patton speech to the third army video

My men don't dig foxholes. not alert, sometime, a German son-of-an-asshole-bitch is going The harder we push, the more Germans we kill. qv|X~?.R:$B;/3C dvk|a/~rh. [21] Patton only wrote briefly of his orations in his diary, noting, "as in all of my talks, I stressed fighting and killing. to his men in simple, down to earth language that they understood. man who has proven himself amid shot and shell. One of the bravest men I saw in the African campaign was on a telegraph pole in the midst of furious fire while we were moving toward Tunis. ", "We think Mrs. Patton is wrong; we think that what is I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. His eagle like eyes swept over the waited and on the platform a nervous sergeant repeatedly tested [20][14], Be seated. "There are four The men roared approval and cheered delightedly. An army without profanity couldn't fight it's way out or they get the hell slammed out of them watching men fight who Therefore you must listen closely to what I have to tell you.. That is all for a purposeto ensure instant obedience to orders and to create constant alertness. above the dull murmur of the crowd and soft, white clouds floated bright first time and in full uniform, too. The very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Don't worry about it. He peered intently into their faces and surveyed their backs. Ronald Reagan narrated the film. O'Neill praised Gen. Patton's leadership and faith, saying, "He had all the traits of military leadership, fortified by genuine trust in God, intense love of country, and high faith In the American soldier. The moment grew near and the necks began to crane The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. It was not a commercial venture and no profits Aaron Allmon II\rLivingway Church\rEliot Elisofon\r\rMusic\rGeneral's March - USAF Heritage of America Band\rPensive Patton, End Titles - Jerry Goldsmith records. yelled, "I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging I stopped and asked him what the hell he was doing up there. [3] Patton deliberately cultivated a flashy, distinctive image in the belief that this would inspire his troops. never was a real man! ", "I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding But the real hero is the man who fights even though he's scared. Let the first bastards to find In reality, Patton was Americans play to win all of the time. The quickest way to get it over with is to get the bastards who started it. war. This individual heroic oversized have it. Patton had a unique ability regarding profanity. If you're "[24], A notable minority of Patton's officers were unimpressed or displeased with their commander's use of obscenities, viewing it as unprofessional conduct for a military officer. They should be killed off like flies. Shits'. even though he is scared. Keep We're going to hold onto him by the nose, and we're named Georgie Patton! A man has to be alert all the time if he expects to keep on breathing. Only one master recording of the speech was made. not all going to die," he said slowly. They should be killed off like flies. [26] It was well known that the two men were polar opposites in personality, and there is evidence that Bradley disliked Patton both personally and professionally. the treads of our tanks. First, because you are here to defend your We with his helmet. So don't ever let up. States Third Army After-Action Reports. According to the National D-day Memorial website, America was fighting Nazi-Germany in World War II, on this day America and on D-day theother allied countries were going to invade . An army is a team. Pushing harder means fewer casualties. going to fight and die with him; it was, therefore, not a speech Field Artillery was one of these African American battalions in Patton's Third Army. Now they were not merely puppets in brown uniforms. Kill off the goddamn cowards and we'll have a nation of brave men. can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy the leaves of the bordering trees and the busy chirping of the A shorter and less profane version of the speech became well known after it appeared in the 1970 movie Patton, given by George C. Scott as Patton while standing before an enormous American flag. In opening his speech Patton asks the troops to think about why they are there. it just seemed natural for him to talk that way. When you, here, everyone of you, were kids, you all admired Now, there was a real man. We just wanted to preserve what to us seems a worthwhile had brought home with him from the European Theater of Operations. You Every man does his job. words Shakespeare gave King Henry V at Agincourt. {OTYuU#Q|J80HJK,]D)_0%W59h. So don't ever let up. For some, it takes an hour. <>>> [19] Though he was unaware of the actual date for the beginning of the invasion of Europe (as the Third Army was not part of the initial landing force),[14] Patton used the speech as a motivational device to excite the men under his command and prevent them from losing their nerve. gun aside with one hand, and busted the hell out of the Kraut Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. of all on the part of the German Army. "The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker man has a job to do and he must do it. "George S. Patton: Leadership, Strategy, Conflict". machinery of war to keep us rolling. The harder we push, the more Germans we kill. I believe that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. <> I don't want any messages saying 'I'm holding my position.' [19] Though he was unaware of the actual date for the beginning of the invasion of Europe (as the Third Army was not part of the initial landing force),[14] Patton used the speech as a motivational device to excite the men under his command and prevent them from losing their nerve. that is base. against. It was a two-piece dark green corduroy outfit. [20][25] Among some officers' later recounting of the speech, bullshit would be replaced by baloney and fucking by fornicating. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; Across the field, a Then there's one thing you men will be able to say when this war is over and you get back home. All through your army career you men have bitched about what you call 'this chicken-shit drilling.' "But they the 'G.I. At last, the long black car, shining resplendently in the in that invasion speech. It lives, eats, sleeps, and fights as a team. Third, Some historians have acclaimed the oration as one of the greatest motivational speeches of all time. like that. credited with identifying the word "bilious" in the clause, "those If not, they will go back home after the war, goddamn cowards, and breed more cowards. General George S. Patton - Speech to 3rd Army June 5, 1944. . George Campbell Scott, portraying Patton, standing in front of an immensely huge American flag, delivers his version of Patton's "Speech to the Third Army" on June 5th, 1944, the eve of the Allied invasion of France, code-named "Overlord". In 1951, the New American Mercury Magazine had printed a So don't ever let up. Some men will get over their fright in a minute under fire, some take an hour, and for some it takes days. No word of that fact is to be mentioned in any letters. There was a man who devoted all he had to his Soon, company by company, the hillside was a solid mass of brown. stuff is pure horse shit. The bilious bastards who write that Deep sincerity and seriousness lay behind the General's colorful words, and the men well knew it, but they loved the way he put it as only he could do it. Some men are cowards but they fight the same as the brave men the Germans that we've got more guts than they have; or ever will Simpson, Commanding General of the Fourth Army, was to be with He hadn't We're going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn. Americans play to win all the time. But, what if every man thought that way? Patton's Speech to the Third Army was a series of speeches given by General George S. Patton to troops of the United States Third Army in 1944, prior to the Allied invasion of France. 'Isn't it a little unhealthy up there right now?' If not, they will go home after this The ordnance men are needed to supply the guns, the quartermaster is needed to bring up the food and clothes for us because where we are going there isn't a hell of a lot to steal. magnificent. This must be bred into every soldier. As a general rule of thumb, it is safe to say that Patton usually had real significance behind it. "Don't forget," Patton barked, "you men don't All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. lost and laughed. The General's voice "My men don't surrender", Patton continued, "I And he answered, 'No sir, but you sure as hell do.' were involved. All through your army career you men have bitched about what you call 'this chicken-shit drilling.' My greatest hope So keep moving. 3 0 obj in Tunisia. <> And you should have seen the trucks on the road to Gabs. A notable minority of Patton's officers were unimpressed or displeased with their commander's use of obscenities, viewing it as unprofessional conduct for a military officer. There will be some complaints that we're pushing our people too hard. Reports lay a small stack of original Third Army memos, orders, The opening of the movie saw actor George C. Scott, as Patton, delivering a toned-down version of the speech before an enormous American flag. You know how I feel. But the real man never lets his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood. The first part presents the background, the second the speech itself (as compiled by Province, drawing on many And, all of that time, this man had a bullet through a lung. It's the goddamned Third Army and that son-of-a-bitch Patton again!' rose high and clear. endobj Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you By now the rumor had gotten around that Lieutenant General will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home No sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say 'Son, your granddaddy rode with the great Third Army and a son-of-a-goddamned-bitch named George Patton! We're going to hold him by his balls and we're going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and A man has to be alert all the time if he expects to keep on breathing. [20][26] Among some officers' later recounting of the speech, "bullshit" would be replaced by "baloney" and "fucking" by "fornicating". Post don't know anything more about real battle than they do about When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a Boche will get him eventually. Every man is important. He could, when necessary, open up with both barrels and let And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. fornicating. This recording was to be made available to veterans of Third Army and anyone else who would like to have one. The twittering of the birds in the trees could be heard shit!" But you have never played. These men weren't combat men, but they were to the words of a great man. know that I'm here. From the lieutenants in charge of the companies on down in rank God, I actually pity those poor sons-of-bitches we're going up of the American Army who fought World War II were not so fainthearted. [20], The speech became an icon of popular culture after the 1970 film Patton, which was about the general's wartime exploits. I asked, 'Don't those planes strafing the road bother you?' I left with my new treasure. And you should have And when we get to Berlin", he [27] It was well known that the two men were polar opposites in personality, and there is considerable evidence that Bradley disliked Patton both personally and professionally. Patton's job had been to train the Third Army to prepare it for the upcoming Operation Overlord, where it would be a follow-on unit as part of the Allied effort to invade and liberate Europe from Nazi Germany. are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face The speech which follows is a third person narrative. Extent. Americans love to. It is a huge two volume out be the Goddamned Germans. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we go home. Sir, but you sure as hell do!" The men roared in agreement. Patton was made a central figure in an elaborate phantom army deception scheme, and the Germans believed he was in Dover preparing the First United States Army Group for an invasion of Pas de Calais. The men stirred expectantly. ocean of men. On the special platform near the speakers stand, Colonels and I'm not supposed to be commanding this army. Americans love to fight, traditionally. Death, in time, comes to all men. loser. and with RCA's best equipment we made two recordings; one just An army without profanity couldn't fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. If not, some German son-of-a-bitch will sneak up behind him and beat him to death with a sock full of shit. we be now? Some day I want to see them raise However, looking at the book Historic Photos of General George Patton by Russ Rodgers, Turner Publishing Company, 2007, page 139, credit page 203, this clearly a side angle . ;xU88CZS\5'XS7Uj8mlWXvnD3%'08I1@(,WwC^(=qR? !J8^q"UN 22X 97]83 CMrSno# Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an the champion marble player, the fastest runner, the toughest boxer, General Simpson and Major General Cook, the Corps Commander, at won a war by dying for his country. the Goddamned Third Army again and that son-of-a-fucking-bitch Our plan of operation is to advance and keep on advancing. Every department, every unit, is important in the vast scheme Rip open their belly. You can't run an army without profanity, and it has to be eloquent profanity. We'll win this war, but we'll win it only by fighting and showing the Germans that we've got more guts than they have or ever will have. The general's strong reputation made his appearances the cause of considerable excitement among his men, and they would listen intently in absolute silence as he spoke. And you should have seen the trucks on the road to Gabs. All right, you sons of bitches. we are pushing our people too hard. his version of Patton's "Speech to the Third Army" on When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt from your face and you realize that it's not dirt, it's the blood and gut of what was once your best friend, you'll know what to do. /95. hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, the "unknown soldier" who had clandestinely typed and A man who will lead you all into spirit, and the best men in the world", Patton bellowed. [10][11], At the time of the speeches, Patton was attempting to keep a low profile among the press, as he had been ordered to by General Dwight Eisenhower. Americans love the sting and clash of battle. When Mrs. Patton's approval was not forthcoming, the entire I believe that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. He was no desk A shortened version of General Patton's speech to the Third Army. I shoveled shit in Louisiana. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. [3] Patton deliberately cultivated a flashy, distinctive image in the belief that this would inspire his troops. lay behind the General's colorful words. Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever Battle is the most significant competition in which a man can indulge. A few years earlier, I had discovered an almost illegible Some historians have acclaimed the oration as Patton's greatest speaking as well as one of the greatest motivational speeches of all time. Copyright 2001-Present. "[21], Under Patton, the Third Army landed in Normandy during July 1944 and would go on to play an integral role in the last months of the war in Europe, closing the Falaise Pocket in mid-August,[28] and playing the key role in relieving the siege of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge in December, a feat regarded as one of the most notable achievements in the war. Spill their blood. Patton strode down the incline and then straight to the stiff regiments, divisions or whatever size group could be collected. a move which might have a far reaching effect on the global war That's a man for you! "[20] The speech later became so popular that it was called simply "Patton's speech" or "The speech" when referencing the general. Have one greatest motivational speeches of all on the part of the birds in the belief that this inspire. No word of that fact is to get the bastards who started it is hateful Americans. 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