Ideally, your tank should be rectangular rather than tall and be at least 4 feet long. Theyll show signs of socialization when theyre around other non-aggressive fish. However, these fish can tolerate a wide temperature range between 50 and 77 F. In fact, if you keep Weather loaches in cool water temperatures, they often live longer than those in a tropical tank. These attractive little fish have generally patterned dark brown to greenish-gray with a brown to yellow base color, fading to lighter undersides. Dojo Loaches can assimilate to various climates but thrive best in colder conditions. Dojo loach, Weather loach, Pond loach, Chinese Weatherfish, Oriental Weatherfish, Golden Dojo Loach, Japanese Weatherfish, Found in eastern and northeastern Asia, including Siberia, Myanmar, Japan, Central China, Korea, and Hainan. In general, Dojo Loaches stick to the bottom of the aquarium close to the substrate. These fishes tend to be housed in groups and will thrive in a tank with only other fish of their own species. White Cloud Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes), Harlequin Rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha), Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco (Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus). Paradise Fish: They live in a similar water temperature as a Dojo Loach. In the wild they would be found alongside a whole range of fish, from freshwater crayfish to eels. Sores and ulcers on the body and head, ragged, bloody fins. Moreover, always be careful while adding new fishes, plants and foods to make sure that they are not carrying any types of bacteria or diseases. They have several barbels around their head. Gather together everything you need to set up your aquarium, including the following: Dojo loaches are a hardy fish species, although they can be vulnerable to common fish diseases and they are susceptible to poor water conditions. Looking into the dimensions of the tank is essential as they will need plenty of room to swim around the bottom of the tank. It is native to Asian waters from Japan to Korea, China, and Vietnam. The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. Ich causes white spots all over the body. Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Dojo loaches can grow to around 6 inches long and need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be comfortable. You need to provide your Dojo loaches with clean, well-oxygenated conditions if they are to do well, so you need to run an efficient filter system and perform weekly partial water changes of at least 30%. You may also need to feed them a bit more. They are more disease-prone than most other freshwater animals. However, these fish are impossible to breed in a home aquarium. Goldfish eat floating flake food, so feeding will not become an issue. It continues to flatten out as it gets closer to the tail. Although they are carnivorous, Dojos are too large for them to eat, so they can make ideal tank mates. The height is not quite as important unless you want to provide upper-level tank mates. Weather loaches are able to tolerate a range of temperatures from 40 to 80 degrees F., so there is the possibility of keeping them with tropical or coldwater fish. With enough room, they should cause no trouble for a peaceable dojo loach. I always put an upturned dish on top of the gravel to prevent the water from dislodging the substrate when I pour it in. To be avoided would be any bottom dweller that will be much smaller than the loach is or will become. Dont house kuhli loaches with aggressive fish, fin-nippers, or fish that bully slow-moving fish, like tiger barbs , red tail sharks , and betta fish . Lindsey discovered her passion for fish keeping after a junior high school field trip to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Due to their social nature, you may even be able to feed your Dojo from your hand! Breeding them necessitates many months of cold temperatures. WebSumo Loaches are opportunistic feeders that will eat everything from insects to algae. It is a species that resembles an eel slightly and prefers cold water. Dojo loaches can grow to around 6 inches long and need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be comfortable. This is because these fish like to spend time at the top of the tank, able to breathe air. However, not all friendly fish make good tank mates. Pros of keeping Axolotl with Dojo Loaches:\ Prefers cold water; Similar diet They love to stay in the top or middle of the tank in schools of their own, so they wont bother your dojo loach at all. The females are slightly larger and healthier than their male counterparts, and there is little knowledge about how to breed them correctly. Just Like Kuhli loaches, Dojo loaches are also mistaken for eels; as they have much similar appearance. Poor water quality can cause stress and disease in the fish that live there. What better to keep your dojo loach company than another loach? Although these fish are relatively small at around 3 inches long, they need a large aquarium of at least 55 US gallons (46 UK gallons) to be comfortable.. Dojo loaches can grow to around 8 inches in length or more White spot disease can be prevented by keeping pristine water conditions and quarantining new fish and plant additions for four to six weeks before incorporating them into your tank. That said, these adaptable fish have been introduced as an invasive species in other locations, such as Australia and Hawaii, so the species is doing well overall. Selecting tank mates for a Dojo Loach is relatively easy as this fish is often very peaceful with others and is a great community tank choice. However, the distinctions between males and females are minor. This can be treated by giving an easy-to-digest diet such as pellet food. Good meal options can include sinking pellet food, worms, insect larvae, and small crustaceans such as shrimp. Before adding your fish, test the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. To stay safe, Dojo Loaches need a large tank. It is important to find fish that are not too small and therefore threatened by the loach, but not too large and interested in making the loach a snack. Tank Mates The most important tank mate you should keep with a Zebra Loach is more Zebra Loaches. Though they can survive in a wide temperature range, they thrive best in a tank temperature of 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 15 to 25 degrees Celcius. Winter to spring is the best time for breeding, so you should change the lighting accordingly. It is social as well as attractive! This post may contain affiliate links and we may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on the links. You will often see this fish being used as bait to catch even larger fishes. Do you keep Dojo loaches in your aquarium? The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. Unlike the simplicity of caring for a Dojo Loach, breeding does not come quite as easy. You need to make sure that they dont get stressed as they do not react well to stress. These fishes are really aggressive but go well with Dojo Loaches. WebThe Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. Dojo loaches can withstand moderate lighting if preferred plants need slightly higher intensities. Since they stay on the bottom of the tank, they would do best in a wider and more shallow tank than a tall tank. They've shared the tank with blue rams, many livebearers, angelfish, and plecos. Kuhli Loach 101: Care, Tank Set up, Tank Mates, Breeding and More! Dojo Loach. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. Even though it is easy to care for Dojo Loaches, you must know properly about them before you decide to keep them in the tank. Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! Dojo Loaches, also known as Weather Loaches or Pond Loaches, are unique fish to have in a home aquarium. A post shared by Finatics Aquarium (@finaticsaquarium). The lifespan of a Dojo Loach in its natural habitat is generally around ten years, and while living in captivity, its lifespan can range from five to eight years. They are unique-looking fish indeed, with large dorsal fins and a reptilian appearance. There are some red flags that could indicate health problems brewing for your Dojo loaches, including the following: Fish with Ich flash or rub against solid objects in the habitat. These fish grow to be around 2-4 inches long. They also like to eat small fishes, hence do not put them with smaller fishes than themselves. WebThe botias are social and gregarious fish that do best in groups. Depending on your preferences, you can use natural or artificial decorations. Finding tank mates for a Dojo Loach will be quite simple as long as these fish are not aggressive and can thrive in cooler temperatures. In captivity, Dojo Loach grows a bit smaller compared to when in the wild. For many fish on our list, this environment is on the lower end of their comfortable temperature range. While there are plenty of Dojo tank mate options, this list has 10 of our favorites. I just wanted to know if I could keep 3 dojo loaches in a 75 gallon tank with my 3 year old common goldfish(stunted). They come in a wide range of hues. The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. This also means theyre more likely to get out through tiny gaps and other crevices between the hood/lid and tank hardware. Hence, today our guide will focus on everything you need to know about dojo loaches including care, breeding, tank setup, and everything else. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. Alison P. These fish tend to stay near the bottom parts of the tank and are inactive during the day, preferring to come out at night. 15 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! It has an elongated body and can grow to a length of 25cm. They are known to be predators of native species. Also known as the Red Rasbora in the pet trade, the Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful fish with beautiful metallic colors and makes a striking addition to community tanks. Breeding the Dojo Loach is not a simple task, but with the proper months of preparation, it can be done within home aquariums. There are few fishes that really go along with Dojo loaches. They are often seen lying out with other animals or chasing them around the aquarium. Im so glad you found the article helpful. Dojo Loach. While Dojo Loaches can be kept alone, they do best in small groups of three or four fish. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. The Dojo Loach is a hardy fish that can live in various conditions, like a wide range of temperatures. Since these Loaches grow to about a foot long, length and width are the most important dimensions to pay attention to when selecting a tank. Thanks for the article it was really helpful. Plants that can tolerate the cooler temperature of the tank can be great auditions, but rooted plants may be dug up due to the Dojos stubborn nature. This will encourage them to start reproducing. In the hours before a storm, as the barometric pressure decreases, the fish become highly stressed and run around the tank. I think everybody should know the basics of keeping an aquarium. Although every fish is unique, they like to stay in groups. Why Isnt My Puppy Eating and What Can I Do About It? Learn more. Dojo Loaches are often used as solutions to snail problems in aquariums as it is a favorite to eat. They eat both meat and veggies, being omnivores, but wont compete with your loaches at the bottom of the tank. However, others argue that the pace at which they consume the snails is insufficient to eradicate the pathogens and that as a result, they may not be an effective treatment. Dojo Loach Tank Mates What You Need to Know, Scientific Name: Trignostigma heteromorpha, Origin: Malaysia, Sumatra, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Singapore. Dojo loaches also prefer dimmer lighting and lower water flow, which needs to be considered as well. We may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. Infected fish rub themselves against solid objects and usually secrete excessive mucus. Any leftover flakes that sink to the bottom will become a good snack for the Dojo Loaches. White Cloud Minnows will not compete for food with your loach, and their peaceful nature matches up perfectly with the dojo loaches! Dojo Loaches are generally docile fish that prefer to do their own thing, but as any Dojo keeper will tell you, they can get fairly active, playful, and social at times, and they will love to have a variety of tank mates to engage with. Although changing large amounts of water will dilute the nitrate levels in the water, youre also in danger of removing a bunch of the beneficial bacteria that you need for efficient biofiltration. Tank Mates The most important tank mate you should keep with a Zebra Loach is more Zebra Loaches. We will also go over the reasons they make such excellent neighbors for dojo loaches. These small fish prefer the bottom of the tank and do not bother much with other fish around them provided that they have enough tank space. Living in warmer tropical temperatures can greatly reduce the Dojos life span by four or five years. They are hardy fish that can happily survive in brackish water. Although these fish are relatively small at around 3 inches long, they need a large aquarium of at least 55 US gallons (46 UK gallons) to be comfortable.. Dojo loaches can grow to around 8 inches in length or more Every week, we suggest routine testing and a 30 percent water improvement. When the female fish is ready to breed, the male fish approaches her and begins courting her. Due to their hardiness, they can survive in low and high-temperature extremes. This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. The reason we love the comet goldfish is not only because its peaceful temperament and top-dwelling habits make it great for dojo loach companions. Theyre often used to detect food. The Dojo Loach grows very quickly until they reach about five inches and significantly slows down to about a little over an inch a year for the next two or three years. In the other, she has a happy community of tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, corydoras catfish, platys, and mollies. Pros of keeping Axolotl with Dojo Loaches:\ Prefers cold water; Similar diet Wash the substrate under running water to remove debris and dust. Like all fish, Dojo loaches do best and look most attractive when kept in a tank that closely mimics their natural habitat. Origin: Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malay Peninsula. talk to a vet online for advice >. This fish is found all around the world, and it is noticeable because of its long lips! Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Treat the tank with an antiparasitic medication. The most ideal tank mates are those that are not too small and not a larger species that will be aggressive towards the Dojo. The female will usually lay up to 50 eggs at a time. The scientific name of Dojo loach is Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Goldfish mainly prefer cooler temperatures from 50-70F and can live at room temperature without a heater. They are bottom dwellers and like to live at the bottom of the aquarium. But, even after all these, it is important that you read and take care of all of their tank requirements properly. their bodies are long and slender, with very small fins. They've shared the tank with blue rams, many livebearers, angelfish, and plecos. They can survive in much colder water than other freshwater animals. These fish only reach a maximum of 1.5 inches (2.5 cm) and must be held in at least five groups. Ich, also known as white spot disease, is a highly contagious parasitic infection. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. Fellow fishkeeping enthusiast and site author. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. Pros of keeping Axolotl with Dojo Loaches:\ Prefers cold water; Similar diet The tank mates you choose must be similar in size. They are peaceful fish and favorites among freshwater aquarium keepers. Loaches at the bottom of the aquarium there is little knowledge about how breed. Pellet food unless you want to provide upper-level tank mates that work best with Dojo Loaches on., Java, Borneo, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malay Peninsula be held in at least 4 long... Is important that you read and take care of all of their own species, it native... An elongated body and can live at the bottom of the gravel to prevent the from. 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