The Community Skill Textbooks can be found while looting. It may already be too late. I love every kind of cat. I'm always watching for the next disaster. I always took the night watch in my last group. Didn't pay, but I worked up a good sweat every night. I always get rashes under my backpack straps if I let myself sweat too much. It took multiple surgeries just to get back to limping. You again? I stayed with him till the bitter end. My job is essentially herding cats. Hydroponics ends up essentially doing the same job as Gardening but on a bigger scale with the latter being more cost-effective if the player is dealing with a smaller community. I wish we had some of the bulletproof, UV-resistant glass I used to work with. In the first game, cars will break after you hit around three zombies in total. You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Fuel Trader). I spent my day dividing recyclables from garbage, because apparently, none of you could. A mix of drumming, dance, and improvised comdey. Why eat inside, when there's fresh air right outside your door? Quirk Skill Textbooks allow you to teach a Quirk Skill to one of your survivors if they don't have a 5th skill yet. I was pretty specialized, but engineering is engineering. I always slammed my eyes shut when my dad threw a ball to me. I worked for a real estate company, fixing problems for tenants at all their properties. Have you heard the one about the gorilla who couldn't tell time? I was trained to carefully defuse situations before anyone decided to start shooting. The entire company would fall apart if I looked away for a second. Can handle -60 morale without frustration. My parents used to tell me to stand up straight. I stood watch alone at a critical outpost for months. Not all paths are good choices though, with some giving little to no benefit at all and taking up valuable resources. I don't see what the problem is. I found this really nice katana sticking out of a zombie skull by the side of the road one time. Ive had trouble sleeping alone since my last group got attacked in the middle of the night. I was the best. I've got my pack perfectly arranged to allow maximum freedom of movement. Take a look. I doubt anyone is left alive there. When the camp got overrun, I think I was presumed dead. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Hygiene. I'm not saying I'm great. I went through a training regimen that prepared me to handle a lot of different physical tasks. I wasted my twenties, and bam, they were gone. I kept a few flowers along my driveway, and next to the porch. Yeah, I've heard all the jokes about how meny seconds we do it in. I mostly worked on big trucks and buses, but it's all the same, in principle. I've got that youthful exuberance that keeps me going all day! I can't stand to see something slip around here. Though not usually firsthand like this. It's not tipping I believe in. I'm really just in it for the telescopes. Ive had more friends with four legs than with two. But I knew how to use it! It's a constant siege, day in and day out. It takes work to get the right train onto the right track, facing the right direction. For example, specializing in Core Skills will give you epic combat moves you haven't seen before. People keep referring to the drinks I make them as "Molotovs" for some reason. I know just enough about cars to explain away their defects. We spent our first winter holed up in a barn. I'm ready to go right at the crack of dawn! This one ended my gymnastics career. Bad situations just disarm me, and I want to cower in a corner. You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Meds Trader). The Network is here to help get you what you need. Every day, out in front of the hardware store, hoping somebody needed a rough pair of hands. Come have a look at my photo album! My last group kept it mobile, driving from one place to the next in an old RV. They say I need to put my whole heart into fighting zombies but they look like people. If you're running low on ammo, I'm the person to talk to. Smell it. If you won't take care of your family, why are you even here? Every time I measure something, it comes out a different height, like I'm in a weird dimension. The difference between Agriculture and Gardening is just the 50% extra boost from seed sprinkling (1,5 Food), and the +1 Food when maxed out. Less anxiety about living to regret it, I guess. But that's how I like to work. Each trader has a type that determines what wares they will offer for trading. If you feel it, then I feel it too. It has a wide variety of benefits. I've been going through repair manuals for cars and appliances, picking up everything I can. Building upon either is a huge asset to the player's game experience. It's ephemeral, like life. You guys have never even seen real cold. I used to work in LA. Yeah, I did some time. Valve Corporation. Drop a like and subscribe.please.i asked nicely!! "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. The government airdropped supplies that kept us going for months! I'm always unsnapped and ready to go. I found this old MP3 player full of synthwave music. I'd buy them, gut them, and fix them up to sell. I didn't build the houses myself, but I had to know how they fit together. Those kids all ran me ragged. You can see these types with their usual wares listed below. In comparison, this life is better. There was a time when life was worth living. Feels like a lifetime ago. It's a public service. You call it "spying on employees," but I call it "ensuring compliance with company regulations.". I'm always the last one to get worn out after a hard day out in the field. I built myself up from nothing once; I can do it again. I'll lay down some beats, and the rest of you sing. Learned to shoot a gun, though. I used to fence left-handed to throw people off. Pizza John. I would have cleaned up on one of those reality shows. I cut the strap so quick, you don't even notice something's missing till I'm gone. I volunteer a lot in my old neighborhood, trying to help troubled kids do better than I did. Making coffee just paid the bills. I used to have a paper route as a kid. I was a small kid at a tough school, so I've definitely taken my share of hits. I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. I had examples from every era in American history, and I've fired every single one. Not a problem for me. I once held back my knife when a friend was turning, and it cost me several people. The ones who didn't aren't with us anymore. Most of the Traits also have a Hero Bonus tied to it, determining which Hero Bonuses your survivor can get upon generation. I've really stopped thinking of things as being "mine" anymore. I once literally risked my life because a puppy was in danger. I can build anything you want. Not just lichen, but mushrooms and other organisms we can use for medication. We made an insulating material for next-gen space suits. Gut Packing is a Red Talon Quirk Skill. We're all friends here, right? I had a punching bag in my garage. Never did anything harder. I thought it was my claim to fame, and it was for fifteen minutes. People have a thing for bears. I always felt like I could see every side of an issue. Where are you going? I had to learn to cook, because no restaurants in America make my food as hot as I want it. You don't see a lot of kids out here. You always have to go in with a plan, even if you know you're going to change it. The Pharmacology route provides better medication and pain killers while improving your infirmary. I didnt say I was good at it. I took a year off before the outbreak. Somehow I keep going. My bedroom wall was covered with swords. I can't stand there cooling my heels when shit is going down. I'm always up late doing other people's work for them, and what do any of them do for me? Let me tell you the joys of remodeling your own home. I once jumped from a balcony, hit the trampoline, then did a backflip into the neighbor's pool. I never thought I'd be on the front line. Look it's not my fault my job didn't get done! Living in close quarters with other people is tough. Why would I need training? Somebody else should be here, not me. I don't need to go out scavenging if you'd rather go. Why go around something when you can go through it? How can we call this living, if we aren't even eating? Some people just seem put off by me, and I cannot figure out why. Every month, my friends brought their Xboxes to my house for some local eight-player Gears. No job, no family, nobody to hassle me. I love cats. I walked a different way home every day, and found my way onto every rooftop. I didn't raise a little hell. It was nice to be there when they needed me. There weren't a lot of other options. If you want high leaps, steady balance, and a good grip, then you want to learn ballet. Especially now that epinephrine is so rare. I was the only one in the building who knew how to use the projector in the conference room. Some people have trouble sleeping these days, but I never feel alone when I'm in bed. I did all the demolition work myself. It's like I want to end up dead and alone. I go out, I risk my life, and once I get safe inside, all I want to do is go out again. A character's progress towards the next level is indicated by a small EXP bar below the skill. I planned to inherit the family farm, but when the hordes arrived, we all had to clear out. Only real chance to be alone with my thoughts. I drove the bulldozer that cleared the intake zone so that folks could dump more garbage. Manuals do exactly that, you change your basic trees to any of the 4 options, even if that character didn't have them available. One of my passengers died when I crashed the bus. It's not that I like cars more than people. I've always been a bit big-boned. Driving Skills in State of Decay 2. We're all better off if I can find a way to contribute while sitting down. You should see some of the treasures I found over the years. Do you like citrus or cinnamon? I don't really need as much sleep as other people. There's also a unique Textbook called Copy of The Knowledge, by Lewis Dartnell. The survivor must have their core skill specialized to be able to use the manual. The game will mark 3 possible locations for you. No trace. I just can't seem to get to sleep at night. Wearing all black, I could blend into the stage so well, my work looked like it was magic. I've spent my carrier surrounded by the dying, but nothing prepares you for the way we live now. We believed in defending our freedom against all comers, but zombies were not on the list. You have to have a precise ear for pitch, and the ability to direct other people. I could march all day carrying a sousaphone, and you wouldn't hear me complain. Everyone had to upgrade their locks and alarms. Some folks used to call it trespassing. Underwater Basket Weaving was worth an elective credit. I guess it still is. I was never really good at following orders. Whatever caught my fancy, I learned to make it, and then sold it. In This Video I will be explaining what a lot of the unpopular 5th skills in the game do. Then the dead killed the survivors. The core skills affect the survivors' stats and survival abilities out in the open world, while the skills in the fifthslot may benefit only the survivor, the whole community or both. It's not as easy as it sounds. I cant stand around in a pack all day, or my neck really starts to hurt. Trait: Sleep anywhere - No bed needed. We couldn't sell it until a professional replaced it. I was the one to gave up a career to take care of the kids. Never again. In my neighborhood, every driveway had some old beater that the owner was fixing up. I don't know what the deal is, I just make it up as I go. Missed my shot, I guess. The rarest skill to roll for and the renowned best one-star skill in the game, Lichenology comes in handy for many different reasons. I'm kind of embarrassed when people find out how much money I inherited. Of course I've been stung. Any achievement takes hard work and consistency. I worked at an auto detailer, doing scheduled maintenance and minor repairs. We all got weapons training before filming began. These traders are accompanied by another Network member. Aside from me, of course. Is your fuel reserve running low? I was actually teaching a wilderness survival class when the outbreak hit. All of this stuff has deep emotional value to me. Dogs, man. I could not have been more ready for this. I love to dance, but there aren't a lot of great partners left anymore. Wandering Traders are people traveling around, offering goods for sale. My job was to help high school students figure out their futures. Every sport, that is. Once I lasted three years alone on an island. Moving supplies across the frontier meant somebody had to learn how to keep the engines turning. I can track it down. They had me running supplies to the refugee camps. Have you ever read any Butler? I could always do a stunt on the first try, or gross people out by contorting my joints. They just loved each other so much. Honestly, it's the sounds of the game that I miss, more than even the game itself. I've tried everything. I had to move from the manufacturing industry over to the service side, because economics. Firing a gun is just awful for me. Wasted. Remember when we blew stuff up just for entertainment? We kept it running for a long time. They only come randomly. I always had to carry extra supplies for the tourists who thought it would be easy. 2 Trumbull Trader 3 Mysterious Wandering Traders 4 Rare Skills Traders Wandering Traders Wandering Traders will stick around for 30 minutes after they appear. Getting certified meant I had to take courses in emergency first aid and CPR. Physical stuff always came easily to me. I can identify what brand of pepper spray you use from thirty yards away. I clean up every mess I see, like it's a compulsion. Look, I can handle a lot of things, right? All Survivors possess four basic skills: Cardio, Fighting, Shooting, and Wits (survivors with certain traits will possess additional skills). After my book came out, I spent a few years on the lecture circuit. You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Materials Trader). Those climbing walls at the gym are child's play. I learned at an early age that nothing was more fun than making stuff with my own two hands. My family had a tetherball until I finally hit it into the neighbors' swimming pool. I had to keep a shotgun. Food just tastes better if you canned it yourself. I didn't even have a car for years. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Shopping. Maybe the zombies are trying to kill you, but the trees and flowers are trying to kill me. You've got to know all the other jobs, too. One for you, three for me. You've got to relearn everything from scratch. I might be able to catch us some food, if we can find any water that isn't full of corpses. Theres a special kind of talent that goes into brewing a really good beer. I've got something that will chill you all right out. I think there's something wrong. Look, someone has to be in charge. There wasn't much to do back home besides stripping my gun blindfolded again and again. Any closer and I lose it. Yeah, I was one of those kids. Really good lung capacity, apparently. For a while, its all I could get. I could always throw further and hit harder than the other kids in school. It didn't matter who was playing or even what they were playing. When the zombies showed up, I was pumped and ready to go. Friends called me enthusiastic. They take me more seriously that way. I was always jealous of the guy selling the RC helicopters. I know just enough about politics to get into an argument with you on your doorstep. You never quite know what I might pull out of my sleeve. It drives me crazy. I can't feel my hands, but it was pretty cool. I have a supplier with a line on some interesting equipment. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Scrum Certification. The downside though is that they also don't seems to have many traits. I hope she's all right, I lost track. Instead you can check it in advance by reading the Wandering Trader mission's objective. A unique Textbook called Copy of the game will mark 3 possible locations for you there was a when. 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