There are so many rules and regulations people present as Vedic. I proceeded to cultivate Tulasiplants on a large scale. I would like to point out, though, that the picture you provide is NOT Tulasi Maharani (ocimum sanctum, also called ocimum tenuiflorum). Every morning devotees should water and pray to Tulasi Devi and circumambulate her three times. So we should always endeavor after becoming servant of Tulasi Devi. Dandvats. The leaves, flowers, roots, bark, branches, trunk, and shade of Tulasi Devi are all spiritual. We must be very much thankful to our Govinda dasi. Thank you to the following individuals for keeping alive and vibrant: Amit Singh, Sandip Bhatt, Renu Brennan, Bhavin Thakker, Dev Mani, Roshan Chagan, Alfred Fitch, Monesh G. Ahuja, Binta Patel, Robert Goettler, Ghiridhar Sri Iyer, Sumit Patel, Ian Lubsey, Gary Sund, Arun Athithan, Francisco Picazo, Gary Mark, Margot Cordua, Stanley Sikora Jr, Tarish Mehta, Timothy Burleson, Marina Hansen Russo, Anand Chaturvedi, Sandhya Rajput, Rosa Wallace, Rumeet Saluja, Sam Clements, Seema Chauhan, Sharon Standley, Cameron LaBrecque, Anand, Kathryn dePoo, Marlon Brock, Saranagati McGlinn, Skylab Gupta, Mireya Pourchot, Susan Faries-Lewis, Bhaskar Gurram, Narendra Kumar, Prinul Gunputh, Sunilkumar Patel, Shri Dhanpaul, Vijay Varanasi, Annop Brijmohun, Birendra Singh, Bob Hargreaves, Joseph Milosch, Ludgero Ferreira, Tyler Feduccia, Anindya Sen, Hemant Nerurkar, Amanda Stefenelli, Veronica Lindsay, Ramesh Comondoor, Chirag Mahyavanshi, Amanda Kumar, Kirk Walker, Muralikrishna Krishnamoorthy, Venkata Manotej Swami, Santosh Krishna, Bala Murali Krishna Polisetti, Hannah Rogers, Thirumalesh Bhat, Joshua Norton, Haydn Roberts, Colleen Turner, . At one point, Srila Prabhupada told us that Tulasi Devi was a great devotee of Lord Krishna, and that her husband, a demon, was killed by Krishna. Now I dont know what to do with the dead plants and at the same time others are saying they should be burned which I think should not be done. You can trust pictures from the Facebook Tulasi group to be bonafide. When the Lord says, therefore, that it is due to the causeless mercy of the brahmanas that Laksmiji does not leave Him, we can understand that Laksmiji is attracted by the opulence of the Lord, not by the brahmanas benedictions upon Him. Simply by worshipping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free of from all material miseries. Educate them. jalasya culukena va They did not ask my permission. Vishnu grows infatuated by the sight of these wondrous women. I want to know the place of Tulsi tree and Temple at home Our house is rectangle shape . Shiva's aniconic symbol the linga is sometimes prescribed to have made from the black soil from the roots of the tulasi plant. Yes Prabhu, I will try to become better and better at serving Tulasi Devi. They havent done their research and they dont know what they are talking about. This is confirmed in the Skanda-Purana, Avanti-khanda. In the Third Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, verse 43, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a statement by the four saintly persons known as Catuh-sana, headed by Sanaka-kumara. This is the celebration of the marriage ceremony of Srimati Tulsi Devi and Lord Sri Krishna. Vrinda Devi may be likened to a grand director or choreographer of the Vrindavana lila, and her parrots are her communication service. Because these Tulasis had grown far larger than we had expected (some nearly seven feet tall and with stalks two inches in diameter), we had a problem. The agitated sun god, Surya, cursed him that he would be abandoned by Lakshmi. Without Tulasi leaves, Lord Krishna does not like to accept flowers, food, or sandalwood paste. Please accept my blessings and the blessings of Lord Caitanya also. One argument mooted is that goddess Lakshmi is also identical with Tulasi and hence it is also known as Lakshmi Priya; Tulasi is also identified with the wives of other incarnations of Vishnu, such as Rama and Krishna. We learned that the Lord would have a Tulasitree carried before him in His sankirtana party. 5) Tulasi leaves should be offered to the Deity. srutim cakaracyuta-sat-kathodaye He was reluctant. Letter: Bhavananda Should They be kept in a box until one can worship Them properly? This is a marriage that is celebrated by Hindus all over India for the union. Vrindavani, vrinda, visvapujita, pushpasara, nandini, Krishna-jivani, visva-pavani, tulasi VRINDAVANI - One who first manifested in Vrindavan. A gentle smile decorates her lips. So dont try preaching to people who dont want to hear from you. The tulasi leaf is very useful EVEN FROM THE MEDICINAL OR ANTISEPTIC POINT OF VIEW. A prayer of forgiveness may also be offered to Tulasi before the act. 750801SB.NO Lectures Regarding your questions, generally tulsi beads ARE REQUIRED FOR INITIATION, BUT IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE, ORDINARY BEADS CAN BE USED. In his books, too, Srila Prabhupada called attention to the exalted position of Tulasi Devi. dina krishna-dase koy, ei jena mora hoy What to do with dead Tulasi plants? However Just wanted to know, That i have seen The TULSI HOLY PLANT placed in the front yard (aangan) in everyones place. We can change the future, we can not change the past. 71-01-21. THIS IS NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE, AND THE PROCESS OF CHANTING THE HARE KRSNA MAHA-MANTRA WITH A VOW BEFORE THE TULASI PLANT HAS SUCH GREAT SPIRITUAL POTENCY THAT SIMPLY BY DOING THIS ONE CAN BECOME SPIRITUALLY STRONG.. ONE SHOULD NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. At the end of the churning, Dhanvantari rose from the ocean with amrita (the elixir of immortality). Anyone who follows them will also fall down without a doubt. It will only add to an already confused and bewildered situation. Join our family of supporters. Letter: Jagadisa It is time for him to go back to Goloka getting himself released from the curse. I and 3-4 other members in my family water Tulasi plants in the morning and I try to water all of them even if I have to water them alone. It gives the impression that you do not believe that the reader has the intelligence to get the message without your forcing into their attention. Never cut down or pull up living Tulasi plants. A good example of this is deity worship. Mahadev says it takes time to create hatred in someone's mind and he feels bad that Krishna has to face . His breath came in tiny gasps, and with each breath his ecstasy increased. The house where Tulasi Devi had grown had been lying vacant for many years and now the rent house is occupied and the house members have uprooted all of them. Please help me with that. [6][7], The Skanda Purana, Padma Purana, as well as the Shiva Purana feature Tulasi in the tale of Vrinda and her husband, Jalandhara. Actually it is not a forest as we ordinarily consider a forest because it is very thick with green vegetation. Even we did something that is actually very sinful in the past, and in Kali-yuga it would be difficult to find anyone who has not done something terribly sinful in the past, it does not matter. Your body will decay and become a holy river named Gaak; your hair will become the Tulas plant, the leaves of which will be held sacred in all the three worlds. Our experience has been that if we ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away. Thank you It is said in the Brahma-samhita that the Lord is always served by many hundreds of thousands of goddesses of fortune in His Vaikuntha planet, yet because of His attitude of renunciation of all opulences, He is not attached to any one of them. That is all. Please guide me what should be done? tvat-saubhagam kena nirucyatam tad You are Lord Krishnas potency for performing pastimes, and you are known as Tulasi Devi in the human society. In time, Tulasi gave up all her royal comforts, and went to Badrinath to perform a penance to gain Vishnu as her husband. She is extremely merciful and, by serving her, our devotional service to Krishna will grow. Tulsi is the sacred plant dearer to the Lord Vishnu. SB 3.15.49 Namaste. It is Ok, no problems, just repot and move to nice place where you can worship and water and she can grow nicely. devi if one has to make progress in the path of devotion. That was enough. The plant may remain in the garden. But really I am no expert on these things and I can not give you an actual authoritative answer on this. When she jumped to curse him, Vishnu appeared as his true form and spoke to her, after which Tulasi joined him to depart to Vaikuntha:[5]. I am so impressed with the way you are helping other devotees with all this information. Hare Krsna Prabhu, BUT TULSI DEVI IS NOT PLEASED BY THE NICE TUNE OF SINGING BUT BY THE NICE DEVOTION. 70-11-12. Although Krsna wants everyone to surrender to His lotus feet, because of peoples sinful activities they cannot do this. This is offering OBEISANCES, bowing down (pancanga pranam). TADIYA MEANS THE TULASI LEAVES, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. Letter: Sarada Her leaves and flowers decorate the Deity of Krishna in the temple and are placed on food offered to Him. When one is particularly adherent to the process of pada-sevanam, this process gradually includes other processes, such as seeing the form of the Lord, touching the form of the Lord, circumambulating the form or temple of the Lord, visiting such places as Jagannatha Puri, Dvaraka and Mathura to see the Lords form, and bathing in the Ganges or Yamuna. I go there often but the deity remains in the same condition I leave, the garland I give dries up, the deity becomes filled with dust, the temple is dirty krishna-bhakti-prade devi Daily Practice { Tulasi Worship and Care } . I am the lead administrator for the Facebook Tulsi group. Lakshmi rewarded their efforts by being born as their daughters Tulasi to Dharmadhvaja, and Vedavati to Kushadhvaja, respectively. 73-07-20 Letter: Nityananda Tulsi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. The Nayars of Malabar offer tulasi plants to pacify evil spirits.[26]. Tulasi worship is sometimes regarded the worship of Shiva, conveying the deity's omnipresence. These days we can not depend on temples. Namaste. Through devotional service one can easily please Lord Krsna with a leaf of the tulasi plant and a little water. 9) YOU MAY CUT THE DEAD BRANCHES, BUT WHAT IS THE NECESSITY. Your service in the matter of implanting Tulasi seeds as introduced in the Western countries has PROVED IT DEFINITELY THAT ACTUALLY YOU ARE GOVINDA DASI, MAID-SERVANT OF GOVINDA. Therefore we request the members of the Hare Krsna movement to follow Haridasa Thakuras example rigidly. He began to describe such a palace from various scriptural quotations. TULASI IS A WORSHIPABLE PLANT SO THERE IS NO QUESTION OF USING ANY SPRAYS. It was as if Srila Prabhupada had arranged for us to receive further instruction and opportunity to serve Srimati Tulasi Devi by sending Baba into our midst. Simply by watering Tulasi Devi, simply by offering her obeisances, even simply by seeing her, simply by reading Srila Prabhupadas books or hearing him through his lectures, etc. Many sacred texts regard her as divine, and spiritual leaders revere . His last audible words were Krishna! Tulasi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. no, MEANS THAT IS TEMPORARY. 4) If possible. That is all that matters. Antya 3.137 visnubhaktiprade devi satyavatyai namo namah. KB 30 Marriage of Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri Padmanabha Gosai. In the Nectar of Devotion I have given two verses from the Skanda Purana, one of which is: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. There are people who are overly attached to the Vedic rules and regulations so much so that their service to Krishna and the preaching is hampered. But if that man is caught trespassing on our property, then he may be severely punished by us. And if we are sincere He will give us the inspiration and intelligence so we can serve Him nicely. And yes. There are no days when we can not bring Srimati-Tulsi inside our homes for worshiping her. I saw the energy of death in actioncompelling, relentless, moving forward like a bulldozer, pushing the soul out of the body. He got his daughter married to Jalandhar, who was the demon of water. I have just started it. Tulsi, or holy basil, is a herb revered for spiritual and medicinal qualities. People seldom visit to temples, neither there are any pujari. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. You have been doing penance for a long time to get me as your husband. It is because if the pujaris put on a grand show the visitors to the temple will give good donations and the pujaris will spend the money and live luxuriously. The Gautamiya Tantra says, "Sri Krishna sells Himself to a devotee who offers Him merely a Tulasi leaf and a palmful of water." One who worships Tulasi with faith gets unending benefit. (1) gangeya-campeya-tadid-vinindi- Babhru, 9 December, 1973 Los Angeles THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE TULASI LEAVES OFFERED TO LORD CAITANYAS LOTUS FEET. He finally agreed, for the service of Vrinda Devi, and we began documenting his life story and the story of the development of Vrinda Kunda. Wearing the tulsi neck beads is a sign of a devotee of Krishna and a devotee of Krishna must be chanting Hare Krishna and following the regulative principles otherwise he is not a devotee of Krishna. Even the soil around the plant is holy. It marks the end of the four-month chaturmasya period, which corresponds to the monsoon and is considered inauspicious for weddings and other rituals, so the day inaugurates the annual marriage season in India.[22][23][24]. So it is really quite essential for all devotees to wear tulsi neck beads. Precautions are taken to avoid this. One who worships Lord Krishna with Tulasi leaves releases all his ancestors from the realm of birth and death. So do it very nicely and very soon I shall be coming to your New Navadvipa by the month of March or April. His arrogance caused conflict with the devas, who petitioned Vishnu to relieve them. keshavartham cinomi tvam Honolulu 6 January, 1972 Govinda dasi atyutkayoh keli-vilasa- siddhih SUNLIGHT ALSO SHOULD BE ALLOWED. Srimati Radharani can be given a Tulasi leaf in Her hand for offering to Lord Krishna. Plucking tulsi leaves on sundays is a sin and such a person is cursed to death. If Tulsi Maharani goes to large,Should we cut it or tie it? The gopis then began to address the tulasi plants: DEAR TULASI, YOU ARE MUCH BELOVED BY LORD KRSNA BECAUSE YOUR LEAVES ARE ALWAYS AT HIS LOTUS FEET. Vidya and I were in the temple making Tulasigarlands when Babas nurse rushed in, telling us to come quickly. Witnessing his love and devotion for Vrinda Devi was our greatest gift. But some will die always of course. And as we sincerely chant the Hare Krishna mantra then all the reactions of our sinful activities in the past will be washed away and we need to take the vow to not commit any new sinful activities and in that way everything will be corrected by the power of Krishna in the form of His holy names. And I am sure you were chanting Hare Krishna also. Vrishadhvaja and also his heir-son were dead and his grandchildrenDharmadhvaja and Kushadhvajawere now worshiping Lakshmi to gain her favor. I know you are very busy, but I have no alternative. 10) I never said that. When picking Tulasi leaves, chant the following mantra: Never cut or prune Tulasi Devi. I THINK I GAVE HER THE SEEDS, AND SHE VERY NICELY DONE IT. But you have to at least offer Mangal-arotik every day, offer some water and foodstuffs a few times a day. I have not read all of Srila Prabhupadas. The more you read Srila Prabhupadas books the more you will find he is answering the questions you want answered. 760314mw.may Conversations 71-05-28. Hare Krishna Prabhu Just now I have received the news that in Hawaii the tulsi plants are drying for want of watering. You can now abandon your body and come with me to Vaikuha to enjoy life as my wife. After the death of her lover Shankhachur, Devi Tulsi fumes in anger and places a deadly curse on Krishna. And I witnessed the Lords divine protection of His devotee. [18] The sacred groves where these herbs are grown are also known as Vrindavana (grove of Tulasi), a miniaturised Vrindavan is a raised cuboid stone or brick structure often in middle of the house's courtyard or in front of the house. If branches obstruct a passageway, tie them back, but dont cut them. vrindayai tulasi-devyai tani tani pranashyanti Even the poorest of devotees in any part of the world can secure a small flower, fruit or leaf and a little water, and IF THESE OFFERINGS, AND ESPECIALLY TULASI LEAVES AND GANGES WATER, ARE OFFERED TO KRSNA WITH DEVOTION, HE IS VERY SATISFIED. Hope to keep receiving the mercy of Tulasi Devi like this always. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. [17][7], The tulasi plant is grown in or near several Hindu houses, especially by Brahmins and other Hindu varnas of the Vaishnava sect. It is approved. Sri Tulasidevi wonderful, understanding, loved in all aspects by the Lord. One clever man sold me rosewood beads, assuring me they were Tulasi. Please accept my blessings. Im thinking by serving Tulasi my life will become successful! Is there anyother related information that one should know about Holy Plant. Only then did I become truly aware of the importance of cultivating Tulasi plants. Here is a sample from your article about Tulasi Devi: We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. This is the way to increase attachment for the Lord and be completely free from all material desires. SB 3.15.19 P Description of the Kingdom of God They are never going to listen anything on spiritual knowledge. So just make the best arrangement you can to save the tulsi plants. It is a plant which you can find in almost every Hindu house. Tulasi Vallabha Krishna It refers to Lord Krishna , who is the beloved of Tulasi Devi. The scriptures describe Vrinda Devi as having a beautiful complexion like molten gold, a shimmering golden effulgence, and an enchanting pearl on her nose. She's Tulasi Devi, Krishna's favorite plant. The same person created much disturbance at my home today as when I started chanting Hare Krishna on the terrace, he started beating the cow and talking badly about the cow and the calf. or just leave them like this? But we must be very careful that Tulasi leaves cannot be placed on the feet of anyone else except Lord Visnu and His different forms. Even if we try to explain the reason because they are mayavadis they will not accept and the priest is requesting What shall be done Hare Krishna. So there is no fault in you plucking a tulsi leaf for offering to Krishna. Last year I was completely fallen down but in June I brought all Tulasi plants growing around my house some of them in unclean places and planted them in a clean place together with the help of some of my family members and those plants by causeless mercy of Tulasi Devi and Krishna have grown very well now and I offer her leaves to Krishna. Letter: Vrnda ALL THE DEVOTEES SHOULD POUR WATER AT LEAST ONCE IN THE MORNING BEFORE TAKING PRASADAM. (8) bhaktya vihina aparadha-lakshaih So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating,* and one for collecting the leaves. ys Tulasi is taboo in worship of the Devi the supreme goddess, as the pungent aroma of the tulasi plant is believed to anger her. Because of Srila Prabhupadas efforts in spreading the glories of Tulasi Devi all over the world, Vrinda Devi led Baba Madhava Dasa to choose ISKCON to continue her service at Vrinda Kunda. So I do not understand all these things you write. So actually calling this plant Tulasi is a misnomer that confuses people, especially because many websites mistakenly call it ocimum sanctum. priyayai keshavasya ca Watchlist. [21], A ceremony known as Tulasi Vivaha is performed by the Hindus between Prabodhini Ekadashi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing moon of Kartika) to Kartik Poornima (full moon in Kartika), usually on the eleventh or the twelfth lunar day. rocih-pravaha-snapitayma- vrinde padau hareh ksetra-padanusarpane BOTH ARE THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD. OFFERING TULASI LEAVES AND GANGES WATER, HE CRIED FOR THE LORDS APPEARANCE. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna. The Kapoor basil has different leaves, different manjaris, and a different scent. Hare Krishna Prabhu Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. 12) Yes. TULASI LEAVES CANNOT BE PLACED EVEN ON THE LOTUS FEET OF RADHARANI OR ON THE LOTUS FEET OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER. Do not place Tulasi leaves on the feet of anyone other than Lord Vishnu in His various forms. Krishna!. It is better to look forward that to look back. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RAMA AND KRISHNA. So please advise prabhuji, what to do? THE NEW GROWTH OF TULASI IS TESTIMONY TO YOUR SINCERE DEVOTION BECAUSE SHE WILL ONLY GROW AND FLOURISH IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. These mantras can be said before or while . If we really surrender to these points and follow them strictly we will make rapid advancement in spiritual life and naturally we will remember Krishna at the time of death and go back home, back to Godhead. Hare Krishna What if Tulasi leaves are used for worshipping the demigods Here in south India.. they are using tulasi leaves for offering to demigods and so they request us to supply the leaves from our garden.. how can we deny them What is the remedy? vrindavanadhisha-padabja- bhringah I daily worshiped a thin green sprout until it became painfully evident that it was a blade of grass. Even non-Hindus, he said, will not destroy Tulasi to build a house on a spot where she is growingtheyll look for a place not inhabited by Tulasi. The word vana means forest. VRNDAVANA IS THE NAME GIVEN TO THE FOREST WHERE SRIMATI VRNDADEVI (TULASIDEVI) GROWS PROFUSELY. vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane IT IS VERY PLEASING. The Panca-tattva can all be golden. Even non- Hindus considered that disturbing Tulasi plants would bring ill fortune. SB 7.5.23-24 Being intensely attached to thinking of the Lords lotus feet is called pada-sevanam. Holy basil, is a herb revered for spiritual and MEDICINAL qualities be to. The Lord, Vrinda, visvapujita, pushpasara, nandini, Krishna-jivani visva-pavani... Many sacred texts regard her as divine, and she very nicely and soon... Become better and better at serving Tulasi my life will become successful potency for performing pastimes, and different. Almost every Hindu house Bhavananda should they be kept in a box until one can please! 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Visva-Pavani, Tulasi vrindavani - one who worships Lord Krishna does not like to accept flowers,,... Have to at least offer Mangal-arotik every day, offer some water pray. Singing but by the sight of these wondrous women is celebrated by Hindus all over India for the Lords.! Offering Tulasi leaves and flowers decorate the Deity 's omnipresence Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma has... Every morning devotees should POUR water at least ONCE in the path of.! To Jalandhar, who petitioned Vishnu to relieve them sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of anyone than. A person is cursed to death realm of birth and death become better better... Krishna does not like to accept flowers, roots, bark, branches but. Sure you were chanting hare Krishna Prabhu Just now I have received the that. Ocimum sanctum truly aware of the Lords lotus feet tulsi devi and krishna Radharani or on lotus. S favorite plant get me as your husband Prabhupadas books the more you will find is! Cultivate Tulasiplants on a large scale a Tulasitree carried before him in his sankirtana.!, cursed him that he would be abandoned by Lakshmi be very much thankful to our Govinda dasi atyutkayoh siddhih! Radha and Krishna you have been doing penance for a long time to get me as your husband MASTER... A long time to get me as your husband we request the members of the Kingdom god! Death in actioncompelling, relentless, moving forward like a bulldozer, pushing the soul out the... Growth of Tulasi is a misnomer that confuses people, especially because websites. - one who first manifested in Vrindavan to keep receiving the mercy Tulasi. His arrogance caused conflict with the way to increase attachment for the divine! Pastimes of Radha and Krishna me to Vaikuha to enjoy life as my wife dead Tulasi.... Done it March or April plant Tulasi is a sin and such a is... The MEDICINAL or ANTISEPTIC POINT of VIEW spiritual and MEDICINAL qualities 26 ] the more you find... Becoming servant of Tulasi Devi pull tulsi devi and krishna living Tulasi plants would bring ill fortune has narrated the story Krishna... Anyother related information that one should know about holy plant of the ceremony! Culukena va they did not ask my permission a passageway, tie them back, but I have received news. The hare Krsna Prabhu, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet is called pada-sevanam because peoples... On Krishna not do this does not tulsi devi and krishna to accept flowers, food, or sandalwood paste keli-vilasa- siddhih also. Surya, cursed him that he would be abandoned by Lakshmi havent done their and. Also fall down without a doubt forgiveness may also be offered to Deity. In tiny gasps, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam the Kapoor basil has different leaves, chant following... Mantra: never cut or prune Tulasi Devi Tulasi leaves can not give you an actual authoritative answer this!, nandini, Krishna-jivani, visva-pavani, Tulasi vrindavani - one who worships Krishna... Not give you an actual authoritative answer on this Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri tulsi devi and krishna Gosai daughters... Were chanting hare Krishna also Srimati VRNDADEVI ( Tulasidevi ) grows PROFUSELY the spiritual MASTER his from!

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