what did padme say when she died

Even despite Skywalker's extreme sense of justice, which Amidala credited with why he had attacked the Tusken camp, she was unable to imagine not marrying the man she had come to love. I think Padme died from an underlying undiagnosed Takatsubo cardiomyopathy as a result of her being force choked. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (does have some symptoms) Is It Possible? Elderly who die soon afte Additionally, the Naboo had to decide whether or not to install defensive weaponry on the planet. Realizing that Skywalker loved Amidala, Clovis let himself die in order to save Amidala.[59]. Senator Amidala was resolute in her belief in democracy. But the Separatists found out about his meeting with her and sent an assassin to kill him and Amidala. However, the blockade was merely a shadow play by Count Dooku to force the Pantorans to join the Separatist Alliance. After securing the senators, Bane issued an ultimatum to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and demanded the release of Ziro the Hutt. On the grassy plains of Naboo, there were Gungan casualties until Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Federation's Droid Control Ship. Amidala herself had been supportive of Chuchi's efforts to get the Senate to intervene on Pantora's behalf, as the struggle reminded her of her own homeworld's similar plight. That night, Zam Wesell tried again to kill Amidala by releasing two deadly kouhuns into her apartment using a droid. As her ship set down in the hangar bay, Amidala rigged it to blow in the hopes that it might take Grievous with it. Clovis refused to lend any more credits for the Separatists to build a new droid foundry on Geonosis. Unfortunately, the effort resulted in failure, as the Shadda-Bi-Boran could not adapt to their new homeworld. Padme dies in Star Wars episode III: Revenge of the Sith of a broken heart caused by Anakins betrayal joining the dark side and is said to have lost her will to live, Obiwan manages to rescue her and takes her away. Thus, Amidala accepted an invitation from the legendary actress, Madam Risha Synata.[43]. They found out her name was Lis Mohles, and she was wanted by the Republic for numerous charges. [63], Clabron, the planet Amidala and her handmaidens traveled to, At some point during the Clone Wars, Amidala went on a mission to Clabron, to attempt to get the Clabronians to join the Republic. Saddened and angered by Stin's death, he said that Stin had made a foolish mistake by inviting the Republic. Amidala was aware of the fact that her friend was in love with her. Both missions proved a success, and the group managed to escape the Malevolence. Like her mother, Leia entered public service and became a flag-bearer for the democratic ideals of liberty and justice as a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor, the New Republic, before becoming the founding general of the Resistance against the First Ordera successor state to the Galactic Empire. It led her to declare later in life that she would try 10,000 times in order to save one person. [8] After a lifetime of shielding her heart from romance,[16] she reunited with Skywalker ten years later and fell for him. [39], Amidala helping Duchess Satine investigate the poisoning, From Siddiq, Amidala and Kryze learned that the tea shipment had come from Mooga and that another shipment was due to arrive that night. The pair was taken before Separatist scientist Doctor Nuvo Vindi, who revealed that he had perfected the long-thought-eradicated disease the Blue Shadow Virus, which he planned to release into the galaxy. Takatsubo cardiomyopathy is also [76] Before he died, as he shared moment with his son and was slowly losing his remaining strength, Anakin's final thought had been of his late wife Amidala; he affirmed her right, almost as if she was able to hear him, trying to tell her that their son had come to save him, and he apologized to her for all he had done, dying as the thought was finished. Amidala tended to the wounded Skywalker and managed to rouse him. Knowing Kenobi had the ship's destination staked out with a unit of clones due to reports of Separatist agents, the couple decided to enjoy their time together on the Star Cruiser. He adored her from age nine and she could trust that he would always adore her, if after 10 years, he still did. When they were released and attacked, Jedi Master Mace Windu arrived and the Jedi revealed themselves, only for Dooku to respond by unleashing the Geonosian droid army. [82], Following the fall of the Galactic Empire, Leia Organa did some research until she learned that her mother was Padm Amidala Naberrie. Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, the prosecutor, was unconvinced and pointed out that Tano was seen collaborating with a known SeparatistAsajj Ventress. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Amidala, remembering that her sister Sola had completed an apprenticeship, agrees that resurrecting the program would be beneficial, to which Kelma promised to help with the grain shortage in return. [57], Amidala encountered the duke, who wore clone trooper armor covered with cortosis, who protected him from his husband's lightsaber, he then told her that by using the factory he was going to build his name in the Confederacy. [19], Amidala continued her plans to reach out to their counterparts in the sector and would later call a meeting with the governor and several advisors to announce her plans to host a summit at the Royal Palace. https://screenrant.com/star-wars-vader-secret-padme-funeral-sabe A key player wasSab, one of Padm's old handmaidens from when she had been Queen of Naboo. Padme had supported Apailana's bid for election. Padms death in Revenge of the Sith was always a mess. Immediately before their departure to investigate on Coruscant, Senator Organa contacted them. During her visit to the Mandalorian capital of Sundari, she did her best to assure Duchess Satine Kryze of aid from helpful factions in the Galactic Senate. The two fell in love, but their relationship did not last, as they parted ways when Jemabie left politics and chose to become an artist. When all of the girls, save for Sach, expressed their interest in going, they formed a plan. That evening, Amidala met with Kenobi and Skywalker in her penthouse apartment. When meeting with Panaka Leia wore the jubilation dress that Amidala once wore and upon seeing the princess Panaka became shocked, likely seeing the similarities between Leia and Amidala, and some of the tea in the mug he was holding splashed onto the floor. She, Skywalker, and R2-D2 departed aboard the AA-9 Freighter-Liner Jendirian Valley, a refugee ship[10] leaving from the western spaceport of Port Quarter. If anything Padme should be saying that to Corde, since Padme would presumably the one that would have some sort of power to make it safe for Corde to be posing as her decoy. She found herself having heated but friendly debates with Mothma over the ongoing piracy in the Mid Rim, Padm being less pacifistic than her. Amidala's parents were furious that Naboo installed any weaponry at all. As the Outer Rim Sieges raged on, Amidala had fewer opportunities to see her husband. [5], After Kenobi defeated Vader in a brutal lightsaber fight, he retrieved the unconscious Amidala and brought her to a medical facility on Polis Massa, where she gave birth two days later. Early concept arts for The Phantom Menace referring to Padm as "Padma",[96] an Indian given name originating from the Sanskrit word for "lotus flower". Amidala tried to explain that she had to protect her identity, but Sab was mad and told her that she needed to consider someone's feelings besides her own, a comment that hurt Amidala deeply. As a result of Skywalker's fear of loss, he was seduced by the dark side of the Force, believing that by becoming a Sith Lord he would gain the power to prevent his wife from dying in childbirth. Being in the building would take them out of the assassin's line of sight. Anakin then saw Obi-Wan, who had snuck aboard Amidala's ship, and believing that his wife had betrayed him, and ignoring her protests on the matter, strangled Amidala with the Force until he was ordered to release her by Obi-Wan. Padm rushed over to him, lamenting that she hadn't shown up earlier. However, before the virus could kill Amidala and Tano, Skywalker and Kenobi arrived with the cure, freeing the survivors from the contaminated compound and ensuring that Naboo, and the galaxy, was safe from the virus. [37], Sometime later, Amidala and Skywalker were sent to meet a Lannik senator named Zast Tri'vak on the Halcyon Star Cruiser and ensure that he would not sway Lannik to join the Separatists and cut off Republic supply routes. [36], Later, Amidala welcomed her secret husband home for a rare moment away from their duties, but was embittered when Anakin had to leave her for an urgent meeting with the Jedi Council. Padm explained that even though she was a politician, she was not there for her own personal gain. Zapalo told her of their plans to negotiate the best deal with multiple worlds that had contacted them, but Amidala told him to also approach the nearby worlds of Karlinus and Jafan, which would begin Amidala's goal of opening their planet to neighboring worlds. Skywalker then left the room and began his search for the senator once again. Amidala then subdued one of her guards, took its weapon, and held Ziro at gunpoint. Padm knew that. Due to the machinations of her advisor, Senator Sheev Palpatine, Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. Opponents to the bill were dissuaded to vote by threats, while she, Farr and Organa were attacked by the bounty hunters Robonino and Chata Hyoki. WebPadme died after giving birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker. tilley31 May 30, 2022 at 18:42 Add a comment -2 I think Padme picked Luke because it means light, maybe she thought the baby would ground Anakin in the light. Skin color It would be the first words out of her mouth. While being attacked by droidekas, Amidala's biohazard suit was breached and she became infected with the virus. Padm Amidala Panaka realized it was a large group of ships approaching. The queen revealed that a squad of battle droids had been found and destroyed onworld, and requested that Amidala petition the Senate or the Jedi Council to help protect Naboo. While there, Leia saw the mural of her birth mother and believed that she saw it move, however, as it appeared no one else saw it she merely dismissed it as an illusion. Requesting that Skywalker relay his message to Coruscant, Kenobi informed the Jedi and the Senate what he had discovered, just before he was captured. [19] When Naberrie was seven, she traveled with her father to Shadda-Bi-Boran to help relocate the population in the wake of an ecological disaster. Due to Tano's efforts to rescue her, Amidala developed a warm friendship with her. [21], At age twelve, Naberrie participated in the Legislative Youth Program, in which she met a slightly older boy named Palo Jemabie. [88] When Anakin saw the two in Amidala's apartment, he mistakenly believed that Amidala was going to kiss Clovis and brutally attacked him. During the conference, Tano's fears proved founded when Aurra Sing shot Amidala while she was about to open her speech. When the blockade prevented an agricultural transport from Karlinus from bringing grain, Amidala was counseled by Zapalo, who told her that due to their situation with the farmlands, the planet was running low on food, saying that the public food available would probably only sate the population for a week. [57], Following the completion of Thrawn's and Skywalker's test, the Chiss crafted a cord from the clothing he got from the Larkrer and unlocked their cells from the inside. Gunray stated that he required her to sign a treaty before threatening her and ending the transmission. While she did become pregnant, she was unable to share this news with Skywalker until after the Battle of Coruscant. Even if he still desired to do good, his anger had corrupted him to the point of no return. Amidala was compassionate to other people and stood her ground firmly for what she believed in. [77], In 3BBY, Amidala's old friend and ally Quash Panaka, who had since become a Moff and the regional governor of Naboo, met with the current queen of Naboo Daln and Amidala's daughter Leia Organa to discuss the conditions of the miners on Naboo's moon Onoam. Count Dooku secretly planned to have the Trade Federation offer corporate aid to the planet, similar to the invasion of Theed four years prior, and Mina followed his instructions in order to achieve that goal. [5], Amidala's death haunted Vader for the rest of his life. She took it upon herself to search the swamplands for signs of a greater Separatist presence on her homeworld, as had been indicated by a captured tactical droid and a bug on it. In her interview on the "Inside the Actors Studio" program, Portman admitted that, when her agent first mentioned the new Star Wars trilogy to her, she didn't know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. The process was slow as they did not seek external aid to recover from the damage of the conflict. Amidala agreed. She then explained that she never asked for the names of her biological parents as while she'd had wanted to know either of her birth parents if they were alive but they were both 'lost before [she] was even one day old' and her adoptive family was the only family she'd ever had or ever want. [57], The mission ended with a catastrophe for Mokivj and an end to Solha's career. After interrogating the school's superintendent, they learned that the school had sourced the tea from a middleman named Siddiq, who was employed by a shipping company. Amidala was then rescued by C-3PO, who brought in Coruscant Guard Commander Fox and his troopers. You can find him on Twitter @TomABacon. Amidala and the Loyalist Committee meet with Chancellor Palpatine. On takeoff, Skywalker even jerked the ship to prevent Clovis from kissing Amidala again. For some reason, her projection faded and Vader realized that the ritual had failed. [8] Obi-Wan Kenobi described her as fearless and stubborn, and a leader. In turn, the queen thought the boy was a bit odd, yet charming. After Clovis forced Dod at gunpoint to hand over the antidote, the three fled. The Amidala apparition repeated Skywalker's first lines to Amidala, and Vader, reverting back to Skywalker, begged it to return with him. She discovered that Queb was selling the clones to a trandoshan hunter to be hunted down as trophies. During their duel, Vader searched Luke's thoughts and discovered Amidala had also given birth to a daughter. [16] She worked to better herself and overcome her prejudice. [5] Her death haunted Skywalker for the rest of his life. Tarmin asked her what was it that she wanted. She devoted herself to public service,[20] joining the Apprentice Legislature at the tender age of eight, and she eventually became a junior senatorial adviser. [5] Padm then joined a group of senators that were wary of Palpatine's policies and discussed ways of stopping him. [34], However, she persevered, and eventually the remaining droids were destroyed. Her husband proposed taking her somewhere in the galaxy for a few weeks where no one would recognize them. [8], Amidala preparing to speak in front of the Senate, Once the group arrived on Coruscant, Amidala resumed her role as queen. Amidala listened to the meeting as a page, but when she had to run a message to the kitchen, Harli spotted her. [91], Amidala's first appearance was not actually in The Phantom Menace, rather in The Last Command 5,[92] the fifth issue of the comic-book adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Legends 1993 novel The Last Command, now part of the Legends continuity. With her dying breath, she insisted that there was still good in the former Anakin Skywalker, who embraced the persona of Darth Vader throughout the reign of the Empire. Amidala survived the crash by entering a escape pod. Padm and Anakin's heartbreaking conversation on Mustafar definitely underlines the tragedy of their doomed romance, along with the death of the man she had fallen in love with. Padm replied that she wished to see an end to the Clone Wars and a galaxy where systems weren't being forced to choose sides out of fear. Organa, Mothma, and Onaconda Farr intended to secretly discuss Mina Bonteri's suspicious activity, and planned to use Padm's presence at the party as a distraction to do so. 2) Bail Organa's first wife, who adopted Leia but died for some reason when Leia was very young. Dorm warned Padm that the assassin was inside the building. The Separatist Parliament approved of the motion by a majority vote with the exception of a few dissenting votes including the Corporate Alliance. She hired three new handmaidens to act as Senate aides, Versaat, Cordyn, and Dorra, who later took the names Vers, Cord, and Dorm. [80] In 0 BBY,[source?] Now that Naboo was freed, Amidala greeted Palpatine, who came to announce to her that he had been elected Supreme Chancellor, since many had voted for him in an outpouring of sympathy. Actually quite well. Skywalker, Kenobi, and Amidala pursued Count Dooku in a Republic gunship, but Amidala and a clone trooper were knocked from the troop bay by a cannon blast. [57], In another section of the factory, the Jedi and Chiss learned the Separatists were are also producing clone trooper armor covered with cortosis. Amidala was taken to the palace dungeon, where she was able to trick the droids into activating her communicator, alerting her assistant C-3PO to her predicament before the droids destroyed it. Eye color Soon after, Tano lost consciousness, due to the virus. Naberrie family[3]Refugee Relief Movement[9]Apprentice Legislature[3]Legislative Youth Program[10]Royal House of Naboo[8]Galactic Republic[8]Naboo delegation[10]Loyalist Committee[11]Delegation of 2,000[12]Skywalker family[10]Galactic Empire[5]Imperial Senate[5] With the help of Anakin Skywalker, Amidala's husband, Clovis did all to ensure Amidala's survival, yet Skywalker left him behind. However, Tano sensed Sing's intentions through her precognitive abilities and intercepted her before the bounty hunter could carry out her second attempt. Following a skirmish with the Moogan smugglers, during which Amidala dispatched two of the smugglers after the police chief was injured, Satine had the warehouse and its contents burned down. [16], Although her parents were of modest origins, Naberrie was identified as a gifted and brilliant young girl at an early age. The medical droid didn't know why, claiming Amidala had lost the will to live, for her body began to shut down for reasons they couldn't explain. Aware of the potential catastrophe that the device could cause however, the smuggler reemerged to stop the ritual. Chancellors, Senators and Other Statesmen of the Republic, Inside the Lucasfilm Archive: An Elegant Weapon and Other Jedi Artifacts from the, Explore Jedha of the High Republic Era and More From Marvel's October 2022. In an effort to collapse the Separatist's efforts to produce cortosis battle droids, Skywalker accidentally sent lava, ash, and smoke into the planet's best cropland and water. Skywalker cut the shuttle in half, releasing himself, Amidala and the droids onto the sloped roof of the Senate building. Skywalker managed to kill the kouhuns, and Kenobi jumped through the bedroom window and grabbed on to the droid as security officers rushed into the apartment. That night, Amidala, Satine, and one of the Ducal guards infiltrated the pier in question and witnessed the shipment's arrival and the complicity of a customs officer. Kelma commented on Karlinus' labor shortage, offering to hire Naboo workers to take seasonal jobs on the planet in addition to young students taking apprenticeships on her planet. A broken heart. Remember in Episode 3, she tells Anakin that he's breaking her heart. That's what killed her, to know that the man she loved could Now evenPadm's death has been transformed. When Skywalker came back into her life, Amidala knew that their future together would endanger their lives. Luke, who had been traveling with Kenobi to bring R2-D2 and C3-PO to Alderaan, helped rescue her with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca. WebSo this is how liberty dies, she said. [17], Following Gunray's capture and escape, Amidala was with Palpatine when he received word from Hondo Ohnaka's pirate gang that they had captured the leader of the Separatists, Count Dooku. [19], Queen Amidala wearing a Handmaiden battle dress, The next day, Panaka introduced the rest of her new handmaidens: Rabene Tonsort, Eirtama Ballory, Suyan Higin, and Sashah Adova. [79], A mural depicting Amidala wearing the throne room gown was displayed in Theed near the royal palace. Her death is seen by controversial by the audience, as she was one of the strongest characters in the movie. After helping a Logistics droid named D3-O9, Amidala and Skywalker observed Tri'vak as he hurriedly returned to his cabin. Leia then bitterly thought that perhaps it wasn't that and perhaps it was simply that Luke wasn't tortures by their birth father as she had been. Vader replied in the affirmative, looking upon the field of corpses that had been caused by his experiment. [19], That evening, Sab confronted Amidala then, telling her that she got an angry message from Harli. In preparation for her public appearance before the Republic Senate, she met with Senator Palpatine, who represented the Naboo system in that governing body. When the Galactic Senate began debating a bill that would eliminate government oversight of the InterGalactic Banking Clan in order to fund the Republic's military efforts, Amidala suggested opening negotiations with the Separatists to find a peaceful solution to the Clone Wars. When everyone split up, the Naboo senator and Binks found the droid. Although she secured a meeting with Skywalker and Palpatine, she was cut short when the Zillo Beast escaped its confines, rampaging towards the Senate building to settle a personal vendetta against Palpatine after witnessing him order its death sentence. 1.65 meters (5 ft, 5 in)[7] [19], As the ambassadors arrived, the Trade Federation sent a large invasion force of battle droids. When the Jedi discovered Palpatine's identity as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, they attempted to arrest him. It's like "dude, you told me she died before giving birth. Padm Related:Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Is Not The Ending Of George Lucas' Story. She shrugged, still tracing the pieces of Anakin in his daughter. I Though the queen's plan ended up working perfectly, it did not come about without loss. [73], A statue of Amidala was kept in gardens of the Royal Palace of Alderaan. She soon summoned Sab and Tonra back to Coruscant, asking them to look into the Trade Federation's attempt against her life and reputation, and in the meantime joined the faction spearheaded by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, two of the most pacifistic members of the Senate known for opposing Palpatine, something that would help Padm step out of the Chancellor's shadow. She would say it as soon as she reached her. [19], After a farewell tea, the guest began to depart. They had entered the factory through the service level which was usually unprotected and only them and the Separatists knew of. The minister of internal affairs as well as Zapalo were confused by the proposition, but Amidala held firm her desire the host the event. However, Sing saw through the plan and attempted to ambush Amidala. As the court's judge Chancellor Palpatine was about to read the verdict, Anakin Skywalker burst in with some Jedi Temple Guards and revealed that the real culprit was in fact Barriss Offee. WebPadme liked the security in Anakin's love for her. Before she departed, Amidala hid Skywalker's lightsaber under her sleeve. At the request of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Jedi Council assigned Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Anakin Skywalker to protect Amidala and investigate the incident, though Amidala objected to the added security. [35], After following a tainted water stream, Amidala and Binks came across a hatch which they proved unable to open. The two then began to duel as the Bright Star's energies coalesced, finally causing a bluish projection of Amidala in full-bodied form to appear. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Marvel Comics and Peach Momoko Reveal New, Bounty Hunting Highlights: 5 of Our Favorite Moments from, Rebels Recon: Inside "The Siege of Lothal", Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode II, Padme's Original Fate In 'Star Wars' Was Much More Badass, The Star Wars Archives: Episodes IIII, 19992005, StarWars.com Fan Spotlight: Momo Naberrie, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. She liked that even when she was pretending to be one of her handmaidens and not "the queen," that he thought she was "an angel." With thunderous applause. When Padm later confronted Anakin, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choked her in a fit of rage. He returned to the homestead to bury his mother. When they joined Tano and Rex, Kenobi told them that Vindi had activated the bombs and that one of the bombs was missing. The human boy was immediately fascinated by Amidala's beauty, asking her whether she was an angel from the moons of Iego. Padm rebuked Dorm and told Tarmin that they weren't there to hurt anyone; they were on a diplomatic mission, one they hoped would benefit the Clabronians. Amidala was accompanied by Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who had been experiencing visions that the supposedly dead bounty hunter Aurra Sing was planning to kill the Naboo senator. During Padm's funeral in Episode III she still appears to be very pregnant as her casket is drawn through the street, even though she had already given birth to twins before she died. A full-out battle erupted; although she had been wounded by the Nexu, Amidala quickly grabbed a blaster[10] from a downed B1 battle droid[27] and fought side by side with the Jedi. Tie-ins and spin-offs explored both the Clone Wars and the Dark Times between the trilogies; Darth Vader's "noooooo" moment fromRevenge of the Sithbecame the foundation for an entire comic book run; and Star Warsfilms liberally mixed references to the original trilogy withnods to the prequels. Impressed by the queen's respectful attitude, Nass heartily agreed. Amidala speaks with the New Mandalorian Ruling Council. Padme died of a broken heart. Skywalker, seeing Sidious as the only way to save his wife, pledged himself to the dark side. Published Dec 7, 2020. Breha then said they came so close to utter destruction and told her daughter that she was the one in the greatest danger more than she could've know before bringing her into a hug. Was displayed in Theed near the royal palace of Alderaan knew of for... 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An end to Solha 's career Leia Skywalker was Lis Mohles, and eventually the remaining were! Guest began to depart tracing the pieces of Anakin in his daughter to share this news with Skywalker until the! Undiagnosed Takatsubo cardiomyopathy as a result of her guards, took its weapon and... Gown was displayed in Theed near the royal palace split up, the prosecutor, was unconvinced pointed... Recognize them legendary actress, Madam Risha Synata. [ 43 ] Chancellor! By inviting what did padme say when she died Republic for numerous charges the audience, as she reached her to lend any credits! Was missing an invitation from the legendary actress, Madam Risha Synata. [ 43 ] the was... Death, he said that Stin had made a foolish mistake by inviting the Republic good reason the could! Rim Sieges raged on, Amidala developed a warm friendship with her when Leia very... People and stood her ground firmly for what she believed in 59 ] you told me she died giving. 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