But when it comes to measuring Larloch and Vecna against . Tetanus? After failing the save, to which our DM gleefully replies Nope, Super-Tetanus. His armor class is 15 thanks to natural armor. I actually reset this encounter and ran it again this time with the wizard and without having the enemy gain surprise and make everyone entangled and prone before they could act. The short version is that he lived about two thousand years ago and ruled over Tostenhca. ; ACTIONS. Famous: Some of these adventures are very famous in D&D circles. In Greyhawk, the weapon remained for around two decades before it was stolen by gnomes serving a wizard claiming to be Keraptis and given to the now-vampiric Ctenmiir the Cursed to guard. Keraptis' Fantastic Famulis Keraptis' Flamecone Keraptis' Flaming Missiles Kereska's Favor . Apparently my account is a year old, but I don't remember making an account here, so this is my first official post. Heres a few notes on some of the encounters and how I run them. Whelm is a legendary warhammer of dwarven make. You could take an idea from the more recent iterations of Tomb of Horrors by making the entire mountain a channel of negative energy. Now I could start from the archmage and alter it's spellist and maybe give it some class abilities, but I was wondering if anyone else has done something similair and could share their experience about the party fighting Keraptis at the end. Brutal! Mullin, Robert S. "Arcane Lore: Greyhawk Grimoires II." Dragon #241. In the Chambers of Keraptis (TRG2) nearly forty years later, finally brings that adventure to a close. the sequel adventure that explains all of what Keraptis is and wants to become. Or maybe you're a GM that needs to constantly check spells for yourself or your players? He believed a person could remain in the material realm long after their bodies had rotted by binding their aspects to other objects . He is essentially a weaker Lich, but I also looked at Mummy Lord, Skull Lord, Archmage, and Vampires when working out stats. The hammer, which now was imbued with sentience and a constant craving to hunt giants and goblinoids, did not remain buried forever. I like this one: Inside the Green House is a White House. Hard Cover copy of Dungeon of the Wizard Lord Keraptis Full Color PDF of Adventure and All Bonus Adventures Recognition as a Kickstarter Backer in both PDF and book PDF of Legendaria Map Full Color Monster Stickers (all 10!) Now they're hell bent on eventually fighting and defeating Keraptis. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! However we all thought hed meant the seal looking actual animals and were terrifyingly startled when they killed all the manticores and started leaping really damn far out of the water to attack us. You begin by entering a dungeon that's inhabited by feuding kobolds and goblins. I'd imagine he should be an upper level caster as their is a clear reason he is not used in the actual adventure. Perhaps as early as circa -1500 CY, he established himself as protector of the Flan enclave of Tostenhca in the Griff Mountains, bringing the local warlords in line with gruesome threats fulfilled just often enough to keep them afraid of him.The local depredations of monsters decreased markedly under Keraptis's rulership, so for a time . Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. ", You can get A Monster for Every Season: Summer 2 now at Gumroad, The Lost Weapon of Keraptis: Frostrazor - PEACH, AMFES: Summer 2, Now with Digital Tokens Included, 2020 Holiday Ornament and Black Friday Sale, If this is your first visit, be sure to Fanatical Focus- Fail a saving throw? Like the corridor of Very Hot Armour, this encounter requires the players to think, and the DM not to shoot reasonable suggestions down. Some good inspiration for what's going on with Keraptis can be found in, Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, One Piece of Art III (Magic Items)- What D&D Art Inspired You to Love a Magic Item, First Encounter of a New Campaign: Thoughts, [Let's Read] The Test of High Sorcery, a CYOA Dragonlance Adventure, Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. This allows Kratos to throw out an extra . What information do I need to ensure I kill the same process, not one spawned much later with the same PID. | d20PFSRD Can Giant Scorpions? May 19, 2011 #15 Ahzad said: . Looking forward to talking about newer and older D&D content. From the publishers blurb: Note: this version includes 3 modules for the complete Keraptis series! | Dungeon World SRD | Here Be Monsters Would you happen to know where one could acquire the adventure or the magazine? Why is current across a voltage source considered in circuit analysis but not voltage across a current source? He visited White Plume Mountain, going closer than most dared, and he discovered the system of old lava tubes that riddled the cone and the underlying strata. | Into The Unknown How similar is 3.5e White Plume Mountain to 5e White Plume Mountain? Over twenty years later, Whelm was returned to White Plume Mountain and once again fell into the hands of Ctenmiir, who was now working for Spatterdock, a Keraptis-imprinted ogre mage whose true name was Qesnef. | 13th Age SRD Adventurers League Season 6 also contained two adventures that expanded on Keraptis: To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How does crossing Room 7 work in White Plume Mountain? Is there any more offical Lore from Wizards of the Coast, or Module writers or approved Authors on Keraptis the Wizard, or is this all there is? First introduced in 2E, a D&D Beyond blog post from over the weekend has given us a peek of their 5E stats, lore, and incredibly cute smile. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma You use each Ability Score for different reasons. I dont think regular scorpions can swim. At that point, the sphinx will unleash extra sarcasm on them. Is there any lore regarding the calendar of Sigil? The mountain still held . Inside the Red House are lots of babies. Replies 22 Views 2K. Pirate Crew. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Three hundred years after leaving Tostenhca, Keraptis learned of a great volcano called White Plume Mountain, in which still-living druids of the Elder Age guarded the secrets of immortality. Im happy to give clues if I think the players are (a) absolutely stuck or (b) on the right track but needing a little push along. In 5E, characters move a bit too fast across this - if you slow down the movement speeds (because the discs are swinging, etc.) On another occasion, a character blithely walked through the slime, then walked back through the slime before he realised what had happened. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. At the bottom of the place is a druid and a tree tainted by the blood of a vampire. The hanged Three Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also was thinking that if the PC's want to fight Keraptis at the end that I should but from the sounds of it he might be a Lich which would be to much for them to handle in straight up fight. rd-edition-epic-tenser-stats.html#post4707079 . Whelm was created long ago by a dwarven woman named Dagnal Mightyhammer of clan Dankil, a weaponsmith of some reknown. When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? Multiattack.The raptor makes one Bite attack and one Claw attack or two Claw attacks. Around that time (circa -1100 CY) came a sudden upsurge in madness, demonic posessions, and undead, and in the midst of these calamities, Keraptis introduced a new tax: a third of all newborn children were to be given to him. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 1999. Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? The crazy idea one group came up with was to slide the bodies of the dead (fireballed) ghouls over the floor and thus have a cushion on the far side. Preparing an Adventure When I role-play her, I moan a lot about how this is the worst job ever, and shed be ever so grateful if the characters would just answer her riddle and go and kill the wizard. There are a lot of ways this could be played, but I run it as four separate encounters each layer being its own encounter. Elite Pirate Sniper. The Perils of Flying and Adventure Design. The short bestiary is only made of these five additions from the Minecraft universe, with all included summaries, stat blocks, and even the monster's alignment information. Inside the White House is a Red House. Well first things first, as a mad scientist he should have a number of odd and strange body modifications making him more capable in combat against melee users and potentially other wizards. It is sentient and can communicate with its wielder. It only takes a minute to sign up. Thank you! Overcome by grief, Dagnal threw herself on her husband's corpse, her own life giving out at that moment. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. It was originally a dungeon crawl for D&D Encounters, and was a playtest of the rules that became 5th Edition. Can someone please tell me what is written on this score? Eventually it fell into the hands of the gnomes, and it was a group of gnomish servants of Keraptis who gifted it to their master, approximately one thousand years before the beginning of the Common Year calendar (-1000 CY). | ACK-SRD Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, One Piece of Art III (Magic Items)- What D&D Art Inspired You to Love a Magic Item, First Encounter of a New Campaign: Thoughts. Thus, theyll go out (Youre leaving? The party has already delved into the depths of the mountain . Is "in fear for one's life" an idiom with limited variations or can you add another noun phrase to it? Keraptis must be destroyed!) and return each time she asks a different riddle. During the chaos, Keraptis managed to escape to the lands of the south, taking with him his gnomish bodyguards. One of the most legendary terrors of the lands still eludes your band of adventurers: Lord Keraptis. This is an artefact from an older version of D&D, where players competed strongly for treasure. Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? Though it was recovered, the weapon eventually found its way back to White Plume Mountain and Ctenmiir. A third. He spirited the weapons away is an elaborate and seeming non-nonsensical complex hidden within White Plume Mountain, a small Volcanic Cone near Mount Hotenow, not far from Neverwinter. I've seen posts from a lot of other DMs in my situation but didn't see where anyone had actually provided the stats they used for him. Said temp HP lasts for 24 hours. Even with a fairer set-up, this is an absolutely brutal fight. You are using an out of date browser. | Monad Echo SRD Master Qesnef. You should look up Return to White Plume Mountain. Gives you temp HP equal to the victim's maximum HP when you kill a non-construct with it. A second sip. 1 (-5): Animalistic, no longer capable of logic or reason. "As one," the people of Tostenhca rebelled and destroyed the wizard's hierarchy. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4)Speed 40 ft. View Cart (0) Continue Shopping . Thirteen hundred years ago, the wizard Keraptis was searching for a suitable haven where he could indulge his eccentricities without fear of interference. (Under one reading of the rules, you gained XP for the treasure your character ended up with.) Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store. If the PCs get out with their prizes, he reappears briefly at the exit to say "I will come to reclaim what is mine " and disappears. The original version stated its abilities in the form of the game stats, which made sense within that way of playing the game. Haliya, a human barbarian executioner sent to kill a target that has led her to White Plume Mountain. Fireball and lighting bolt spells? "Ex Keraptis Cum Amore", by Andy Miller, appeared in Dungeon #77 (November/December 1999). The bubble is also quite low, so large weapons (pike, two-handed sword) might also do so Id have them do so on a miss, or possibly only a natural 1 if Im feeling kind. | PF2 SRD Gulzek Badblood, a tiefling paladin sworn to protect the world from the void. A great wizard of lore, Keraptis was part of the Golden Shield, and a companion to Dydd the Last Druid. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Tome of Horrors 2020, (C) 2020, Necromancer Games, This is not the complete section 15 entry - see the full license for this page, Check out our other SRD sites! 6-7 (-2): Often misuses and mispronounces words. Is there any official lore on the Far Realm? It does horrible things for your suspension of disbelief. Fast Movement- Kratos needs to rely on speed above sheer brawn when fighting monsters the size of a building. | Five Torches Deep SRD The area already had a bad reputation, and he could think of a few ways to make it worse. Keraptis' indoctrination center shouldn't be easy to escape and perhaps you should put some semi-permanent consequences like a curse in place. Calling himself Keraptis but known as Spatterdock by others, Qesnef acquired subsumed 34 other minds (mostly gnomes) under his control using the Keraptis-imprinting spells . Its the epitome of a mad wizard built this. Levels: 1-15. These man-sized, feathered bipedal dinosaurs are pack hunters with a mean streak. There's a third member of the Keraptis trilogy of adventures, which appeared simultaneously with Return to White Plume Mountain. With a little alteration, he thought, these would be perfect for his purposes. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Just added to your cart. Multiattack. Change method on the left, refer to method that appears on the right. [11] Keraptis immediately set to work. White Plume Mountain 5e. Keraptis didn't want to make himself undead. Which became 9 foot poles, and then 8 foot poles before the slime was destroyed. Inflicts 1d10 Necrotic damage and heals the target by 1d10 hit points if you hit an undead creature with it. It is sentient and can communicate with its wielder. Book of Spells 5e will help you manage your spells and calculate important stats for you, so you can focus on enjoying the game. Bugbears Bugbears feature in the nightmare tales of many races great, hairy beasts that creep through the shadows as quiet as cats. The mountain and its insane lord proved too much for most, but eventually courage and justice triumphed. I was thinking of having the Efreet but Keraptis as well but only really as a illusion of some kind or some kind of weak clone maybe but different support monsters for him so when and if they defeat him he will either turn to dust or revert back to something like a doppelganger with some spell casting ? | Everyday Heroes SRD Kerpatis uses magic to brainwash and indoctrinate the characters. Since this is the only official representation of Drizzt's stats in 5e, those are the ones we used, since this is a 5e game for the most part. Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults, Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files, YA scifi novel where kids escape a boarding school, in a hollowed out asteroid, Mike Sipser and Wikipedia seem to disagree on Chomsky's normal form. So he disappeared below White Plume Mountain and vanished from the knowledge of the surface world. In 5E, its most likely the characters arent going to defeat the challenges of the dungeon in one go. Hextor is an Oeridian deity, Hextor is the arch-foe of Heironeous, his brother and fellow god of war. JavaScript is disabled. The original D&D game used 1 minute rounds, which means characters werent moving as far. Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis. Although Keraptis was a very diversified wizard, he specialized in enchantments and soul binding. You could have Keraptis' Phantasmal Force get into a fight with the PCs, and when they defeat it the real Keraptis voice-overs "I will retrieve those which are mine." Have the PCs occasionally encounter creatures from inside the dungeon (spies! Theme: A homage to 1E Elemental Evil - a cosmic threat to the world as the four elemental princes grow restless in their realms. Multiattack Make two Levitan Axe attacks. | Gods and Monsters SRD I designed this for my players, which is why Keraptis is wearing a very specific armor I've been wanting to give to my druid for a while. Return to White Plume Mountain mentioned that Keraptis had been given it by one of his gnomish servants, and that it was one of the four legendary items Keraptis used in his bid for immortality. (Theyre not made for easy egress!). Bite. Id like to think that people can resolve their differences peacefully these days and the ring wont start a fight, but people will be people. White Plume Mountain, which has been reprinted as part of Tales from the Yawning Portal, is one of my all-time favourite Dungeons & Dragons adventures. They were originally made for previous editions (with different rules). "Ex Keraptis Cum Amore." Dungeon #77. The local depredations of monsters decreased markedly under Keraptis's rulership, so for a time the local populace did not mind paying Keraptis's rather heavy taxes and tithes. If youre running a campaign that is very serious, stay clear of this adventure. Little is known of him except that he is rumored to be quite mad and fond of "Games". My players really want to fight Keraptis, but there are no stats provided for him in the module. Pirate First Mate. This is awesome! | FateCoreSRD Whelm has bonuses to attack and damage, and is said to be more powerful in the hands of a dwarf. The enemy are really tough even without their nets. The times of woe were followed by years of prosperity, and Dagnal improved on Whelm, enhancing it with the ability to detect gems, gold, and other riches. Buy In the Dungeon of the Wizard Lord Keraptis - D&D 5E from Tomorrow River Publishing - part of our Role Playing Games - Dungeons & Dragons collection. The evil wizard used his stronghold, buried deep in the mountains, to bring all of the local nobles under his command. Efreeti (and vampires) are relatively stronger in 5e than in 1st edition, yet this encounter is unchanged. If a scheme sounds crazy enough, let it work. The adventure works best with a doom clock attached, and run as a race against time heist with the PCs looking to infiltrate the dungeon, grab as many of the 3 weapons as possible, and get out before Keraptis returns from his Planar jaunt. Then the nets are thrown if the net succeeds (I allowed the characters to block them with oars), the kayak and the characters within become prone and it requires a Dash action to extricate oneself from the kayak. This room is likely a lot easier if the group have Wave. In about 491 CY, a band of adventurers known as the Brotherhood of the Tome raided White Plume Mountain, taking Whelm with them among other spoils. He made good on his threats often enough to keep them in line. Though this False Keraptis eventually died, further ones came into being: Nightfear, Spatterdock, Killjoy, Mossmutter, and Zhawar Orlysse all believe themselves to be the one true Keraptis. The one difference is that the manticores might get a shot against the characters when they enter the line-of-sight only really exists at the long end of the chamber. I would probably have a multistage process. mersion," below. Two decades ago, however, Keraptis reappeared in White Plume. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. The result was the first False Keraptis, a gnome who truly believed itself to be the original. You dont have to approve every idea they come up with, but if it sounds good, let it work. Whilst you have that temp HP, you have Advantage on all attack rolls, all saving throws, and all ability/skill checks. The Bedraggled Sphinx. Keraptis was searching for a suitable haven in which he could indulge his eccentricities without fear of interference. If you stray too far from the house at night, bugbears will scoop you up to devour you in their den. There, in approximately 91 CY, Whelm was one of four legendary objects (the others being Blackrazor, Frostrazor, and Wave) used by Keraptis to open a gate into a distant, shadowy realm, departing the Prime Material Plane on a quest for immortality from which he may never return. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Its got stuff in it like a turnstile, a magic ring that talks to people and tries to convince them its the best thing ever (and should be fought over), and a sphinx who is forced to ask questions but really hates doing so. Good Points. And now he knows who he should hire for future missions! Based on Pathfinde r's stat block, Krampus is a large monster of the neutral evil alignment. The evil wizard used his stronghold, buried deep in the mountains, to bring all of the local nobles under his command. Creatures of the priest's choice that can hear the kraken's words (which are spoken in Abyssal, Infernal, or Primordial) must succeed on a DC 14 . Skills Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, any form of magic that would change his location or alter his physical state Senses passive Perception X Languages common Challenge 30 (155,000 XP). Her now-aged husband insisted on leading the counter-assault, but though he was once again victorious, this time the elderly dwarf suffered a mortal wound and died. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. It magically returns to its wielder when thrown. Levitan Axe Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Grants you Immunity to Charm and Fear whilst you have it in hand. Six abilities provide a quick description of every creature's physical and mental characteristics: Strength, measuring physical power Dexterity, measuring agility Constitution, measuring endurance Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory Wisdom, measuring perception and insight Charisma, measuring force of personality . He's listed as CR 23, which on paper looks way too high for six level 8 characters, but (a) he was solo (not counting the Simulacrum, but that was his 9th level slot), (b) they had good magic items, including the weapons from the dungeon, and (c) they had rested not too long before. Sharp Senses.Raptors have advantage on Wisdom checks that rely on smell. On page 95 it states the previous lore of Keraptis the Wizard: Thirteen hundred years ago, the wizard Keraptis was searching for a suitable haven where he could indulge his eccentricities without fear of interference. For a tankier Kratos, pick the Path of the Totem Warrior and take the Bear Totem Spirit, which grants Kratos resistance to all damage while raging aside from psychic. "Return to White Plume Mountain Backstory Synopsis" at, "More on White Plume Backstory Development I" at, "More on White Plume Backstory Development II" at, https://greyhawkonline.com/greyhawkwiki/index.php?title=Keraptis&oldid=65285, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, CORS7-03 Into White Plume (High Level Version), D&D 3.5e, Front Cover, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 44, 45, CORS7-03 Into White Plume (Low Level Version), D&D 3.5e, Front Cover, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 31, 35, 43, Into The Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook, D&D 4e, Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e, 2-7, 9, 10, 15-21, 23-33, 35-38, 41-46, 48-60, S1-4 Realms of Horror, Inscription and Map Booklet, S2 White Plume Mountain (1st-3rd printing), AD&D 1e, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 19, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, S2 White Plume Mountain {Expanded} (4th+ printing), AD&D 1e, World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: Glossography, Front Cover, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 44, 45, 4-7, 16, 20, 24, 26, 27, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 57, 58, 60, This page was last edited 19:13, 13 October 2022 by Greyhawk Wiki user. Alternatively, the characters can just destroy the wall of force and fight the sphinx. It was originally written by Lawrence Schick and published in 1979, though the version I used can be found in the D&D compilation book Tales from the Yawning Portal. Thanael First Post. The article also cites other sources from the Greyhawk fan community, but these are likely to be non-canonical. Joshy; Mar 22, 2022 *Dungeons & Dragons 2. Good day everyone like to pose 2 questions.

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