Here they may defeat it, make a deal with it, or perhaps succumb to its psychic enslavement. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Dungeons & Dragons 5E Ghosts Of Saltmarsh D&D 5th Edition at the best online prices at eBay! By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of all the cookies. Sanctum islands are inhabited by creatures that want to protect themselves from raiders or live in isolation. Ghosts of Saltmarsh (hereafter referred to as GoS) runs to 256 pages, which is the typical length of a Fifth Edition product by Wizards of the Coast.It has a recommended retail price of $49.95 in the US, and 38.99 in the UK. This is one of the memorable encounters Ive seen, as it includes a decommissioned ship held aloft by a crane in the warehouse yard. I have yet to introduce them to their big bad (Syrgaul Tammeraut . Today Ill be reviewing the recently released campaign book, Ghosts of Saltmarsh. To foster the fear of the citizens, the kraken manufactured the Lantern Ghost, enslaving a local fisherman and forcing him to kill. The guards in 3 reinforce this room if summoned (see below). Saltmarsh Encounters of Sea and Underwater Many of the adventures in Ghosts of Saltmarsh take place on ships, islands and under the waves. While the events of this adventure are very exciting, it has significant problems. My party is 4th level, too. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you are intending to play in any adventures from this book, or you think you might watch a video stream or listen to a podcasts of other people playing, dont read this review in full. The trouble is that the captains log may not be found as discovering it requires a DC 15 Perception check. The actions section of a ships statblock has changed. The state of her clothing shows her as a potential prisoner. If this happens, the adventure is reduced to the level of an old school dungeon crawl of seemingly random monsters dropped into a location without context (in this case a Lolth-worshipping half-orc druid, spider-themed monsters, and a random group of ghouls which are somehow aboard the vessel). There are no encounters preceding arrival, so Id recommend either skipping past the journey or spicing it up the journey. Well, first there's Saltmarsh. An alternate art cover was available exclusively in local game stores. Ghosts of Saltmarsh makes no sense, here's why. The lizardfolk have been purchasing weapons from the smugglers to arm themselves for their planned counterattack. I initially liked the book, came up with a bunch of ideas, and then realized I didn't like the book. This is the first campaign book Ive read through properly, but I understand these rosters also appeared in previous campaign books. Though it starts out simple, the adventures slowly get more complex and. The effort involved to rework what I perceive as the adventures flaws could be better spent homebrewing my own adventure that actually ties into the sahuagin arc. This is a very cool adventure with intensely high stakes and a whole raft of interesting encounter locations. I like this adventure. What would be far, far more useful would be a summary of what creatures might arrive in a room from elsewhere. Some of the encounters on the Open Water tables are ships, but the nature of the ships isnt specified: they should also be generated at random, which can be achieved using the guidelines in the subsequent Random Ships section. Most differences are ultimately cosmetic: some rules have been slightly reworded, and the appearance of some sections within the rules has even been reordered. All in all, this is an excellent supplement that oozes potential and inspiration. This avoids the oddball character who comes in with a clearly different motive and drive that never quite fits either the group or the adventure. On balance, I think probably not, though that certainly depends on how well the product does and how much demand for more there seems to be. A Pressure Capsule is a consumable that allows you to ignore effects of swimming at depths greater than 100 feet (if youre not aware, these effects are described in the Underwater section of Unusual Environments in the Dungeon Masters Guide. These guards are alerted by noise in 1. Spanning levels one to 11, this module is a masterpiece. This will KILL a newbie 3rd level party that is not optimized for combat. Each sample ship also gets a detailed description as well as a statblock, including a breakdown of a typical crew (including which statblocks to use if necessary). When the characters arrive, diplomats from several groups of aquatic races are present for negotiations to join an alliance against the sahuagin. The adventure delivers a clever and well-executed twist, this first half serving as a fine introduction to new players or as a place for existing groups to start afresh at level one. Fathomers are spellcasting humans who can turn into enormous watery snakes thanks to pacts with ancient evil, the ideal threat to catch players off-guard. Both groups, through the council, want to send the characters to the haunted mansion to see if they can find her brother and uncover the woman's mysterious death. A far more logical and helpful approach would be to summarise who might arrive in a room and why in the roster, so that you only need to glance at one entry on the table: the one for the room the characters are currently in. Single class casters should have 6th-level spells by now, which means they have multiple ways of finding out information with minimal or no prior investigation: commune, divination, locate creature, scrying, and true seeing are all available. Any kraken is a catastrophe in physical form, but one touched by Tharizduns destructive madness could become a threat of apocalyptic proportion in the fullness of time. The monks have become victims of a crew of undead pirates who serve the demon lord Orcus. A fortified lighthouse on Abbey Isle makes the shipping lanes safer and can also give Saltmarsh advanced warning of invasion by sea. It does not store any personal data. If you do the work to flesh them out the three adventure seeds provided, its feasible to significantly expand your GoS campaign with a second major arc. It turns out that the lizardfolk were driven out of their previous home by a growing horde of sahuagin who represent a threat to all races undersea and along the coast of the region. These are adventures, and theyre good, but theyre good for very specific things. It's a great time to reinforce the main themes of the campaign, integrate the characters together into a group, and discuss any sensative issues anyone might have with these themes. Its valuable to show that the menace is growing, that theyre willing to attack surface vessels now, and to start making it personal for the characters. Aside from the smuggling operation noted above, the final sections of this adventure pertain to further adventures characters could have that are connected to Tammerauts Fate. Ghosts of Saltmarsh is an adventure module anthology for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Likewise, you might roll a mysterious island, which can also be generated using rules in this chapter. As mentioned, access to high level divination spells might bypass some of the adventure, but after reading it through Im fairly confident that it should still be a good play experience, with enough meat on the bones of the adventure even if the investigatory aspects are largely skipped. Session Zeros are a great time to relax with our friends before the adventure begins. Heres how the adventure site roster currently works: its a numerically ordered list of rooms or areas. Episode 1 | A Sinister Secret. I recommend leveling characters to 2nd level when they have cleared the first and second floors of the mansion and 3rd level by the time they have cleared out the smugglers in the caves below the mansion. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. After successfully traversing the dunes and arriving at the abbey runs, the adventurers will discover that the clerics werent wiped out after all. The only adventure Im less than keen on is Salvage Operation. Drizzly Patches must be an unfortunate character indeed, and the latter two sound more like magical girls than grizzled sailors! This process is slightly more efficient than reading each of the rooms full entries, granted. I even tried working on another feature with the same level for activation, does't work with that as well. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. A session zero is vital to a healthy campaign but we would all rather be playing than going over rules, expectations, and character creation so these sessions . I like that various significant failures are possible without automatically going to catastrophic failure. The sahuagin stronghold is a big place, and lots of sahuagin are present. You can read all of these articles here: Like those articles, this article contains spoilers for Ghosts of Saltmarsh. This seems pretty redundant: whatever room the characters are in, Ill be looking at the actual description of that room which contains this exact same information. Three of the converted adventures were already a trilogy, and the additional adventures can be slotted in among them to flesh out the characters adventures in and around Saltmarsh. Amphisbaena if you ever want a more deadly version of this CR 1/2 monster (which is CR 1/2), my own CR 5 take on the amphisbaena can be found in. Action to cast, 10', instantaneous. The first adventure in the book happens to be the first adventure of a classic trilogy which also includes Chapter 3:Danger at Dunwater and Chapter 6:The Final Enemy. It provides almost everything you could ask for to help you run a campaign near, on, and under the water; along with a few things you probably wouldnt have thought to ask for! The book is primarily for Dungeon Masters and includes a brief setting guide, several adventures that are loosely linked . Kysh (Triton) though Kysh is a named NPC this statblock is useful because Kysh is typical triton warrior, and to date we only have a triton player race and not any monster stats). The juvenile kraken must be slain. But the means of their death makes it unlikely we can provide any further context to our players: we might think about adding a letter on their persons, but how would such a document have survived water damage when the thieves drowned? This time, the characters are tasked with an essential role: they are to infiltrate the sahuagin stronghold in the former home of the lizardfolk, and return with intelligence that will bring about the enemys defeat.Their goals are determine the sahuagins strength of numbers, identify key areas of the fortress (which has been modified since the lizardfolk were ousted), discover significant defenses, and learn how soon the sahuagin might attack. In my case, I am combining Tales from the Yawning Portal with Ghosts of Saltmarsh (which is suggested as an option at the start of GoS) to give the players more choices and . Furthermore, neither the captains log nor the druid can explain the presence of four ghasts in the cargo hold (though the druid falsely believes them to be emissaries of Lolth). The tables below provide encounter options for open sea, aerial, ships, underwater and sahuagin encounters. Included is a list of shipwrecks that characters might try to find for their lost treasures, and tables for random encounters. As part of the review, Ill break down the contents of the book, summarise the adventures and other content within, and highlight any issues I might perceive in the content. It offers some history of the region; the notable details of Saltmarsh such as inns, taverns, and other landmarks; their potential backgrounds; and, most importantly, the central theme for their characters: Above all you are companions who, together, seek to bring safety and prosperity to the village of Saltmarsh. This provides the backdrop we need for the following parts of the adventure, which kicks off with a murder mystery. Drowned sailors stir to unnatural life, animated by dark magic and sent forth in search of revenge. Just arrived The Wasteland Wanderer Character Record! It surprises me that what seem like glaringly obvious issues have never yet been improved upon. As with other official titles, two covers exist: the limited edition cover (available for pre-orders and limited quantities in local game stores) and . There is a very loose connection between all the adventures that might be worth exploring: every single one pertains in some way to an evil deity/power. The background in question: the lost ship was not sunk in a storm as thought, but actually driven off course. [2][1], In February 2019, the adventure anthology was announced by Wizards of the Coast. Someone might recognize her as one of two adventurers, brother and sister, who came to town with dreams of finding the alchemist's gold at the haunted mansion only to never be found again. Wild islands are those on which nature and wild magic reign. It has a recommended retail price of $49.95 in the US, and 38.99 in the UK. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The characters are contracted to clear the site of monsters so a lighthouse can be built at the location. As well as determining who is crewing the ship and whether theyre friendly, indifferent, or hostile, this section has tables to determine their disposition: whether theyre willing to trade, have an emergency, etc. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. While these entities are different enough that its not easy to tie them together into a single conspiracy, perhaps the connection is simply that the power of evil is waxing. And sure, there are people who will look at this and think 'I dont feel like going out to sea' for their campaign, and thats okay because some of these can be adapted easily to fit what you need if you feel like taking your DMs tools to them". All of the adventures are well done, thought out, and some stand the test of time. As a fun way to get the story started, you might have a body wash up on the beach. Naturally these include the Forgotten Realms and Eberron. As with other official titles, two covers exist: the limited edition cover (available for pre-orders and limited quantities in local game stores) and the regular cover. Fearing an attack, the towns leaders send the adventurers to investigate. Hostile islands are inhabited by intelligent creatures that actively want to harm visitors to their shores. Their colourful crews are described immediately after the table. Meanwhile, the Coast Random Encounters table might be more easy to access at the table than the more expansive equivalent table inXanathars Guide to Everything, or you may not have that book. The adventure site can be reached by sea or land. While any effort to improve the DMs running experience is fantastic, the actual execution of trosters is nowhere near as helpful as it could and should be. Thanks for your support! You could also let the players know that anything in the Player's Handbook is fine but they should bring up any other options with you before they pick it so together you can decide if it fits what's going on. Production Values. Point your DM in the direction of this review if theyd like further details! For this adventure the party ought to have 4-6 characters of 9th level, so do another side quest if you need them to level up. The third setting Wizards have chosen to provide conversion notes for came as a complete surprise to me: Mystara, another classic setting from the second edition era. Hes a 3rd-level wizard, you could use his statblock as a template for other lower level mages. Heroes must arise to keep the waves safe! They do really well, managing to map out a lot of the levels and freeing Borgas and Kysh. With a whole session dedicated to understanding the town, the region, the themes of the campaign, the characters, and their relationships we have a much better start to a nice long campaign. Tendrils of Saltmarsh is a trilogy of adventures design to help fill in the level gaps left in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book. The section describes 6 island themes: The second appendix is a short one, containing just six magic items. A vocal subset of fans have been asking for the return of Greyhawk for a while now. Purchasing this bundle unlocks the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book in digital format in the game compendium with all the artwork and maps, cross-linking, and tooltips. This table is a fun idea but only moderately useful in my opinion. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh - four to six 1st level Danger at Dunwater - four to six 3rd level Salvage Operation - four to six 4th level Isle of the Abbey - four to six 5th level The Final Enemy - four to six 7th level Tammeraut's Fate - four to six 9th level The Styes - four to six 11th level These tables are paired with more complex adventure sites in an effort to make them more manageable. While Saltmarsh slumbers, the evils that seek to plunder it grow stronger. See Full PDF Download PDF. Yet while the ghost forests may evoke graveyards, the salt marsh plants that advance into dead and dying stands of trees are themselves valuable. It's a Sith legend. "Dungeons & Dragons 'Ghosts of Saltmarsh' Revealed as Next Adventure Book", "Review - Dungeons & Dragons: Ghosts of Saltmarsh", "The Next D&D 5E Supplement Revealed: GHOSTS OF SALTMARSH", "5 Things We Know About D&D's Ghosts Of Saltmarsh (And 5 Things We Hope It Includes)", "D&D Announces New Adventure Book, GHOSTS OF SALTMARSH", "Beadle & Grimm's Sinister Silver Edition is Perfect Way to Experience Dungeons & Dragons' New Adventure", "Dungeons & Dragons Expands Its Line with Three New Releases", "New 'Dungeons & Dragons' Book Contains Lots of Greyhawk References", Supplement IV: Gods, Demi-Gods, and Heroes, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns,, Role-playing game supplements introduced in 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 21:29. A two-parter, the first half of The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is set not in a boat, as one would have expected, but in a haunted house. [12], On ship-to-ship combat, Brandes Stoddard, for Tribality, wrote that "most of what we saw in the [Unearthed Arcana] article of the same name seems to still be in place the same component/battle station format for ships and naval combat. They can be run individually or together. In addition, there are optional rumours about the site you can use to encourage the characters to take the job. Just finished Salvage Operation with my group and every one went up to 5th level. Likewise, the adventures include a decent collection of new monsters that will add value to your DM whatever their campaign. Just dont be surprised if your players manage to skip big chunks of the investigation with well-reasoned and well-phrased questions to higher powers. The rise of all these dark powers may be a sign of a coming apocalypse? It has a unique and likely memorable opening encounter, and depending on how characters handle things events on the island could go very different ways. The final adventure of the book describes events on a decaying port which can be established as a self-contained town or as a district of any large coastal town in your campaign world. They find an aboleth at the temple (which is of course the Whisperer) recuperating after being attacked by its kin. One group is loyal to the king of Keoland and uses imperial authority to exert its influence, while another is connected to the sinister Scarlet Brotherhood, a classic group of Greyhawk antagonists. Since only one cultist survived, hes the only person capable of telling the next part of the story. Saltmarsh gets a whole chapter, of course, but if a DM wants to do so they also have enough information about Uskarn (the village from Tammerauts Fate) and the Styes (from the adventure of the same name) to run additional adventures based in and around either location. The End of a Trilogy. [] While Ghosts of Saltmarsh contains plenty of nods to its Greyhawk roots, the book is still 'setting agnostic' as DMs and players don't need to know anything about Greyhawk before they sit down to play the adventure. Although those tables are intended specifically for the Saltmarsh region, theres no reason you couldnt use them every now and again to add variety to any other nautical campaign. The final section of this appendix describes and provides a map for three generic underwater locations that you might find useful for insertion into an underwater adventure: a reef, a shipwreck, and a ruin. ThePipe of Remembrancehas no mechanical benefits, but is very cool all the same since it lets you conjure smokey images of your past achievements and victories. The loyalists see the body as a sign that the town needs more protection and a heavier hand. The maps look as though they were taken straight out of a 2nd edition module and given that many of the adventures in the book are converted from older editions, this approach lends the product an additional feel of nostalgia. In short: this review is not spoiler free. Ghosts of Saltmarsh makes no sense, here's why. Causing the kraken to flee avoids that horror, but taking the long view it may be a worse result: hidden in the ocean depths the kraken can grow to adulthood unopposed. The total number of the . In addition, the DM is tracking the sahuagins alert level, the raising of which has consequences for the battle. The adventure continues the trilogys preference for thoughtful solutions: the characters are infiltrators, so should avoid fights where possible and defeat any enemies they do encounter quickly and quietly. The mayor of Saltmarsh was NOT happy about them burning down the house, so I sent them to the Isle of Dread instead. I cannot find a way to add things in a way that makes it work automatically, that has that detail of the feat "activate" once level 5 is reached. The mysterious island section of this appendix describes and provides tables for generating a variety of uncharted isles ripe for adventure. Lean heavily and expand upon the additional adventure hook or hooks you choose to use for motivating your players. The characters can learn of the tension between the traditionalists and the loyalists. This means that the included adventure roster should be a helpful tool for determining whether the characters alert any nearby sahuagin as they move about the fortress. The descriptions summarise what can be found aboard the ship, and larger ships are broken down into multiple sections as though they were an adventure site to help you find things (main deck, officers quarters, forecastle etc). Salvage Operation involves a cannibal cultist of Lolth. Each also has a collection of ready made encounters that use the map, and each of these encounters has a hook that you can use to tie it into the. (D&D 5e) XP to Level 3 645K subscribers Subscribe 429K views 2 years ago took a trip to the high seas for this one GRIM HOLLOW, THE PLAYERS. Theres definitely something here to build upon if you want a grander story. The number of actions that can be undertaken goes down as crew are slain or incapacitated. I regret to say that in spite of its exciting settingIm surprised this is considered a classic adventure. The PCs go investigate, turns out its smugglers using an illusionist to make it seem haunted to keep people away. 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