bottom panel of the wooden frame is affixed and glued on or it may not happen. The sealing off of the bottom of a pipe may be achieved via the traditional method of using beeswax, or it can be achieved via another method. Professor Georgescu would whittle off pine plugs or stoppers until they fit snugly into the bottom of the pipe, then he would take a ball of beeswax and drop it down into the bottom of the pipe, inserting a hot poker down into the pipe after it to melt the beeswax, which would then flow into the cracks and crevices between the pine wood plug and the pipe walls, sealing off the pipe. He did this with the individual pipes, even before assembly. The easiest way is simply to wait until after the bottom frame has been put on the pipes and seal them by packing in beeswax or another tuning material, like epoxy putty or some other form of putty., The next phase of the tuning process is rough tuning. In the bottom octave of an Alto Pan Flute, putty is inserted into the pipe bottoms until the pitch is about a quarter tone below the desired pitch in the lowest octave; in the middle octave, it is inserted until about a half step below the desired pitch; and in the top octave, it is until a whole step below the desired pitch. Epoxy putty remains stable and does not expand after it is set, but some expansion may occur during the setting process, which may be problematic; for this reason, some other form of putty may be desired. Also, epoxy putty that sets and hardens too quickly is to be avoided get at least 15, preferably 30 minutes of drying time, and mix your putty and use it in small batches. The fine tuning up to pitch should be done with beeswax, because it is malleable and adjustable, so more can easily be inserted to raise the pitch, and wax can also be taken out to lower the pitch. A tuning tool can be made from a wooden dowel stick that is small enough in diameter to fit into the pipe easily and comfortably. One end of the dowel stick should be left flat for packing down the wax after it has been dropped down into the bottom of the pipe; the other end has a groove filed into it with a rat-tailed file. If you have inserted too much wax and need to remove some, jam the grooved end of the dowel stick into the wax and twist it around; then pull it out. Usually, some wax will have stuck into the groove, which can then be removed.. It's an easy trash to treasure craft idea for kids that will. Study 1 to 8 CA Academy of Music 2.03K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 121K views 4 years ago Teach yourself Pan Flute Videos for Pan Flute beginners.. I love sharing crafts, science, STEM and STEAM activities, free printables and more! Since the process depends also on what you have choosen as cap, those can be only general directions. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "buggyandbuddy-20"; The table of pipe lengths and bore diameters, as shown on the Pipe Sizes and Dimensions page, will be your primary guide in fine cutting the pipes down to their proper length. Its always a good idea to make your cut a little outside the line, just to be on the side of safety. Still, the pipe lengths shown in the table will give a sufficient margin to allow for the shaping and sculpting of the bottoms of the pipes to produce an aesthetically pleasing curve after the pipes have been assembled, without any fear of coming up short length-wise., Step Six: Pipe Wall Thinning and Bore Work this pan flute kit from Discount School Supply, 28 Days of STEM and STEAM Activities for Kids series, 15 Meaningful Earth Day Activities for Kids, STEM for Kids: Straw Rockets (with Free Rocket Template), Earth Day Craft for Kids: Cupcake Liner Daisy, Science for Kids: Dissect a Bean Seed (with free printable recording sheet). It's just a pinch of sarcasm), I made this simple spreadsheet in Google Drive. Apply glue to the back of the lolly stick and carefully place on top the straws, making sure it touches every straw. Only a really good ear can sense a difference of a few cents. ). If you hear 2 notes when you play the C, D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group. Also make sure to add a millimeter of between section, because the handsaw is less precise that a tube-cutter. All the ends of the straws should line up about 3/4 inch over one edge of the cardstock. Question Pan Flute tuning is a rather tricky process, and one that is not that well done by a beginner. This is especially true of the high notes, especially those that are above the d of the middle octave or register of a standard Alto Pan Flute. Beginning players generally find that the pitch of these notes is unstable, and easily sags, because they have not developed sufficient embouchure strength and support. And so, Pan Flute tuning is best done by a seasoned or advanced player. Using an electronic tuner is recommended, but it must not be relied upon exclusively use your ear as well. In the lower octave of an Alto Pan Flute, the pitch is inherently stable. In the middle register, the pitch gets somewhat less stable, tending to rise with a more forceful air stream and embouchure, and to fall with a less forceful one. And these tendencies are even stronger in the top register. In the middle and top registers, what we are looking for is to have the pitch center around the neutral or in tune pitch on the electronic tuner. It may take a while before you get the tuning of your new Pan Flute exactly right, and where it needs to be be patient, and listen. As I mentioned before, the speed of sound depends on a lot of factors, like altitude, temperature, composition of air, and so on. amzn_assoc_asins = "B0771KXDLH,B00II02KM0,B00000IS02,B073R2FBWY,B00005RF5C,B00DQRV6B6,B00K89KG66,B0002F5CQK,B015EV2NZE"; Filed Under: Crafts for Kids, Elementary, Science, Sound Tagged With: homemade instruments, sound, straws, Welcome to Buggy and Buddy! For another project (a tin whistle) I've started to sand them by hand with a medium grit sandpaper. Try to play some notes. If the note is lower than n will be negative, if the note is higher it will be positive. part of it got clipped and a symbol is missing. By the way: the tin whistle sounds good, is well tuned, and it's a C-whistle. Take five wide straws and cut them into varying lengths. Copyright @ by David Osborn. 13 drinking straws (You might not really need all 13 straws. Write the note on each one to easily found them and to avoid swapping pipes. How to Make an Easy Pan Flute from Any Metal Pipe Pan flutes can be made from a whole range of materials, from drinking straws to bamboo, but here's a more unusual version that's made from metal plumbing pipe. In this STEM / STEAM activity, kids will make a single hole, its size n't... Cover the edge to avoid swapping pipes. it got clipped and a symbol is missing frequencies using second. There any tips you can create with it, STEM and STEAM activities, printables! 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