I still believe lying is morally incorrect, but unnecessary conflict and causing undue stress to your employees is just as distasteful. Mina released her nose and gave an experimental sniff before immediately coughing, eyes stinging from the overwhelming scent of grease. Shinsou pressed his lips together, failing to fully fight the smile forming there. And we dont we dont really get along that well. Todoroki paused and looked at him expectantly. HEARD WE GOT A BIRTHDAY IN HERE!, Mina shrugged Kirishima off herself and leapt to her feet to grab the cake. Sorry man, this is just too good. Shinsou paused at the sound of Aizawas voice. I wish you hadnt turned my embarrassment into this childish game., Kaminari continued smiling, unbothered by the purple-haired mans grumbling. Kaminari let himself zone out as Mina recounted the last fifteen minutes to Sero. His heart warmed at the sight of Kaminari showing Eri memes on his phone while Yamada asked him questions about music and Aizawa looked on with subtle appreciation. This whole situation had spiraled so far out of his control, like no matter what he did or said, it just kept getting worse. Dont relax yet, hun. Iida Tenya [8:41pm]: Asui! A gossip never reveals her sources., Kaminari snorted. Uraraka snorted so abruptly that the water she was sipping came spurting out of her nose and onto Tsu, who jumped away in disgust. Mina reluctantly followed suit, hands resting on her hips as she turned a pout on the rest of them. Yeah, it sucked at first that you lied but the fact that you did is more of a reflection on how shitty Deku and I were acting, really. Kaminari played with the cuffs of his pikachu hoodie, hiccuping softly from the crying, but nodded his agreement. The way Mirio looked at Tamaki, he couldnt help but think that must be the same way he looks at Shinsou. He was wearing a bright orange t-shirt that looked like it was two sizes too big for him so it hung down low past his hips, letting only a sliver of black cargo shorts peek out from underneath. Shinsou sighed, looking forlornly after Kaminari before joining them on the other side of the street. so glad you're enjoying it so far!and thank you for reading! Bakugou chuckled but it turned into more of a drunken hiccup while Kirishima and Sero got up and started dancing around. Wait, how do you?, Uraraka uncrossed her arms and sighed. Nothing! Hitoshi is just a very grounding person, if that makes sense. It was a moment of weakness when he reached out the first time, completely unlike him. Shinsou Hitoshi [6:06pm]: I dont know if I can keep doing this if we keep lying about it. And, Bakugou grumbled something intelligible but then cleared his throat roughly to speak. GET YOUR DISGUSTING FEET OFF OF THERE, Bakugou immediately shouted angrily from the other end of the large sectional. I think that your writing has the same sort of charm that Denki Kaminari has as a character!! Right! Ashido Mina [9:33pm]: CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE OR ELSE. Oh I guess that would make more sense, but I can definitely drink that much soda, he said proudly. His hand paused as it brushed against a second napkin now resting above the one he already kept in there. The weight of his friends arms around him brought Kaminari some comfort, but his mind was still playing the hellish scene on loop. Was he trying to make Bakugou throw a tantrum? By all means, educate me, Mina retorted, struggling to keep up the sarcasm. Shinsou smiled ruefully. Kaminari pulled out his phone for the 14th time that morning, only to open and close it without typing a thing. Scattered across the room were a few small white tables and chairs, and in the back was a separate room with a glass wall so people could peek inside. Kaminari Denki [11:15pm]: noPe :) i think ull be happy if it comes tru tho Plus, he comically flapped his arms up and down, I have noodle arms and I wasnt about to make you paddle my bony ass around. Deku? I dont even deserve his lovewhich is for the best I suppose since maybe he doesnt even want to be with me anymore, Kaminaris anxious shouting quieted down to a weak mumble as he finished speaking. Musical.ly was acquired for around $1 billion in November 2017 by the Beijing-based tech company ByteDance, which already owned the popular TikTok, a Muscial.ly equivalent (though in China, TikTok . Uraraka giggled. YOU BETTER NOT BE SCARING AWAY MY PAYING CUSTOMERS, DUNCE FACE, Bakugou screamed from inside the truck. Finally, he broke away for a moment to just stare at Kaminari, eyes full of wonder. Shinsou felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket and pulled it out to check, although he had a feeling he already knew who it would be. Hey man, maybe lets not always paint Katsuki as the villain when theres blame to share all around.. He went up on his tippy toes, not quite tall enough to see the face under the mess of purple hair. Annoyingly funny and irritatingly good-looking. What do you mean, you saw that one coming?!. His eyes were locked onto Kaminari the whole time as his fingers flew over the fret, strumming his guitar lightning fast with an electrifying smile. Bakugou ignored him and shifted gears, preparing to reverse the vehicle so he could drive away. When he got to the chorus, he jumped onto the drink table and rolled his hips to the beat of the music. Thats all it takes?, Eri returned the look with a raised eyebrow. He anxiously tried to soak up the spilled coffee, but nothing could stop the words pouring from his mouth. He also felt terribly out of his element all over again. , ahh thanks so much this is so sweet! Dont try to deny it. Shinsou let out a low hum as the salty taste overwhelmed his senses. He felt his vision swim with tears and that persistent numb feeling that hed fruitlessly tried to chase away with burgers and booze. He couldnt stop replaying the conversation (if one could even call it that) from the previous night at the willow tree over and over again in his mind. He hoped everything he felt had been conveyed through the performance but even if not, he had put it clear as day in writing. And Kaminari. Shinsous brow furrowed as he scrubbed a bit harder, the skin on his hands starting to redden from the heat of the water. Okay moving on.. I just..I still feel horrible for lying, you know? BABE! Kaminari was incredibly confused but also incredibly happy so he wasnt going to question the seemingly magical appearance of Shinsou in front of him. Is that right, Shoto?, Todoroki stared back impassively. Shinsou felt Kaminaris hand slip out of his grasp. Do you remember that girl with the ponytail whose girlfriend you tried to pick up at work?. ITS REALLY LOUD IN HERE, HUH? Dekus voice strained to be heard over the noise. He had been kind of hoping, but the guy was so difficult to figure out. Some people yelled extra loud today! Oh my god, I cant believe we actually pulled that off? ! he finally squeaked out. Shinsou, I will quite literally kick down this door. Shinsou could see that Kirishima and Sero were smiling and laughing at the spectacle while Bakugou was grinning maniacally and flipping Iida off. Aizawa let out a whisper of a chuckle. if you couldn't tell by now, this fic is written like a rom com and every great rom com has a musical number, it's the law. :)). Shinsou could see five figures moving onto the stage in the darkness and then a hush fell over the entire hall. The anxiety that had stained his vision all week was suddenly washed away. Hhhnnmmhmmghh, was the only response Kaminari could manage with his cheeks full of mochi. WHAT?, Sero grabbed his shoulders, pushing down to keep him from trying to stand. It wasnt like he couldnt text or call Kaminari after work in the privacy of his own home. You're illiterate now, too? he grunted out and then collapsed back onto Kirishima. Maybe we have a whole crew of backup dancers just waiting to go!. How?! Too good at it sometimes, remember? He instinctively shoved the remaining mochi into his mouth and whipped his head to the side in alarm, ready to find himself face to face with a murderous Bakugou. Its not that bad, Denki. You cant just blurt that shit out! Kaminari whisper-yelled in Seros ear. Mina cackled as she used her hands to smear the mess from her hands all over Urarakas face as the other girl squealed helplessly. Have ya been watching me, Shinsou? Kaminari waggled his eyebrows playfully. As he walked away, Kaminari chanced a quick look over his shoulder to confirm that everyone at the Dynamight Spice truck was distracted. At that moment, it struck him how easy it would be to fall in love with Kaminari, and that maybe he had already started his descent. Well props for making a genuine connection on there! Shinsou wasnt sure if he just wanted to sink into the floor or kick his family out and kiss Kaminari senseless. Sero Hanta [9:22am]: yeah prob, well alright text u l8r then, Ashido Mina [2:24pm]: DENKI R U AWAKE? Oh but by the way, just keep in mind were about to be busy again because Jirou asked Dynamight Spice to be one of the food vendors at her concert on Thursday., Kaminari sat up quickly. How dare she!. Kaminari froze with his phone in his hand, lips pressed tightly together to suppress the laughter. Shes making fun of you for being single, Todoroki supplied helpfully, causing everyone to turn towards him in shock. Promise itll change your life!. The surprise at seeing Shinsous smirk. Shinsou Hitoshi [5:40pm]: Nothing about this seems easy anymore. As soon as they left Kaminari let himself deflate, his cheerful energy dissolving like salt in water. Mina [2:50pm]: so dont u dare talk about my best friend like that >:( Just take the kids damn statements so we can leave!. So I see theres another food truck across the way, is it any good? he asked nonchalantly. Thanks dude, I feel much better, Kaminari replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. No, I did not shoot someone with confetti. Sore, but alright overall.. In his fear of saying too much, or of scaring Kaminari off, combined with his own guilt creeping up his throat, he had done something even worse. Kaminari stopped his pacing to plop himself onto the floor in awe. Hey! Maybe I should start my own count., Kaminari somehow blushed even harder. Sorry Shinsou! Check yes, JulietKill the limboI'll keep tossing rocks at your windowThere's no turning back for us tonight.. Works for me, he replied, smiling slightly at Kaminaris instant whoop of joy. Kaminari gestured lamely to the TV. I borrowed them from her. The door to the hospital room creaked open and a head of messy green curls peered around it. Shinsou could only nod along, body moving on autopilot as his eyes darted around searching for a flash of yellow. Are we racing someone?, Kaminari suddenly grabbed his hand tightly and victoriously raised their joined fists above them. After all the chaos and drama of the past month, a quiet night of just enjoying each others presence was exactly what he needed. Touche., Kaminari was about to throw more food but Shinsous hand suddenly gripped his shoulder, stopping the movement. This was hardly the time for that and he wouldnt be that reckless. Who raised you? Shinsou Hitoshi [11:14pm]: youre really not going to tell me? A wide smile was on his face and his eyes sparkled with joy, cheeks pink with excitement. Now he was standing in the Soba For All truck as it headed towards the concert venue that Urarakas friend was performing at and the knowledge that Dynamight Spice would be there too was both welcome and anxiety-inducing. Yeah, thanks for saying all that, uh, we forgive you of course and everything, right Hitoshi? Kaminari said quickly. Yeah, to tell him I love him, he whispered, despite it just being the two of them in the room. So there is truly nothing going on between you and Kaminari?, Shinsou forced his face to remain indifferent, slipping his hands into his pockets nonchalantly. And I dont know, but youre sure lucky to have me. To me, theyre just children fighting over the last golden star sticker from the kindergarten teacher, but its deeper than that to them, I suppose., Kaminari tilted his head, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Were almost out.. Youre just mad I got one before you! she yelled back, crossing her arms and sticking her tongue out at Shinsou. WE DID IT! Kaminari screamed happily and bumped fists with Sero before diving back into the hug. The stand was painted in a pretty turquoise color with a matching sign that read Fistful of Fries in yellow block letters. Shinsou blushed deeply at the sound of his name on Kaminaris lips, but didnt look away, only picked up the napkin that had fallen to the floor and held it up for Kaminari to see. Deku had joined Todoroki in his soba attack, somehow in the chaos running to his truck and back to return with a whole tupperware of noodles. Messy thoughts aside, he had to finish cleaning up and then figure out where he was going to loiter around until Deku and the others left with the truck. Dont stress about it, he said quietly. His mind has a vacation home in the gutter, okay? Kaminari cringed, throwing up two sheepish finger guns. Kaminari crouched down and pushed the leaves aside to reach inside his yellow backpack. I will do just that. For the first time in a while, the guilt he had been keeping buried underneath all the warm and fuzzy Shinsou-related emotions resurfaced, sending a cold shock through his body. Oh honey thats so excitin, Eri groaned and plopped back down into her seat. Were not in competition, Shinsou retorted dryly. Were going to work with it!. He wasnt sure if Shinsou felt the same, but that didnt really matter did it? Uraraka quickly hopped in alongside him. Yeah but how come Im Juliet? And not really my place to say. Are you ready? Eri asked seriously, completely ignoring Shinsous protests. Dont say it like that!, Kirishima clamped a hand over his mouth in shock as his eyes took in the scene. Sero looked cautiously interested while Mina was openly smirking with a devious glint in her eye. Can it have meat in it at least?, Bakugou leveled a bored glare at her. You should ask Deku about it after your shift, she said with a pointed look. But Denki, you told me he wasnt the guy you were crushing onyou lied?, Kaminari felt his heart plummet. Ashido Mina [9:33pm]: I HATE MEN. Yet, the similarities werent lost on him. The empty plastic cup that he had grabbed from a nearby table crunched under the pressure of Kaminaris tight grip. Shinsou turned to face him, smiling softly. Kaminari heard more than felt himself let out a choked sob. Todoroki Shoto [9:42am]: Do we think Shinsou is dead? Eri snorted. Oh! Shinsou worked through his lunch break, insisting upon it actually. Urarakas only response was to chuck a pillow at Jirous head, which bounced off harmlessly and fell onto the bed. Kaminari reared back, heart dropping through his chest and to the ground at the sight of Shinsous head dropping backwards with a light thud as his eyes closed shut. Seros eyes widened as he slowly dropped down to join the two sitting on the floor of the truck. You say that like its a bad thing, but look at what I built.. Youre doing it again, he said bluntly. Sohas Romeo finally returned?. Shinsou steeled himself for the confrontation, casually turning his head to give Todoroki a dry look. How is this your fault?. Kaminari didnt like her suddenly serious tone but he nodded for her to continue. Well, you better respond to him, Momo chided. Uh, I kinda had one more thing planned for Shinsou! Shinsou blinked. What? Your father might be currently blinded by protective rage but Im smarter than that.. But alsopainkillers!. I would stand if I could, but its an honor to meet you! Kaminari rambled on quickly as he wiped the pudding off his hand on his hospital gown before reaching his hand out. Felt his vision swim with tears and that persistent numb feeling that hed tried! The other end of the music to grab the cake the spectacle Bakugou..., Bakugou immediately shouted angrily from the heat of the large sectional I guess that would make more,... 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