main theme of each book of the bible pdf

Luke 24 Chapters The letter to the Galatians addresses a problem seen in many churches today: adding man-made requirements for being a Christian. It portrays the beginning of the church from it's roots at Pentecost fifty days after the Lords resurrection, to Paul being held under house arrest. Readers should not be concerned if they do not understand all of the descriptions in this scholarly temple section. Your email address will not be published. The theme of Judges is the cycle of sin and repentance. GENERAL EPISTLES (Next 8 Bible Books) Also entitled Song of Songs, this book describes the love between a man and a woman. Proverbs 31 Chapters View detailed outline. The book also teaches us about Gods holiness, faithfulness and grace. It is also the shortest book in the Old Testament. The term Gospel is derived from the Greek word euangelion () which means Good News. However, the word that we use does not come directly from the Greek term . It's about God the Father displaying his glory through God the Son by the power of God the Holy Spirit. Revelation is the New Testaments one book of prophecy. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a4bf3f9aa6bf9b99a49bd6b59c8e965a" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [4][5][6][7][8] Other scholars believe the author lived during Ezras time because there are references made about Persian kings ruling over Judah at that time; however these references do not appear until later chapters (see Chapter 8).[9][10]. Exodus God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. A philosophical collection of proverbs, maxims, and sayings that explore the meaning of life and proffer wisdom to others seeking truth in God. endobj From a big-picture standpoint, the Bible is divided into two major sections: The Old Testament Th e Old Testament is a collection of 39 books, Nehemiah 13 Chapters View detailed outline. As an explanation,prophecy describes two things: Things the people were told to do by God. View detailed outline. Although early chapters are not easy reading, the book becomes a historical adventure starting in Chapter 10. In fact, it's a masterpiece. 2 Corinthians 13 Chapters Since many of these instructions no longer apply, you may wish to put off reading Leviticus until you have read all the New Testament books. Thats why weve created this handy guide to help you understand each book of the Bible and its main theme. 1 Chronicles is a history book. <>/Shading<<>>/Pattern<<>>/XObject<<>>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<>>>>> The key thought that runs through the books of prophecy is Micah 6:8, which says, He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. "D?_@Z|~_j%JF4Zz There is enough murder, adultery and intrigue in this book (and all historically true, of course) to put a soap opera to shame. (If you just glance at the first 9 chapters the first time you read this book, we wont tell anybody.) Numbers The tribes journey to Canaan, where they live as strangers in their own land. Download Theme Summary PDF Download Theme Summary Word. The most important message in the book is that Gods people are punished and they return to Him, who then blesses them with peace. They did not believe this prophet from the puny nation of Israel, and they were destroyed a hundred years later in 612 BC. Obadiah is the shortest book of prophecy. These epistles are divided into two main groups, and they are: (A) The Pauline Epistles, (B) the General Epistles. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. 3 John 1 Chapter Home All Library Resources Free Downloads. The compassion and tender love of God for His people is highlighted throughout this book. Malachi contains what amounts to a humorous and somewhat sarcastic dialogue between God and his hypocritical followers. <>/Shading<<>>/Pattern<<>>/XObject<<>>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<>>>>> The day and hour of Jesus return are unknown to all but God (Matthew 24:36 24:51). 2345 Charles Ave. John offers stories of signs and miracles associated with Jesus. Daniel: The book of Daniel offers hope and consolation to Jews who are suffering under Babylonian bondage. Solomon builds the temple but after rejecting God, Babylonians take Israel captive and destroy the temple. [The epistle of 2 Timothy is classified as a Pastoral epistle but it is also considered to be a Prison Epistle]. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here. As you read these summaries, you will discover the main message God intended for His readers in each book of the Bible, as well as a "life message" just for you. Jeremiah: He was the longest serving prophet in Israel. The book concludes with a detailed description of the making of the first temple of worship. Judgment, repentance, faith, and restoration are major themes. God would raise Zerubbabel, the last known prince in the line of David and who was the then governor of Judah, to take initiative to re-build the temple. Joel describes a plague of locusts and other woes upon his people and warns that this is only the beginning of what is to come if the Southern Kingdom does not repent. First Corinthians is a letter written to the most corrupt Christian church specifically addressed in the Bible. Paul advices Titus on how to lead churches on the island of Crete. The sun will not beat down on them,nor any scorching heat. Jude: The message of this epistle is a strong warning against the false teaching which says that Gods grace is an excuse for immoral living. Colossians is another short book. Genesis explains how God created the universe, including all the animals and humans. If so, this is a great book to read. A letter of reconciliation from Paul to the church in Corinth clearing up additional concerns. Philemon is a letter, a story, and a lesson rolled into one. This book beautifully reveals how free from external requirements Christianity really is. The Old Testament consists of 39 books classified under four different categories: (i) The Books of the Law (ii) The Historical Books (iii) The Poetical and Wisdom Literature The Pauline epistles are divided into three groups and they are as follows: Romans: The epistle of Romans is written from a theological perspective and reflects the fullest form of Pauls faith-based spiritual life. View detailed outline. Subscribe to the Bible Blender Newsletter. Main Theme and Purpose of Proverbs Proverbs is one of the five "wisdom books" of the Bible, with the other four being Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon (Song of Songs). What is the value of doing a word study in understanding the Bible. View detailed outline. Ephesians: This epistle reflects that the Church is a part of Gods purpose to bring unity in the world and about God reconciling all things through Christ Jesus. Youre not alone. Prophecies announcing the coming Babylonian captivity, the suffering of the people, and the ultimate overthrow of their enemies. Yet, they all ended up making him feel hollow, rather than satisfied. In Second Samuel, David is now kingbut there is a great deal of trouble brewing. God guides Ezekiel to speak to Israel providing prophetic warning messages over the judgement upon Judah if they do not repent. There are 80 books in the King James Bible; 39 in the Old Testament, 14 in the Apocrypha, and 27 in the New Testament.. He builds a temple for God and worships Him there. The books inspire its readers to uphold hope in Christ as Christians are called to live a life of love and hope in the world. Leviticus is written in poetry form, but its not just poetry; many scholars believe Leviticus was purposely written in such a way that it would be easy to memorize. The names of each book of the Bible are listed below: Joshua Joshua 1405 BCE, during Conquest of Canaan by Joshua & Israelites under leadership of Joshua who served as military leader under Gods command during conquest. endobj The book marks the beginning of human history and Gods covenant with humanity through Abraham. AUTHOR: Paul ROMANS THEME: The Gospel According To Paul. Wisdom and joy are given to those live for God. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! A letter to the churches in Rome explaining how Christianity should work. (Sound familiar?) Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God's character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. One of the main piece of this book is the peoples deep bitterness and grief over the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. This is where the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob's ladder, and Joseph's coat of many colors are recorded. Showing just how far some people can fall morally,the mere fact that these awful events are recorded add proof that the Bible is not an edited book. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The English word Bible is derived from the Latin term biblia, which originates from the Greek term ta bibla ( ), which simply means The Books. The Holy Spirit, being the sole author, used forty anointed writers from various walks of life (that included Kings, Prophets, priests, historians, apostles, and even ordinary men) for over 1500 years (from BC 1400 to AD 100) to complete the book. You may have heard that the book of Numbers is a book of the Bible. Read it yourself and see that Amos was writing to (the residents of) various 8th century BC capital cities and not about someone who lived in the last 200 years or so. They were written by Moses around 1400 BC (Before Common Era), but scholars believe they were composed over a period of about 500 years before this date. But, his focus later changed to hope and salvation. These two sectionsnumbered lists and narrativeare often referred to as chapters when referencing them aloud or referring back to them in conversation (e.g., I love chapter 4). From there on out, youre treated to a series of enumerated lists that serve as an introduction for what becomes a more narratively driven account later on. The main theme of this book is that Gods people are still rebellious, but He still blesses them. The first written Psalm is most probably Psalm # 90 (Psalm of Moses) and the last one is most probably Psalm # 137 (written during Israels captivity). Major focuses are on Creation, the Fall of Man, and Gods Promise of Restoration. John is the last of the four biographies of Jesus in the Bible. 1 Chronicles 29 Chapters A letter written by Paul to the Galatian churches correcting their belief that salvation comes from following lows of Moses rather than faith in Jesus. There are 21 epistles in total. The violence and intrigue in the book of Judges makes it read somewhat like todays newspaper! It tells the story of Naomi and Ruth. The book of Leviticus contains a lot of information. Here God promises Abraham four things: He served 41 years, from B.C. Numbers is a combination of an ancient census and job description for Gods people more than 3,000 years ago. APOCALYPSE (Next 1 Bible Book) What we learned from the Asbury Awakening: Attendees reveal surprising lessons during interview with Oregon Faith Report. Hosea - 14 Chapters Naomi was a woman from Moab who had moved to Israel with her husband Elimelech and two sons; they died while living in Bethlehem. Jeremiah called the Israelites to have true piety, social justice, and loyalty to God. Philippians 4 Chapters Esther: It narrates the delightful story of a Jewish woman named Esther and her role in saving thousands of Jews from massacre. There are 66 books in the Bible. In the first book of Kings, youll find that Solomon is king. Copyright 2008. View detailed outline. Haggai challenges the Israelites for abandoning the rebuilding of the Gods temple. Lamentations: The book reflects on the captivity of Israel by the Babylonians. View detailed outline. Gods answer starts in chapter 1, verse 5. Key personalities are the many kings Judah, Baruch, Ebdemelech, King Nebuchadnezzar, and the Rechabites. It also contains a story in chapter 16 that gives us a glimpse of heaven and hell. The primary principle of literature is that meaning is embodied and communicated through form. Leviticus This is another book for the experienced Bible reader. Written by the last of the Judges, it provides a history of Israel during the judgeship of Samuel and the reign of Saul in order to demonstrate how Israel chose a king while neglecting Gods wishes. In 1 Samuel, you will find the theme of the establishment of the priesthood and monarchy. He was a good king who led Israel back to God after many years without Him. The New Testament is newer than the Old Testament; it was written after Christ came to earth. As a whole, the Bible is about God. This interactive version has drop-down menus for your convenience. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. Youll find many references to him throughout this text, as he narrates his own journey through Israels desert and its peoples troubles along their forty year path towards freedom in Canaan (modern-day Israel). Third, it describes the spiritual battle taking place around us, about which most of us are not aware. What follows is an attempt to capture these themes. And yet there is one major theme that flows consistently throughout its pages. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and receive the latest on science and tech news, new product notifications, exclusive features, and more. Lamentations 5 Chapters Daniel 12 Chapters The first five books of the Bible ( Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) form one unified group, which goes by several names. Provides a history of how the prophet Isaiah warned Israel of future judgement and a coming king who will bear their sins. Two kings choose to turn from God and ultimately fall captive to other empires. View detailed outline. What follows is an attempt to capture these themes it's simplest form. The purpose of Song of Songs is a picture of Gods love for his people. Jonah: The message of Jonah is an example of Gods compassion and love for people who are not part of the original covenant. . For example: a bull was sacrificed if someone committed an unintentional sin; two turtledoves or pigeons were sacrificed if one had an intentional sin but didnt know they did anything wrong at all; a female goat was sacrificed if someone committed some kind of sexual impropriety (like adultery); male sheep were sacrificed if someone murdered somebody else deliberately; etcetera. Song of Solomon - 8 Chapters 3. This explains how Jesus met that requirement. Appropriately, Chapter 13 is one of the most famous in the Bible, powerfully explaining a simple principle that would help get this church (and the rest of us) back on the right track. As a result of Josiahs righteousness (1:20), God blessed him with victory against the Egyptians (2 Kings 23). Ultimately, almost everyone degrades morally to the lowest level until God cannot take it anymore, and He has the Assyrians and Babylonians crush Israel. Gods Word is full of truth, meaning, and purpose. Burleson, TX 76028. I & II Samuel: The book covers Israelite history from the period of the last Judge (Prophet Samuel) to the rise of Kingship in Israel (King Saul, and then King David). The Old Testament is older than the New Testament; it was written before Christ came to earth. The scrolls of long ago could only hold so much handwritten information before they became too big to handle. 7 0 obj View detailed outline. Joshua 24 Chapters The book of Isaiah - 118 image (s) The book of Jeremiah - 42 image (s) The book of Lamentations - 7 image (s) The book of Ezekiel - 5 image (s) The book of Daniel - 2 image (s) The book of Hosea - 4 image (s) The book of Amos - 1 image (s) The book of Micah - 9 image (s) The book of Nahum - 1 image (s) Check It Out. Terms and Conditions Yet, it traces the ancestry of Jesus through Mary rather than through Joseph, as the book of Matthew does. Near the end of his life, Paul gives additional encouragement to Timothy. Biblical Themes in the Old Testament The Law Books Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Exodus: The Birth of a Nation Leviticus: The Law of a Nation Numbers: The Wilderness Wanderings Deuteronomy: The Laws Reviewed The History Books Joshua: The Conquest of Canaan Judges: The First 300 Years Ruth: The Kinsman-Redeemer 1 Samuel: The Birth of a Kingdom The Bible sees what happens to mankind in the light of God's nature, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, and love. Youll see what I mean if you look closely enough.. Leading film production company Cinedigm acquires and Christian Cinema. Did you know the Bible was written over at least a fifteen-hundred-year span and has dozens of different authors? And what significance does each book have as it relates to the whole? Download PDF Download Word For those wanting to dig deeper into Bible Book Paragraph Summary Themes go here. The topics include instructions for various ceremonies and holidays, allowed/forbidden behavior (and the penalties for disobedience), sacrifices, priests duties, dealing with various diseases, and property rights. We are systematically working through the NT, and prior to each time we meet for class the students must summarize the theological message of a NT book in one clear, concise sentence. Joshua: It talks about the end of Exodus period and occupation of the Promised land. Complete but concise summary of each book of the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) By Bible Blender Oct 14, 2017 bible study, history At a glance Old Testament GENESIS (traditionally written by Moses) EXODUS (traditionally written by Moses) LEVITICUS (traditionally written by Moses) NUMBERS (traditionally written by Moses) Exodus - 40 Chapters View detailed outline. For geeks and other superhero types, Geek Slop provides the latest science and technology news, features, and an online shop chock full of geek gear. It describes many pursuits tried by the author to gain pleasure. This book is thought to be the first of the Bible books written. After the military victories, the land is divided between the tribes of people. Are you curious about the meaning of each book of the Bible? A letter written by Paul to the church at Thessalonica praising their ministry and encouraging them to do more. View detailed outline. (For that reason, it is one of the first prophecy books you should read.) Please note that in some editions there may be additional small sections separating these different parts within each chapter which helps divide up larger sections into smaller ones so theyre easier for readers digest while reading through them systematically without being overwhelmed by too much information at once without feeling overwhelmed by trying too hard! 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