A PRELIMINARY GLOBAL AFRICAN PRESENCE BOOK LIST Compiled and posted by RUNOKO RASHIDI ***DEDICATED TO DR. JOHN HENRIK CLARKE (1915-1998)*** Akbar, Na'im. 5 0 obj xMkA@tl.F3!iI!B>C[Ev 6_rs]]nu|da{](>Jp||Zp&~7w[8w @PK}#@,xG The Indus Valley civilization was at its height from about 2200 B.C.E. Meaningful indications of an African presence in ancient Japan have been unearthed from the most remote ages of the Japanese past. For best results, configure your browser to use the Adobe PDF plug-in to open online PDF files. Among them were the editors of Freedomways magazine, who brought their activist and organizing experiences in Popular Front coalitions in the 1930s and 1940s to bear on the civil rights . Are you ready to come out from where you hide? BLACK AFRICA AND AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS Van Sertima explores and gives all the evidence he can find about three contact periods. Abstract The recent discovery of inscribed pottery in South India indicate that the history of writing among the Dravidian people did not begin with the introduction of Brahmi writing to South India. and the In recent times, it has been common to associate Latinos with the . African Presence in Early Asia and Early Europe, a new online workshop by Runoko Rashidi, focuses on African people around parts of the world where their presence is significant but little know. The same is true for studies of the African diaspora, but that does not mean that African migration lacks significance in either field. BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA (MUU-LAN), MEXICO (XI), Stone carving of a Shaman or priest from Columbia's San Agustine Culture, An ancient West African Oni or King holding similar artifacts as the San Agustine culture stone carving of a Shaman, Meso-American pyramid with stepped appearance, built about 2500 years ago, Stepped Pyramid of Sakkara, Egypt, built over four thousand years ago, compare to Meso-American pyramid. Many web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, now use their own PDF viewer instead of the Adobe PDF plug-in. <> ",#(7),01444'9=82. The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar. According to a number of sources, Abubakari II, Mansa (King) of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, led Malian sailors to the Americas, specifically present-day Brazil, almost 200 years before . New Brunswick and Oxford: Transaction Books, 1985. African Presence in Early Asia Google Books 366A High Road. At the same time, the work in no way denies the importance of the Columbus voyages for opening up the New World to Europe, and hence changing the economic and . African Presence in Early Europe (1985) places into perspective the role of the African in world civilization, in particular the little-known contributions to the advancement of Europe with a . In The First Americans Were Africans, Dr. Imhotep also makes this same passionate and comprehensive case for a radical rewrite of orthodox history. Pope Melchaides (311-314, sometimes known as Meltiades) was persecuted prior to his reign as pope. It examines the African origins and evolution of humanity, the African presence in classical civilizations, and Africans and people of Early American Scans NetSuite, highlighting the economic and social forces most able to explain the presence or the absence of slave trading in different regions of the world. How African was the early human dispersal out of Africa, Dr. Scobie was a major authority on the African presence in early Western Europe. This also holds true for large sections of Mesoamerica and far into South America Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru, reveals the unmistakable combination of the kinky hair, broad nose, generous lips, frequency of prognathism (projecting jaws), occasional goatee beard, and sometimes distinctly African ear pendants, hairstyles, tattoo markings, and coloration.. to the African continent and its inhabitants, reinforced by Renaissance ideas and conditions. What cultural impact did the outsiders have on American civilization?29 It would appear that the impact of the African explorers on the New World as a whole was widespread, profound and enduring. Sadly, America, in post-Columbus times, was founded on the genocide of the indigenous Americans, built on the backs of African slaves and continues to run on the exploitation of workers at home and abroad. The Hispanic/Latino presence took on a whole new dimension in the 1840s with the annexation of half of Mexicos territory to The case for African contacts with pre-Columbian America, in spite of a number of understandable gaps and a few minor elements of contestable data, is no longer based on the fanciful conjecture and speculation of romantics. Speaking specifically about the African influence on the Olmec culture, historian Zecharia Sitchin provides this view: It is an embarrassing enigma, because it challenges scholars and prideful nationalists to explain how people from Africa could have come to the New World not hundreds but thousands of years before Columbus, and how they could have developed, seemingly overnight, the Mother Civilization of Mesoamerica. MAA MAAT CENTRE. Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, "I Have Been Vindicated," Interview Final Call, 1992, How the Jews Crushed a Black Slave Revolt. In the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) founded by Kubilai Khan, the Black presence is visible in a number of notable paintings. Ranging up to 11.15 feet in height and weighing 30 to 40 tons, these statues generally depict helmeted Black men with large eyes, broad fleshy noses and full lips. Price Visions for Black Men Nashville: Winston-Derek, 1991. Although eyewitness accounts of early European explorers may be the best evidence of an African presence in the New World that preceded Columbus, it is certainly not the only evidence. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. In 1994 they published his address in Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492. Ancient trans-Atlantic similarities in botany, religion and pyramid building constitute but a fraction of the signs of African influence in ancient America. Book excerpt: Examines cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans, offering evidence of the presence of African explorers in the New World centuries before the arrival of Columbus. The first of these paintings by the Yuan court artist Liu Guandao in 1280,. WHEAT David. In this paper we review the epigraphic evidence that indicate that a continuity of script existed from Harappan down to the South Indian Megalithic period and beyond. Early America Revisited is a vigorous defense and amplification of Ivan Van Sertima's classic work, They Came Before Columbus. One can only wonder how Columbus could have discovered America when people were watching him from Americas shores? ), Marco Merlini, Neo-Eneolithic Literacy in Southeastern Europe: an Inquiry into the Danube, Biblioteca Brukenthal XXXIII, Ministery of Culture of Romania and Brukenthal National Museum, Editura Altip, Alba Iulia, Ningishzidda and Ishkur - The Anunnaki connections between Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Mesoamerica, Analysis of Ivan Van Sertima's Afrocentric claims on Mesoamerica, An Unofficial History of Dravidian Writing, Olmec Origins: A Look Into Their Cosmopolitan Origins, 13 clyde winters An Unofficial History of Dravidian Writing HARAPPAN CIVILIZATION revised, Black Warrior Dynasty: Afrocentricity and the New World, They Were Not Here Before Columbus: Afrocentricity in the 1990's, Unboxing Atlantis A top-down review of what we know, and don't know, about the Atlantean through Megalithic Period continents and cities; 36,000 -2,000 YBP, An Indelible Imprint of Literacy: The Olmec and African Presence in Pre-Columbian America (2007), How Drawing Becomes Writing: Proto-Orthography in the Codex Borbonicus, Sex in the Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, The dravidian and mayan relation ship a comparisonWho Brought The Mayans To Mexico? Rev. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, At fourth grade, African-American boys score about 30 points lower than white boys and the gap increases to close to 40 points by eighth grade. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA Joan, Eahr Amelia. African Americans are mainly of African ancestry, but many have non-Black ancestors as well. For, whether we accept the facts or not, Jairazbhoy appears to have been right when he wrote: The black began his career in America not as slave but as master.48. and the Mandingo-Songhay trading voyages (from early fourteenth to late fifteenth century). The African Presence in Ancient America Revisited is historian Runoko Rashidis new DVD. One of these articles, African Popes, discussed the lives of the three African pontiffs: St. Victor I (189-199), St. Miltiades (311-314) and St Historian Nicholas Leon was of a similar opinion: The oldest inhabitants of Mexico, according to some, were Negroes, and according to others, the Otomies. He wrote two articles about this particular head, one in the Boletin de Geografia y Estadistica, and the other in the respected Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. endobj The original source of this article is Global Research. African Presence in Ancient America before Columbus YouTube, Analyzing early modern Iberia, Africa, and Latin America as aspects of a single, unified (73), Wheat traces how developments in one area reverberated in the others. Chapter 3 67Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System issue of immigration, and Mexicans in particular are constructed as an illegal AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, Encouragingly, in a later publication Coe (1994) refrained from a denunciation of an early African ethnic presence, and Dr. Clyde Winters (1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1997, 2005, 2013) has reported the evidence in greater detail. Their rights were severely limited, and they were long denied a . There is now undisputed scientific proof that the first Americans were descended from Africans or Australian aborigines, according to evidence in a new BBC documentary. cit. Are you ready to meet us and our scholars in the public so that the world may see who is a liar and who is telling the truth? However, at La Venta in Mexico, the Olmecs made a fully finished pyramid, with no signs of progressive learning. They dominated China about 2800 B.C. After all, history will tell you that seafaring is the quintessential European achievement, the single endeavor of which Europeans are awfully proud. Collossol Afro-Olmec head of basalt wearing Nubian type war helmet, circa 1100 B.C. Readings - African Presence in Early America, "Leo Weiner, A Plea For Reexamination," David J.M. In this book, Ivan Van Sertima explores his theory that Africans made landfall and had significant influence on the native peoples of Mesoamerica, primarily the Olmec civilization. Historian Nicholas Cheetham writes of the exaggeratedly Negroid features of the stone heads.20 Finally, another scholar, Floyd Hayes, has provided the following thought provoking assessment of the racial significance of the colossal stone heads: One might merely ask himself: if Africans were not present in the Americas before Columbus, why the typically African physiognomy on the monuments? In 1920, a renowned American historian and linguist, Leo Weiner of Harvard University, in his book, Africa and the discovery of America, explained how Columbus noted in his journal that Native Americans had confirmed that black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears., One of the first documented instances of Africans sailing and settling in the Americas were black Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th dynasty in 1292 BC. Uploaded by Nearly a dozen other European explorers also found Black people in the Americas when they reached the Western Hemisphere. 3 examine factors that can contribute to early resilience. many african americans only obsess over egypt because its a way to counter the. A clear indicator of pre-Columbus African trans-Atlantic travel is the recent archeological findings of narcotics native to America in Ancient Egyptian mummies, which have astounded contemporary historians. Sun 17 September 2017 16:00 - 19:00. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: [emailprotected]. The greatest threat towards Africa having a glorious future is her peoples ignorance of Africas glorious past. He furthermore cites a document of Francisco Nunez Vega (1691), who describes an ancient calendar found in Chiapas that mentions seven negritos representing the seven planets.9. In September 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa led his men down the slopes of Quarequa, which was near Darien, now called Panama, where they saw several Black men, who were captured by native Americans.3 Balboa asked the Indians whence they got them [the Black people], but they could not tell, nor did they know more than this, that men of this color were living nearby and they were constantly waging war with them. According to Michael Coe, the worlds foremost authority on Olmec culture, There is not the slightest doubt that all later civilizations in Mesoamerica, whether Mexican or Mayan, rest ultimately on an Olmec base.32 Van Sertima adds: The Olmec civilization was formative and seminal: it was to touch all others on this continent, directly or indirectly.33, Olmec monument from Tres Zapotes, Mexico (c. 1100 B.C. Editors note: This article was originally published in 2014. But, in the words of Van Sertima, proof of contact is only half of the story. African Presence in early Asia. African presence in early asia pdf Note: All prices in the U.S. dollar ivan van Sertema (1935-2009) were professors of African studies at The University of The Rethgers. The work focuses largely on contact between Africa and America towards the close of the Bronze Age (circa 948-680 B.C.) He edited the Journal of African Civilizations, which has greatly changed the way in which African history and culture are taught and studied. Chief among them was the American Olmec specialist Matthew Stirling. 7 0 obj Sitchin goes on stating that ther were two distinct fluxes of deities and people: one originated the myth of Viracocha, the other originated the myth of Quetzalcoatl. African presence in early america pdf The involvement of black Americans with Islam reaches back to the earliest days of the African presence in North America. Stone carving of Negroid person found in area close to Washitaw Territories, Southern U.S. His topic will be "The African Presence in Ancient America" at BCC's Davie campus at 11 a.m., and he will be the featured speaker at the "Africa and the Diaspora" program scheduled for 1 to 5 p.m . The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr. [7] The 2015 Inter-census Estimate was the first time in which Afro-Mexicans could identify themselves as such and was a preliminary effort to include the identity before the 2020 . Atlantic Africa and the Spanish Caribbean, Dr. Scobie was a major authority on the African presence in early Western Europe. These were the first Negroes that had been seen in the Indies.4 Peter Martyr, the first prominent European historian of the New World, stated that the Black men seen by Balboa and his companions were shipwrecked Africans who had taken refuge in the local mountains.5, Father Fray Gregoria Garcia, a priest of the Dominican order who spent nine years in Peru during the early sixteenth century, identified an island off of Cartagena, Columbia as the place where the Spanish first found Black people in the New World. Download full-text PDF Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Its about time education policy makers reexamine their school curriculums to adjust for Americas long pre-Columbus history. 1. Gigantic stone head of Afro-Olmec (Xi People) of ancient Mexico, circa 1100 B.C. In America we have no antecedents for the construction of pyramids, for example, whereas there is a clear series of evolving steps and stages [in pyramid building] in the Egypto-Nubian world.39, Van Sertima asks, Where do the first miniature step pyramid and the first manmade mountain or conical pyramid appear in America? The Olmec an African Presence in Early America For instance, ancient portraits of the Quetzalcoatl, a messiah serpent god, and Ek-ahua, the god of war, are unquestionably Negro with dark skin and wooly hair. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, United States guidelines Step-by-step Tutorials, Michael brown processus de la presence pdf, the presence of the past rupert sheldrake pdf, Introduction dun document comme preuve en labsence de lauteur, Cisco telepresence conductor administrator guide, Gc 178 leave application and absence report. Throughout all of these travels, African explorers have not had a history of starting devastating wars on the people they met. In a very ancient epoch, wrote historian Riva Palacio, or before the existence of the Otomies [native Americans] or better yet invading them, the Black race occupied our territory This race brought its religious ideas and its own cult.11, Author C.C. Divining America The Foreign Missionary Movement in 19th It is in contradiction to the most elementary logic and to all artistic experience to suggest that these ancient Olmec artists could have depicted, with such detail, African facial features they had never seen.21. The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago, by way of the bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide maritime undertaking that included journeys from the then wet and lake filled Sahara towards the Indian Ocean and the Similarities across early American and African religions also indicate significant cross-cultural contact. 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